What should be in the refrigerator for different zodiac signs

"Astrology4person" has figured out how you can harmonize your menu if you take into account the opinion of the stars. How many diets in the world do you think have already been invented? One American magazine has estimated that about 30 thousand. And their number is growing - every season something new and terribly fashionable is invented. One of these new products is nutrition according to your zodiac sign. Strictly speaking, this is not a diet at all, but rather a list of recommendations that can help you make your daily diet more balanced and healthy. But some habits, according to astrologers, are more formed under the influence of the stars than the environment in which a person grew up. Moreover, some foods may - again due to the stellar influence - be more beneficial for you. ---- How Aries eat: they prefer fast food places, and at home they often cook something in a hurry, without really bothering. It is better not to give all sorts of small snacks...