How to get rid of headaches in 5 minutes without pills

acupressure points

When the head splits, and there are no pills at hand, the situation seems hopeless. In vain. The Chinese have been getting rid of pain for 5 thousand years with the help of a special acupressure acupressure. What…

What is acupressure

Acupressure massage, came from ancient China. The essence of the effect on special "meridians" are invisible lines that pass through the human body. The points on these meridians are several hundred. Each is responsible for a specific function of the body.

Massage does not require special medical knowledge. It is relatively painless and uncomplicated. And it does work.

How to massage acupressure points

  • Take a comfortable position: sit or lie on your back, relax. If possible, get rid of external stimuli, put on headphones, turn on quiet music, turn off the phone.
  • Find the active point on the body: look where it is located in the picture, and start probing the skin. The desired place will respond to pressing a pain signal.
  • Massage the point with pressure or circular motions. The headache will disappear or during a massage, or 10-15 minutes after.

The Chinese influence the active points in three ways:

  • With acute headache or first experience, acupressure is a light circular motion of the index finger for 1-5 minutes.
  • In chronic diseases - pressing the middle force with a thumb or index finger for 30 seconds.
  • If acupressure is not for you a novelty, you can strongly push on points with your thumb or knuckles for 3-5 minutes.
If necessary, massage can be done several times a day. Stimulation of most acupressure points is available to everyone and has no contraindications.

合谷 - points He-Gu

合谷 - points He-Gu
  • Located on the back of both hands between the thumb and forefinger. 
  • To find a point, connect these fingers: in the desired place, a bulge is formed.
  • In Chinese medicine the he-go points are universal: they are used when the head or teeth hurts, when it is necessary to concentrate or with slight malaise. 
  • The only contraindication is late pregnancy: stimulation can provoke premature contractions.
  • He-gu massaged with the thumb and forefinger of the opposite hand, pinching his palm.

印堂 - point of Yin-Tan

印堂 - point of Yin-Tan

  • The acupressure point of the third eye has always been given special attention, in ancient times it even predicted fate. 
  • To find this point is simple: it is on the bridge of the nose.
  • Yin-tan is stimulated not only with headache, but also with eye fatigue, digestive disorders and peptic ulcer. 
  • It is massaged with the forefinger, thumb or knuckles.

攢 竹 - points of Tsuan Zhu

point tsuan-zhu

  • The points are located symmetrically at the base of the eyebrows. 
  • They can be stimulated if you have a headache (especially in the nape of the neck), insomnia, runny nose or tired eyes.
  • Tsuan-chu is massaged simultaneously with both hands.

巨 髎 - points of Ju-Liao

point ju-liao

  • To find ju-liao, grope for the groove in the lower part of the cheek on the line of the pupils.
  • If you feel the upper gum with pressure, everything is right.
  • Ju-liao is stimulated simultaneously by the index or thumbs of both hands.
  •  A couple of minutes of massage will relieve tension and fatigue, fever (sensations, like with a beginning cold) and will ease dental and headaches.

天柱 - Tian-Chu points

 points Tien-zhu

  • The head often heavy after a long sitting at the computer in the pose of a question mark. 
  • When the cervical vertebrae are in the wrong position, the muscles have to strain. 
  • Stress relief is assisted by stimulation of tian-zhu points in the upper part of the neck, about a centimeter from the spine.
  • Ideally, these points should be massed lying on the back and supporting the neck from behind with both hands. 
  • But in the office, it's possible. 
  • Lean back and properly crush your neck. 
  • Then press down on Tien-zhu for a few minutes, 
  • relax a little with your eyes closed and start working with new forces.

太沖 - Tai Chun points

points tai chun

  • Tai Chun can be found in the cavity between the thumb and forefinger.
  •  Stimulation of the points will relieve the headache, aches in the feet and even a hangover.
  • You can massage tai chun with your hands, but there is a simpler option.
  •  Throw off the shoes and with the heel of one foot press on the foot of the second.
  • Then change your legs and repeat the procedure.


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