Banana Tea for Fruits and Flowers

Banana tea is a natural fertilizer that can be easily made at home.
Banana tea is a natural fertilizer that can be easily made at home.

Banana is rich in potassium, which our body needs. And potassium is contained not only in the fruit, but also in its skin. Therefore, if your house has flowers, and in the garden - fruit-berries, banana peel is not thrown away, but use it for fertilizing.

  • Potassium helps plants to bloom longer and brighter, 
  • and fruits and berries, rich in potassium, are much sweeter and more useful, 
  • and also stored longer. 
  • Potassium improves the size, color and content of sugar in the fruit. 
  • It helps bulbs, tubers, rhizomes and seeds to accumulate supplies.

Preparation of banana tea

  • You need four banana peels, 
  • 1 liter of water. 

  • Cut the peel into pieces, 
  • drop into the water 
  • and boil for 15 minutes. 
  • Then let cool, 
  • strain, 
  • dilute the finished banana tea with three liters of water and water your plants. 
  • For 0.5 liter pot enough for 50 ml, 
  • for a 1 liter - 150-200 ml, 
  • for 5 liters - 0.5 liters of banana tea.


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