Heart Pigtail Hairstyle ( DIY)

girl holiday hairstyle DIY heart

This Heart Pigtail hairstyle is super cute that you will also love it.  It’s easy to create, and nice for Valentine.

How to make:

Make a zigzag parting in the middle and two tall tails on the sides.
and two tall tails on the sides

Loosen the tail and use the Topsy Tail to pull the tail through the hole upwards. Repeat the process similarly to the second tail.
Repeat the process similarly to the second tail

Starting from the left side we divide the tail into two parts.
we divide the tail into two parts.

we divide the tail into two parts.

Twist the strands in different directions.
in different directions.

This will help give hair a heart shape. Tie the ends with an elastic band. Repeat the above steps on the right side of the head.
Tie the ends with an elastic band
Fasten the hearts with hair clips. Decorate the hairstyle for the girl with bright bows or hairpins with flowers. Done!


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