"Lego" characters turnrd into Plush ( Nadakhan )


Nadakhan is a Djinn and the captain of the Sky Pirates of Misfortune's Keep. Many years ago, Nadakhan traveled across Ninjago, recruiting many different individuals to join his crew. For a time, they ruled the seas of Ninjago until they were faced with a rival, Captain Soto, who imprisoned Nadakhan inside the Teapot of Tyrahn while his crew was marooned across the Sixteen Realms. Upon the destruction of Djinjago as a result of the Cursed Realm's collapse, Nadakhan became the last of the Djinn..    Wiki

Nadakhan custom made plushies    Nadakhan handmade plush


How to get plush

Nadakhan custom made plush.  Nadakhan custom made plush.


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