What dogs hates. DO NOT do it! (3)
Strong host strain

Tension on a leash is not the only time your dog can understand how you feel.
You can tell, when the person with near you, feels tense, even if you do not realize it. Dogs have a similar ability to determine what state its master have at the moment.
The more you experience stress, and the worse your mood, the more stress your dog experiences.

It is quite logical to assume that dogs, like us, do not like this feeling of stress and bad mood. Therefore, the next time you notice that your pet is in a bad or depressed state, first of all, pay attention to the state in which you are now.
It is possible that for a few days or weeks you are not feeling very well, and the dog was simply transferred to that level of stress and the charge of bad mood to which you are exposed.
Remember one important thing: your dog is a kind of mirror that reflects your behavior, habits and emotions.

Tension on a leash is not the only time your dog can understand how you feel.
You can tell, when the person with near you, feels tense, even if you do not realize it. Dogs have a similar ability to determine what state its master have at the moment.
The more you experience stress, and the worse your mood, the more stress your dog experiences.

It is quite logical to assume that dogs, like us, do not like this feeling of stress and bad mood. Therefore, the next time you notice that your pet is in a bad or depressed state, first of all, pay attention to the state in which you are now.
It is possible that for a few days or weeks you are not feeling very well, and the dog was simply transferred to that level of stress and the charge of bad mood to which you are exposed.
Remember one important thing: your dog is a kind of mirror that reflects your behavior, habits and emotions.
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