What dogs hates. DO NOT do it! (7)

Lack of regularity and rules

Lack of regularity and rules

A dog is an animal, needing and loving rules.

It seems to us that the rules make life boring or unhappy. But for a dog, rules are really important. She simply needs to live by the rules that the leader dictates, that is, dog must fulfill the commands and requests of the person.

Animals are like children. They need to have a consistent set of rules for them to follow.

Compare the polite well-bred children you know, and the spoiled boorish, who lack social skills and upbringing. They cause only irritation and antipathy.

With animals it's about the same. The dog needs to be brought up. The dog must live by certain rules. Only then will the dog be happy. The rules do not imply cruelty or aggression. This means that the dog needs to be kept in rigor, but at the same time giving it also freedom.

In addition, raising a dog, do not confuse him.

do not confuse him.

And, by the way, speaking about entanglement, animals do not understand the exceptions to the rules. For example, they do not understand why they are allowed to jump on you when you are in casual clothes, but it is forbidden when you are dressed up for some event.

They do not understand why they are allowed to jump on the couch after the bathroom, but it is strictly forbidden to do this if it's dirty returned from the street.

Saying the dog "not", you program him, that dog can not do it in any situation without exceptions.

By violating the rules you set forth, you only confuse the animal.

It is easier for a dogs to live when they know where the boundaries are, and when you spend time observing these agreed boundaries. You will be rewarded with your fruitful work in the form of positive results. So, you strengthen dog confidence in yourself as a leader. You create conditions for your pet to be happy and content.


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