What dogs hates. DO NOT do it! (11)

Using words more than sign language

Using words more than sign language

Man is a creature, who able to speak and conduct dialogues.

We especially like to talk with our pets, who can not understand the overwhelming majority of what we say.

Throughout life, dogs can learn the meaning of some of the key words that the owner regularly repeats: "Not! Walking! Come! Bring a toy!"

Some breeds of dogs are capable of recognizing up to hundreds of different words and commands. But even if your dog knows selective phrases, this does not mean that dog understands the language of a person.

Animals rely on our sign language. Only through the language of gestures, they can understand what we mean and what we require of them.

Dogs are real experts and can read through the gestures of the human body, what you think and feel before you can realize it yourself.

However, if we only pay attention to what our mouths say, and not what our gestures dictate, we can send mixed erroneous signals to the animal.

and pay attention to how some people say one thing and do another, while confusing the dog.

It is worth to visit any dog ​​training school where dogs are trained, and pay attention to how some people say one thing and do another, while confusing the dog.

For example, giving the dog a command to "sit", the coach leans forward and stretches out his hand. In the body language, this means the invitation of the dog to his personal space.

But when the dog follows this gesture, while verbally dog is given a command to sit, dog gets reprimanded for breaking.

If you are interested in testing your pet, make a small experiment (your dog will be only grateful to you).

Try to spend the whole day without saying a word to your dog, but communicating only with gestures of the body.

You will understand how much body language and gestures are important in communicating with your dog.

You can communicate with dog perfectly, without using a single word. Talking with a pet can quite easily occur without words using only gestures.


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