The most interesting facts about the Moon, which the mankind knows or suspects

The most interesting facts about the Moon, which the mankind knows or suspects

which the mankind knows or suspects
  • Contrary to popular belief - the Moon does not rotate around the Earth, and the Earth and the Moon revolve around a single point, called the barycenter. Thus, according to some, the Moon can not be considered a satellite of the Earth, since the Moon and Earth are a double planet. In favor of this, the size of the Moon, which is a quarter of the diameter of the Earth, is also spoken. Satellites are much smaller in other planets.
  • On our satellite there is garbage, the total weight of which is about 200 tons. And, of course, all this garbage was formed from human activities - the remains of satellites, all-terrain vehicles, rovers and other equipment that was neglected from Earth.
On the Moon there is garbage left by a man - old equipment.
    • Astronomer Eugene Shoemaker dreamed of becoming an astronaut and visiting the Moon. However, health did not allow him to realize his dream. Therefore, he bequeathed after death to dispel his ashes on the surface of the satellite. NASA did this in 1998. The crater, where it happened, got the name Shoemaker.
    NASA did this in 1998. The crater, where it happened, got the name Shoemaker.
    The ashes of the scientist Eugene Shoemaker were dispelled by his will on the Earth satellite.

    • There are several theories about the origin of the Moon: the satellite was once part of the Earth and separated from it; The satellite used to be a free body, but the earth captured it with its gravity; The Moon appeared from the dust of debris that formed from the collision of the Earth with another planet. The last theory today is the most reliable.
    • Telling the most interesting facts about the Moon, need's, of course, to mention its influence on humans. It is well known that on a full Moon, some people suffer from insomnia, others can have nightmares.
    • Tides on the Earth occur under the influence of the gravity of the Moon. The satellite draws water.
    • The climate of our satellite is far from being a resort. The day at the equator is hot 127 degrees, and at night it is cool - up to -170 degrees Celsius.
    • 29.5 Earth days last a day on the Moon.
    • On our satellite there is water in the form of ice, but there is no atmosphere.
    • Yes, it is commonly believed that there is no atmosphere, but in fact it is, but very discharged - 10 trillion times less dense than on Earth. It consists of hydrogen, neon, helium and argon.
    • Due to the lack of atmosphere on the satellite, sharp and contrasting shadows. Contrast goes to the fact that the expedition astronauts could not fully work with parts of the ship, which were in the shade. And if you hide in the shadows yourself, you can not see your own feet and hands.
    • The moon does not have a magnetic field. However, the stones brought from the expedition were magnetic. Probably, they hit the surface of the satellite from other cosmic bodies.
    • On the Moon you can observe an unusual phenomenon - dancing dust. Dust hovers in the air for a while. It rises due to the magnetic impact of other cosmic bodies, and most often happens during sunset and sunrise.
    • Most craters appeared on the surface about 4 billion years ago. Not to the Earth, these scars would have been overgrown for a long time, but there is not such a strong geological activity on the Moon, so they are still visible.
    which the mankind knows or suspects
    The surface is covered with non-healing craters.

    • This is the only cosmic body where man was.
    • In 1969, as part of the expedition of Apollo 11, the first and only man landing on the Moon was made. Neil Armstrong - the first person who set foot on the Moon. Today, progress has gone so far that most smartphones have higher processing power than computers that were used on Apollo 11.
    Neil Armstrong - the first person who set foot on the Moon
    Neil Armstrong - the first person who set foot on the Moon.
    • The first apparatus that landed on the surface belonged to the USSR and was called Luna-2. This happened in 1959.( read article)
    • The satellite is visible to the inhabitants of the Earth only on one side. But this does not mean that the satellite does not rotate around its axis. It rotates. And its period of rotation to a second coincides with the period of rotation of the earth. Therefore, the other side is never seen.
    • The most interesting facts about the Moon should touch and solar eclipses, which are visible from the Earth. A total solar eclipse is a rare phenomenon, and it is due to an amazing co-ownership - the moon is 400 times closer to the Earth than the Sun, and exactly 400 times smaller in diameter than the Sun. Thus, when the Moon is on the same line with the Sun, they appear from the Earth of the same size.
    The Moon, the Earth and the Sun in one line making a total eclipse.
    The Moon, the Earth and the Sun in one line making a total eclipse.
    • In the 1970s, the UN announced that no state could become the owner of the Moon. However, the cunning American Dennis Howes immediately realized that it's talking only about the states, and nothing is said about private individuals. Therefore, he spontaneously became the owner of the Moon, founded the lunar embassy and sent his diplomatic note to other states. No matter how ridiculous the plan may seem, Howes has earned billions of dollars by selling plots on the Moon.
    • In the Sun newspaper in 1835 was a publication about John Kerschel, an astronomer who allegedly assembled a powerful telescope and through him was able to see on our satellite fabulous unicorns, flying creatures, beavers without a tail. The number was sold very quickly and profitable for the publication. And even after exposing the hoaxes, the newspapers did not fall. This event was called "Big Lunar Gimmick".
    John Kerschel's joke about what he allegedly saw on the Moon through the telescope of its inhabitants.
    John Kerschel's joke about what he allegedly saw on the Moon through the telescope of its inhabitants.


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