How to cook Sbiten ( Hot honey and spicy drink)

It is not known for certain how long time ago people discovered for themselves the beneficial properties and the incredible taste of a bee honey, but ever since they used it for food with joy.

And the use of honey in the preparation of a variety of drinks began a long time ago, no less than a thousand years ago. One of these drinks is Sbiten, which our ancestors drank, long before they even knew about the existence of Chinese tea or African coffee.

Drinks made from natural honey, which are simply invaluable for the whole body, they give strength and vitality, significantly increase immunity and mood, prevent and also cure cold and viral infections.

In a cold winter, sbiten is indispensable when you are very cold, or you feel that you are about to get sick.

In the summer, a sweet chilled drink is a great opportunity to quench your thirst.

And it is a double pleasure to add for a flavored drink candied nuts and cranberries in sugar, with dried and fresh fruits and berries, candied fruits, ginger breads and marshmallows.

We will tell you how to cook sbiten at home, the recipe is quite simple and inconsiderable, and even the one who has never done anything like this will probably cope with the task.

Classic recipe


  • 1 kg of white molasses;
  • 200 g of honey;
  • 5 buds of carnations;
  • 2 g cinnamon;
  • 2 teaspoons ground ginger;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 6-8 capsules of cardamom;
  • 3 stars of the anise;
  • 5-6 liters of boiling water.


  • Dissolve the molasses in boiling water.
  • Cool liquid up to 40 degrees.
  • Add a honey ( so it will not lose its useful qualities.
  • Cook for 15 minutes.
  • Add all spices.
  • Cook for another 10 minutes;
  • After, spill hot in a cups and drink like a tea.


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