10 Unusual Ways to Use a Tea

Who knows how to use a tea, not just for drink a cup. Brew package a second time? And not only :)))

Tea can help with cooking, improving health and in household. Here several life hacks.

By the way, Tea Day is celebrated on December 15.

1) Compresses

Tea can be used as a remedy for sunburn.

The most common use of tea bags is as a compress to soothe tired eyes. Soak the tea bags in ice-cold water or just pour water on it and leave it in the fridge for a while. Tea will not only relieve redness and swelling, but also soothe tired eyes.

Tea will help with bruises. Attach the freshly but already cooled bag of black tea to the bruised place and the bruise will come off much faster. The fact is that black tea contains tannins, which reduce puffiness and constrict blood vessels. To achieve a better result, we follow the compress twice a day, leaving it for 20 minutes.

Tea can be used as a remedy for sunburn. Wet tea bags will relieve pain from sunburn, and if your entire body is burned, take a bath of tea.

2) Did you try the grill meat in the tea? 

grill meat in tea marinade

Options of the marinade for meat can not be counted. To make a tea marinade, you need to place the meat with spices in the strong brewed tea, so that it covers the entire meat. Tannins contained in tea can soften meat no worse than vinegar, kefir or other similar products.

  • Meat, pork - 3 kilograms (it is better to take a neck);
  • Tea, black, long leaf - 2 packs;
  • Onion - 500 grams;
  • Allspice - 10 pieces;
  • Bay leaf - 3 pieces;
  • Salt - to taste ( ~1 tea spoon);

  • Tea packages placed into the boiling water (100 grams of tea for 1 liter of boiling water).
  • We need very strong tea, so, cover our tea and leave alone until he is cold.
  • Cut the meat into medium pieces ( 5 x 5 cm).
  • Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Onions cut into a rings.
  • Laid in a container, meat with the onion layers.
  • Pouring our cold tea over a meat.
  • We put in the refrigerator under pressure for at least 6 hours.
  • String meat with onions on a skewer and fry on the grill!

                    Easiest way to make a pressure on the meat:
                      • Place on the top of the meat  a flat plate or cutting board. 
                      • Take another container or pan, which fits.
                      • Fill with a water.
                      • And place on the top of the meat and plate.
                      Grill meat in tea recipe

                      3) Wound healing

                      When acne is useful to wash damaged areas with the green tea.

                      Tea can help with a razor cuts. A wet tea bag will reduce and soothe the aching pain of a razor cut.

                      When acne is useful to wash damaged areas with the green tea.

                      With a problems in the oral cavity, tea will rescue too. Painful ulcers in the mouth can go away by themselves, but if you want to speed up the process, soak the tea bag in water and then bite it with your teeth. Getting to the sore spots, tea will ease the pain and speed healing.

                      Similarly, you can stop the bleeding from a pulled out or lost tooth.

                      4) Milk - Tea Pudding

                      4) Milk - Tea Pudding Recipe

                      • Egg - 1 piece;
                      • Tea leaves - 3 teaspoons;
                      • Sugar - 3 tablespoons;
                      • Vanilla - 1 pinch;
                      • Milk - 1 cup;


                      • Mix the milk with the tea leaves in a saucepan;
                      • Bring to a boil, but not boiling;
                      • Let it cool;
                      • Beat the egg with a sugar;
                      • Add to the milk;
                      • Add vanilla;
                      • Pour into molds;
                      • Place in the hot 180 C oven for 30 min baking.


                      • Milk pudding is served in cold condition.
                      • Before serving, you can sprinkle it with coconut chips or grated chocolate/
                      • Serve with a pudding custard or any sweet sauce to taste.

                      5) Hygiene

                      Use tea in the bath. Herbs for tea, select depending on the purpose.

                      Use tea to freshen breath. Rinsing mouth with a strong tea reduces bad breath.

                      Use tea in the bath. Herbs for tea, select depending on the purpose. If you just want to saturate the bathroom with aromatic steam, choose what you like best, if you want to make it healthy, consider the following: green tea will improve skin condition if it has scratches, sores or allergic rash. If you want to relax and relieve stress, choose  chamomile tea, valerian root and yellow or black tea on the stove.

                      Tea will help with a sweating feet. Perform the following procedure before bedtime - place your feet in a warm tea for 10-15 minutes, then wipe them off with a towel.

                      6) Tea perfectly absorbs odors

                      6) Tea perfectly absorbs odors

                      Use this property of the tea in order to eliminate the unpleasant smell of hands after cleaning fish or garlic. 

                      Also, with the help of tea bags, you can deodorize the refrigerator or trash can, just putting them there. 

                      And putting tea bags of lavender or other herbal tea in the pockets of car covers, you get a natural air freshener.

                      7) Tea is an excellent organic fertilizer containing many nutrients

                      7) Tea is an excellent organic fertilizer containing many nutrients

                      Use the tea as a a plant nutrition. The use of tea leaves as a dressing effectively stimulates the growth of plants.

                      But remember that you can not make a wet brew in the soil in large quantities, it can cause the formation of mold and rot of plants. 

                      Tea brewing should be applied to the soil before sowing seeds in the proportion of 0.5 liter of the tea per 1 square meter of the soil. 

                      8) Anti - insects effect

                      Used dry tea sprinkled around a pet's bed will help get rid of fleas.

                      Used dry tea sprinkled around a pet's bed will help get rid of fleas.

                      The smoke from burning tea leaves will scare away bloodthirsty mosquitoes

                      And moth does not feed warm feelings to tea. If you do not want such a neighbor in your closet, scatter dry green tea on the shelves. It can be poured into small bags of linen cloth or gauze and hung in wardrobes for storing woolen items.

                      9) The coloring properties of the tea will also find application in everyday life

                      Restoring the color of suede fabric recipe:
                      • Brew a strong tea. 
                      • The amount of tea leaves depending on the color of the fabric. 
                      • For a light brown cloth, brew tea from 1 tablespoon of dry tea to 150 ml of water; 
                      • if the fabric is dark brown, take 2 tablespoons of tea to 150 ml of boiling water. 
                      • The color of the resulting tea should be a tone darker than the color of the fabric. Dampen sponge with strained tea and wipe clean suede with it. 
                      • Apply tea evenly so that there are no streaks. 
                      • Then dry the fabric well in the sun or in a dryer.

                      Strong tea will give a beautiful beige tint to lace napkins, tablecloths, table runners and products made from macramé:
                      • Pour 2 tablespoons of tea with boiling water, 
                      • add 2 teaspoons of salt 
                      • and boil for 2-3 minutes over low heat.

                      10) With the help of a tea, you can return the cleanliness and shine to clothes made of dark natural fur

                      • To do this, lightly damp tea should be evenly poured on the fur, 
                      • spread out on a flat surface, 
                      • leave for a few minutes, 
                      • then sweep the tea with a wet brush with hard bristles in the direction of fur growth.


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