Feedback from Santa ( 4 free download printable templates)

It's time for active moms

If you want to praise your child for good behavior, it's time to print and prepare a letter from Santa Claus. 

Print this template on thick paper and enter your child's name. 

Click on pictures to open in full size.

It's time for active moms

You can put this letter in a creatively decorated holiday envelope or folder. Read related post: DIY amazing idea for activity game "Postman".

It's time for active moms

Also, you can print and fill this templates and place them into the frame. So, it will be ready to hang on the wall.

If your child has success in sports or in another activity, you can use this template. Here you can write that your child added to the special list of Santa ("Successes in sports", "Achievements in learning a foreign language", "The best house mate", and so on).

It's time for active moms

Such a template with fields for coloring will give your child a lot of fun.

It's time for active moms


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