How to celebrate the New Year 2021 to make it successful

 new year,mother,daughter,food,table,

Many people who have suffered heavy losses due to the economic crisis caused by the pandemic are already interested in how to celebrate the New Year 2021 in a way that makes it successful.

In an unpredictable economic situation around the world, people increasingly believe in signs, magic and fairy tales, including the miracles of New Year's Eve. It is believed that making wishes with the chimes, you can attract good luck and material well-being.

Someone seeks to attract true love into their lives, build a strong family and give birth to a child. Whatever dreams and aspirations people associate with the New Year's holiday, you should first learn more about the rituals and customs that will help appease the White Metal Bull.


This year will start on February 12, 2021 and end on January 30, 2022. The ox is an animal associated with positive qualities in the Chinese horoscope:

  • wisdom;
  • decisiveness;
  • hard work;
  • by force;
  • tenacity.
According to the symbolic Chinese interpretation, 2021 will be more calm and prosperous, it will be favorable for work, development, study and making money.

This animal will patronize those who know how to set goals and know what he wants to achieve. Hardworking and persistent people will receive help from the White Metal Ox.

Those who get married this year will create a strong family in which the efforts of the spouses will be directed towards achieving common goals and material prosperity.


Those who will be able to take advantage of the energy of the next year will be able to achieve great achievements in solving the assigned tasks. It is believed that happiness favors in 2021 people born in the year:

  • Ox;
  • Rooster;
  • Horses;
  • Monkey.
People born under other signs of the eastern calendar do not need to be upset. After all, if you know how to meet the New Year 2021 in order to make it successful and prosperous, then you can appease the Ox and get a piece of luck and material well-being from him.

The ox is an animal that does not like fuss, arrogance and haste. Therefore, the year 2021 should be met calmly and measuredly, without rush, with dignity.

On New Year's holiday, you do not need to be upset, swear, lose your presence of mind, then the whole year will be prosperous in material and moral terms.

It is believed that before the New Year's holiday, all debts should be distributed, and also not to borrow money to anyone. In this case, there will be no shortage of funds in the new year, it will be financially prosperous.

In order for money to be found all year round, on December 31, you should put in perfect order in the house, throw out all broken dishes, cracked mirrors, and put a coin under the rug by the front door.

new year,food,table,tree,

To appease the White Metal Ox, you should set a rich New Year's table, on which there should be dishes that this animal loves:
  • vegetable salads;
  • fruit;
  • poultry and fish dishes;
  • sweets.
You can't serve beef dishes, the ox won't like it. 


The coming year is protected by white, so the decorations and tablecloth on the festive table should be white or neutral light colors. You cannot use red to decorate the house, it can infuriate the owner of 2021.

Party clothes should also be light, not pretentious and not bright. Men can wear the classic version of a white shirt and dark trousers, and women are advised to complement their New Year's light-colored dresses with white metal decorations.

Ox loves solidity and simplicity, so you don't need to choose too expensive and flashy outfits. Festive clothing materials should be of good quality and not very expensive. It is recommended to give preference to clothing made from natural fabrics.


Many girls would like to succeed in love and marry successfully. To do this, you can not only make wishes, but also pay attention to signs that bring the cherished dream closer to realization on New Year's Eve.

Many unmarried women and girls wear red or pink underwear on New Year's Eve. This is believed to attract love into a woman's life. In the year of the White Metal Ox, you should not do this at any time, since these colors annoy the owner of the year. 

It is recommended to keep a light-colored heart or a cinnamon stick with you.

It is believed that if a girl cuts her finger while cooking holiday dishes, she will get married in the coming year. 

Also, good luck in love is promised by bread crumbs, which she will see under the New Year's table.

How are you going to celebrate the New Year?


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