How to draw a map of the world in different countries ( 7 maps)

Who would have thought that in different parts of the world not only languages and customs differ, but also ideas about global geography! That is, the world map we are used to may look quite different if it was released, for example, in the other hemisphere. It turns out that everything depends on the point of reference. See yourself.

World Map for Europe

World Map for Europe

And here the vertical axis separating the planet to the East and the West passes through London. Note that the equator is clearly shifted from the center down, which makes the southern hemisphere less significant, and you will not find Antarctica on this map at all! Please also note that on this and subsequent maps the Atlantic and Pacific oceans are divided into two parts - the Southern Ocean and the Northern.


World map printed in Russia

World map printed in Russia

The vertical axis is drawn exactly in the middle - and very successfully passes exactly through Moscow. Eurasia is clearly in the center of the universe, and duplicated Chukotka and Alaska hang over the left and right above it. The Pacific Ocean is presented in the form of two pieces - also to the left and to the right, on the periphery.

World Map for USA

World Map for USA

Here is a surprise! Now America is located in the very center of the map, the vertical axis is drawn through the USA. Europe and Asia lie on the right and left hand, separated by oceans ... The equator is also shifted to the bottom of the map, and fragments of Antarctica stick out at the bottom ... But India, China, Bangladesh and the central part of Russia are present twice.

World Map for China

World Map for China

In this variant, the Celestial Empire occupies an almost central position; to the right, the line for changing the date is perfectly marked, on different sides of which the local time differs by days. Europe is somewhere on the outskirts of the universe, and on the left and right above the map are decorated with two giant Greenland ...

World Map for Australia

World Map for Australia

Here, at first glance, you can’t even figure out where there is that ... It turns out that the Australians not only conducted a vertical axis through their mainland, but also "turned over" the whole globe! Apparently, to be at the top, the "dominant" part of the map, they placed the southern hemisphere at the top, and the northern, respectively, at the bottom. On this map, Australia, beautifully located in the center, is washed on all sides by three oceans, and above it is a jolly green Antarctica.

World Map for South Africa

World Map for South Africa

On the South African variety of maps, all the continents are also depicted "upside down" :) The center is located, you guessed it, the African continent, Europe modestly fit under it, on the left - China and Russia, on the right - both America. The Atlantic is divided into the South and North, but the Pacific Ocean is one. The vertical axis passes through the east of Africa, and Antarctica ... But who needs it?

World Map for Chile

World Map for Chile

This option, they say, was developed by Chilean military geographers for placement in school textbooks. To make an impression of the dominant country, Chile is placed in the upper part of the map, respectively, the northern hemisphere is also located below ... The center of the image occupies the Pacific Ocean (Chilean politicians would like to extend their influence) . The United States and Russia, respectively, lie below, and Europe - literally nestle somewhere in the backyards ...

World Map for Chile

But, pay attention, Chileans not only clearly draw Antarctica on their maps, but also designate their own “sector” on this neutral continent.

So, each one depicts a map of the world in its own way, depending on specific geopolitical tasks.


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