December 11, or Mountain and Tango Day


Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

November: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
December: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21


SagittariusDecember 11. Those born on this day are mostly serious personalities - thoughtful, deep and purposeful. They are perfectly goal-oriented and therefore difficult to stop.

Born December 11 are mostly serious personalities - thoughtful, deep and purposeful. They are perfectly goal-oriented and therefore difficult to stop.

The dynamism of those born on December 11 helps them break through all difficulties. However, if they are faced with misunderstanding, non-recognition, then they are in danger of deep psychological stress, which can prompt them to abandon further struggle.


December 11 in history + horoscope for born on this day (man, women).

Sagittarius men born on December 11:   Rey Mysterio, Osho, Jack Griffo.
  • freedom-loving, 
  • cheerful, 
  • philosophical, 
  • expansive, 
  • reliable.
  • Sagittarius men are pressful, and sometimes even aggressive, on the way to their goal nothing can stop them. 
  • The relationship with such a man is bright and emotional, but it is almost impossible to keep him in place or tie him in some kind of obligations. 
  • Therefore, a woman who decides to make up the happiness of Sagittarius will have to apply all her wisdom and ingenuity so as not to bore her lover. 
  • In addition, Sagittarius value freedom very much and do not allow restrictions on their personal space.

December 11 in history + horoscope for born on this day (man, women).

Sagittarius women born on December 11:  Karla Souza, Alice Hirose, Rita Moreno.
  • caring, 
  • smart, 
  • feminine, 
  • philosophizing.
  • In relationships with men, Sagittarius women do not tolerate patriarchy. 
  • They are used to being on an equal footing with a partner, are not afraid to take the initiative and take the situation into their own hands. 
  • Only bright and charismatic men who are in no way inferior to their beloved and are able to make her a worthy couple are capable of conquering such a woman.


December 11

Mountain day

Mountains occupy about one fourth of the planet’s surface

The International Day of the Mountains was established in 2003 by decision of the UN General Assembly.

Mountains occupy about one fourth of the planet’s surface and are home to nearly 10 percent of the population. This is a reserve of many unique species of plants and animals, the source of water of all the main rivers of the earth, which is especially important.

They not only provide a source of livelihood and well-being for almost 720 million people living in mountainous areas, but indirectly have a beneficial effect on the billions living at their foot.

And it is very important to find new and sustainable ways that would open up opportunities for people in both mountainous and lowland areas and allow poverty to be eradicated without causing further harm to fragile mountain ecosystems.

The International Day of Tango

The International Day of Tango is celebrated on the birthday of the Argentine singer and film actor, the famous "King of Tango" Carlos Gardel (1890).

Tango - dance, the philosophy of which is the confrontation. In the center of the dance - Man and Woman. Their relationships, passions, conflicts, reconciliation, “the third odd man,” jealousy, hatred - all the feelings that fill human life.

By the way, the word "tango" appeared much earlier than the dance itself. Initially, this word was used on one of the Canary Islands to mean “gathering for dancing, and playing drums”. These drums were also called “tango”.

There are several versions of the origin of tango dance. The most common of them is that he appeared in the port suburbs of Buenos Aires, where, at the junction of the 19th and 20th centuries, cultural traditions of many countries of the world met and intertwined into one whole - the rhythms of Cuban habanera, African candomba, Argentine milonga, Spanish flamenco and some other European dances brought by foreign sailors. And although in Argentina it was the dance of poor neighborhoods, the dance of immigrants, but soon the lyrical and passionate tango sounded throughout the country.

Folk Calendar

Jay Day

The people on this day honored jay - a small bird with bright plumage, a wide tuft on the head and a long tail.

The Slavs believed that if a jay arrived on his day at the window and started shouting at him, this is a good sign. A wise man, having heard such a signal, will leave the house and follow the bird.

It was believed that the jay bird opens up a future and cares about your happiness. Also on this day, was wonder on the coins. To do this, a handful of coins were thrown into the nearest snowdrift, and then they took them out one by one. If the largest of the coins came across first, you could count on success in business, and if the smallest - on the contrary, you did not need to wait for income.

Also on December 11...

1769 - Edward Beran from London patented elevating blinds.

1781 - David Brewster, Scottish physicist, inventor of the kaleidoscope, was born.

1843 - Robert Koch, German microbiologist, Nobel laureate of 1905 was born. He discovered the causative agent of tuberculosis.

1844 - In Boston, Horace Wells first used in the dental practice as a means of anesthesia laughing gas. The experience was not entirely successful. Two years later, his partner William Morton will successfully apply the broadcast.

1852 - The oldest circus buildings in operation were opened in Paris. There, 42 years later, the world's first auto show opened, in which 9 companies participated.

1864 - born Maurice Leblanc, French writer, author of detective stories, novels and plays about Arsene Lupine.

1909 - The era of color cinema begins with the demonstration of the first color film in New York.

1913 - Jean Marais, French actor (“Fantômas”, “The Count of Monte Cristo”) was born.

1918 - Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Russian writer, Nobel Prize in literature in 1970 was born.

1930 - Jean-Louis Trentignan, French actor (“Man and Woman”, “Gorgeous Angelica”, “City of Lost Children”) was born.

1946 - The first programmable computer was patented in England.

1969 - Vishwanathan Anand, Indian Grandmaster, FIDE World Chess Champion (2000–2002), 15th World Champion (since 2007) was born.

1972 - Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt (Apollo 17) for the last time in the XX century came to the lunar surface.

1981 - at 12.27 London Big Ben stopped from the cold.

1993 - Khrushchev's congratulatory telegram to Gagarin (April 12, 1961) was sold at auction in New York for $ 68,500 (the world record for the cost of telegrams).

1997 - The Kyoto Protocol is adopted - an international agreement on limiting greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere.

2008 - in honor of the 90th birthday of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the writer's widow opened his official website.


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