November 23, or Black Friday vs No Shopping Day


Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

November: 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
December: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Talisman of the day - amethyst

SagittariusNovember 23. Those born on this day always openly express their displeasure with various forms of power and oppression.

They don't take anything for granted. This does not mean that they are organically incapable of keeping the generally accepted commandments - they just need to make sure that their faith is justified and true.

If they have no respect for the rules imposed from the outside, their reaction will be either tacit, or laconic, or they will simply get by with an eloquent gesture.

As a rule, such people are always inferior in arguments, but their main problem is the tendency to provoke conflicts and skirmishes.

Those born on this day demonstrate an unusually pugnacious nature in dealing with those whose company they cannot stand, so it is better for them, with rare exceptions, to be alone altogether.


November 23 in history + horoscope for born on this day ( man, woman).

Sagittarius men born on November 23:  Vincent Cassel, Bradley Steven Perry, Lucas Grabeel.
  • enthusiastic,
  • straightforward,
  • expansive,
  • reliable,
  • lucky.
  • Sagittarius men are sociable, open and spontaneous.
  • They love new emotions and impressions, do not tolerate boredom and banality.
  • Men born under this sign tend to be great speakers, they love to tell stories and be in the spotlight.
  • Sagittarius are darlings of fate, any undertaking is given to them easily and effortlessly.
  • They often take risks, but, as a rule, this risk is justified and brings good dividends.

November 23 in history + horoscope for born on this day ( man, woman).

Sagittarius women born on November 23:  Miley Cyrus, Nicole Polizzi, Kelly Brook.
  • philosophizing,
  • optimistic,
  • respecting traditions,
  • natural.
  • The Sagittarius woman is an independent, strong and domineering person.
  • She does not follow the lead of others, lives by her own rules and does not depend on the opinions of others.
  • She is creative and versatile, easily captivates others with her ideas and inspires them to achieve.
  • Such women are accustomed to being leaders in both profession and in relationships. They do not tolerate control and strive for freedom.


November 23

Black Friday 

Not without a share of sarcasm this Friday in November is called “Black Friday”.

On the first Friday after American Thanksgiving Day, traditional Christmas sales season begins in Western countries.

This is a day of huge discounts and sales, the main holiday for all shopaholics and a great solution for those who want to save.

On this day, the stores receive from 20 to 50% of their annual revenue, and people are dying every year in the mass crush in the largest shopping centers. Not without a share of sarcasm this Friday in November is called “Black Friday”.

The tradition of unrestrained shopping originated in America in the 19th century, when the largest retails began to arrange grandiose Christmas sales, stimulating buyers to buy with incredible amounts of discounts, bonuses, special gifts, etc. And the term “Black Friday” itself appeared only in 1966 in Philadelphia.

There are two generally accepted versions of the origin of the name.

By one, the day was so called because of the huge traffic jams that formed the day after Thanksgiving.

On the other, the name ''Black Friday'' was due to the way of keeping accounts on that day. The losses were recorded in red ink, and the profits were black, and since the proceeds were huge on that day, the black color prevailed in the reports.

Refuse Purchases Day

In contrast to the shopaholic madness today marks the Refuse Purchases Day. People in many countries of the world for the day refuse any purchases, reminding themselves that excessive consumption is a dangerous trend.

The idea of ​​this holiday-action originated in America in 1992. An initiative to refuse to make purchases was made by Canadian journalist of Estonian origin Kalle Lasn. In his opinion, the cause of the financial crisis should be sought not in liquidity or unregulated markets, but in a culture of excessive and thoughtless consumption.

The terms of participation in this promotion are simple - within 24 hours you need to abandon any acquisitions. In addition, activists hold actions under the motto “For the sake of peace on earth, do not buy anything!” to attract public attention. Shares are peaceful demonstrations in shopping malls, as well as the display of “anti-advertising” commercials reporting that the average US resident buys five times more goods than a Mexican, ten times more than a Chinese, and thirty times more than Indian citizen.

The International Day of Watercolor

The initiator of the establishment of the holiday was the Mexican artist Alfredo Guati Rojo (1918-2003). He was an outstanding watercolor painter, and also convinced that watercolor is capable of conveying the beauty of the world as good as oil painting, in 1991 he proposed to celebrate International Watercolor Day every November 23rd.

Also on November 23...

1852 - the first mailboxes were introduced in England.

1859 - A green volume of Charles Darwin’s book titled “The Origin of Species by Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favorable Breeds in the Struggle for Life” appeared in bookstores in London. In this work, Darwin called natural selection and uncertain variability the main driving force of evolution. A huge book circulation of 1250 copies was sold out in a day.

1877 - the first national psychiatric journal began to appear in Kharkov: “Archive of Psychiatry, Neurology and Forensic Psychopathology”.

1887 - born Boris Karloff, English actor. For more than 20 years he was considered the king of horror films, after he starred in Hollywood in 1931 in the film "Frankenstein".

1903 - the famous Italian tenor Enrico Caruso made his debut in the United States on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera (New York) as Duke in the opera ''Rigoletto''.

1921 - American President Warren Harding forbade doctors to prescribe beer to patients as medicine and thereby circumvent the "dry law".

1922 - Alexander Green finished writing a fantastic extravaganza “Scarlet Sails” in St. Petersburg, dedicating it to his wife Nina.

1923 - Jacob Schick patented the first electric razor.

1934 - Newly invented light reflectors for dividing strips, began to be installed on the central roads of America and Europe.

1954 - in the United States, General Motors released its 50 millionth car - a gilded sports two seats Chevrolet.

1964 - American heart surgeon Michael DeBakey made the first successful aortic coronary artery bypass surgery at the Methodist Hospital of Houston - excluded the heart vessel clogged with atherosclerosis plaque with the stitching a tubular segment for free blood flow parallel to it - usually taken from a “clean” foot vein. DeBakey surgery was recognized as the most effective treatment for coronary disease - a real scourge of the elderly. DeBakey passed away at the age of 99 in July 2008.

1966 - Vincent Cassel, French actor (“The Crimson Rivers”, “Scary Tales”) was born.

1979 - Pink Floyd released the double album The Wall.

1991 - Freddie Mercury confirmed the rumors that he had AIDS. He passed away the next day.

1992 - Miley Cyrus, American actress and singer was born. Received world fame, starring in the lead role in the TV series "Hannah Montana", where she played an American schoolgirl Miley Stewart, who is also pop star Hannah Montana.

1994 - during the expedition of the athletes of the alpine club “Odessa” in the Himalayas, the flag of Ukraine was set on the top of Chogori K2 (8611 meters).

2004 - the massively multiplayer online game "World of Warcraft" started.


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