December 1, or Against AIDS Day

December 22 in history + horoscope for born on this day

Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

November: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
December: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21


SagittariusDecember 1. Those born on this day are extremely open and outspoken personalities.

Moreover, they are never afraid to back up their words with deeds.

Often they demonstrate immodest behavior and are not at all embarrassed by this, which bribes others.

Not tormented by remorse, they happily refute social norms and etiquette, especially when their vital interests are at stake.

Since those born on December 1 are literally open to the world, many consider them to be superficial people. However, in reality this is not the case. Their inner world can be complex and multifaceted, but thanks to their excellent sense of humor, they manage to hide it from prying eyes. Sometimes, however, they themselves are not aware of what they are doing, and it seems that all their actions are dictated by some spontaneous impulses. By the way, some of them sometimes seriously doubt their own stability.


December 22 in history + horoscope for born on this day

Sagittarius men born on December 1:   Pablo Escobar, Woody Allen, Richard Pryor.
  • sane, 
  • expansive, 
  • philosophical, 
  • open-minded, 
  • straightforward.
  • Sagittarius men are pressful, and sometimes even aggressive, on the way to their goal nothing can stop them. 
  • The relationship with such a man is bright and emotional, but it is almost impossible to keep him in place or tie him in some kind of obligations. 
  • Therefore, a woman who decides to make up the happiness of Sagittarius will have to apply all her wisdom and ingenuity so as not to bore her lover. 
  • In addition, Sagittarius value freedom very much and do not allow restrictions on their personal space.

December 22 in history + horoscope for born on this day

Sagittarius women born on December 1:  Bette Midler,  Zoe Kravitz, Claire Chazal.
  • caring, 
  • adventurous, 
  • philosophizing, 
  • respectful of traditions.
  • In relationships with men, Sagittarius women do not tolerate patriarchy. 
  • They are used to being on an equal footing with a partner, are not afraid to take the initiative and take the situation into their own hands. 
  • Only bright and charismatic men who are in no way inferior to their beloved and are able to make her a worthy couple are capable of conquering such a woman.

December 1

Against AIDS Day

The symbol of the fight against AIDS is the red ribbon, every single action in this area is now happen's with it.

The symbol of the fight against AIDS is the red ribbon, every single action in this area is now happen's with it.

When AIDS was first diagnosed, it was called the “plague of the twentieth century.” The century has passed, and the disease still threatens the existence of humanity.

On June 5, 1981, the American Center for Disease Control registered a new disease - AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome).

The first diagnosis was made in 1983. Within two months, the patient died. Today, in a day in the world, four hundred thousand people become infected with this disease. AIDS itself is not a deadly disease, but the functioning of its virus in the body affects the immune system so that even a simple runny nose can lead to death.

World AIDS Day was first celebrated on December 1, 1988, after a meeting of ministers of health of all countries called for social tolerance and increased information sharing on HIV / AIDS.

Also on December 1...

1792 - Nikolai Lobachevsky, a Russian mathematician, founder of non-Euclidean geometry, was born.

1800 - Washington became the capital of the United States of America.

1873 - Valery Bryusov, a Russian symbolist poet, was born.

1903 - The first Western ''Great Train Robbery'' appeared on the screens.

1913 - The installation of the first line of the conveyor assembly took place at the Ford Motor Company.

1935 - Woody Allen was born (his real name is Allen Stuart Kenegsberg), American film director, writer, actor, producer, creator of the legendary “intellectual comedies”. And although his work - it seems like a non-profit film, but on the "Oscars" it is nominated regularly.

1953 - The first issue of Playboy magazine was released in Chicago. The first issue of Playboy was decorated with a snapshot of nude Marilyn Monroe from the erotic calendar for 1949. Over the years, Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Cindy Crawford, Pamela Anderson and other famous women posed for the magazine.

1959 - 12 countries (Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Great Britain, Chile, France, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, the USSR and the USA) concluded the Antarctic Treaty, according to which the use of Antarctica for any military purposes is prohibited.

1989 - Meeting in the Vatican of Pope John Paul II with the head of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev, began the official legalization of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

2009 - the Treaty of Lisbon entered into force in the European Union. It was designed to replace the EU Constitution that has not entered into force and amend the existing agreements on the European Union in order to reform the EU governance system.


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