November 27, or Philip's Day

Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

November: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
December: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Talisman of the day - jasper, azurite

SagittariusNovember 27. Those born on this day either generate excitement, or find themselves in exciting situations, or both.

They are easy-going and capable of electrifying everything they come into contact with.

Those born on this day can be extremely impulsive and rarely stop to make sure they are going in the right direction.

Often their intuition does not let them down, but sometimes they can quickly put themselves in a puddle.

Born 27 November often surprise others with their nervousness - both internally and externally they are constantly in some kind of continuous movement. They are able to strive with incredible energy to ensure that the task is completed on time, being indispensable in any work group.

They also instinctively sense what their colleagues need, both technically and emotionally, so they make great leaders; however, being totally unauthoritarian in nature, they equally protest against the restrictions imposed on them by others, and feel the discomfort of having to restrict anyone.


November 27 in history + horoscope for born on this day ( man, woman).

Sagittarius men born on November 27:  Bruce Lee, Jimi Hendrix, William Fichtner.
  • freedom-loving, 
  • sane, 
  • adaptable, 
  • honest, 
  • lucky.
  • Sagittarius men are sociable, open and spontaneous.
  • They love new emotions and impressions, do not tolerate boredom and banality.
  • Men born under this sign tend to be great speakers, they love to tell stories and be in the spotlight.
  • Sagittarius are darlings of fate, any undertaking is given to them easily and effortlessly.
  • They often take risks, but, as a rule, this risk is justified and brings good dividends.

November 27 in history + horoscope for born on this day ( man, woman).

Sagittarius women born on November 27:  Alison Pill, Tina Datta, Victoria Gotti.
  • freedom-loving, 
  • sane, 
  • adaptable, 
  • honest, 
  • lucky.
  • The Sagittarius woman is an independent, strong and domineering person.
  • She does not follow the lead of others, lives by her own rules and does not depend on the opinions of others.
  • She is creative and versatile, easily captivates others with her ideas and inspires them to achieve.
  • Such women are accustomed to being leaders in both profession and in relationships. They do not tolerate control and strive for freedom.


November 27

Filip's Day

Also on November 27...

After Filip's Day, a 40-day Christmas fast began, so the people fed up the day before.

Traditionally, this day was celebrated on a “wide leg”. The harvest was over and the bins were full of grain, potatoes, cabbage and other vegetables were harvested from the fields, and part of the livestock was slaughtered. All this was put on the table.

On this day, weddings and other noisy holidays were ended. All the time was supposed to devote for a work and pious pursuits.

However, in the evening of Filip's Day one could be engaged in divination. For this purpose, the girls secretly left a piece of beef from the evening meal, then hid it under a pillow at night, said the cherished words three times and went to bed. After that, in a dream, you could see the future bridegroom.

From Filip's Day, “woman sit-ups” started: women gathered in one hut, spun flax and wool, and sang quiet songs or talked. Quite a few sayings and proverbs that emphasize the importance of needlework have been preserved: “A negligent spinner does not have a shirt on himself”; "If you do not strain in the winter, there will be nothing to weave in the summer"; "Plow - feeds, spindle - clothing."

In some areas on this day a rite of exile of cockroaches was performed. For this, it was necessary for the whole family to pull out of the hut a string with a cockroach tied by the leg.

Also on November 27...

1095 - Pope Urban II proclaimed the First Crusade at the Cathedral of Clermont. Since then, no Tomb (let this one and the Lord) in history have not been get by such a mob and such forces.

1701 - Anders Celsius was born in the Swedish city of Uppsala - an astronomer, a geologist and a meteorologist. The most famous achievement of Celsius is the scale of the thermometer, which was divided into 100 degrees. Interestingly, initially Celsius set in it the boiling point of water at 0 °, and melting at 100 °. And only then another Swede, the biologist Linnaeus, “turned it over” and made it as we know it.

1895 - Alfred Nobel wrote a will in Paris that he placed in a bank in Stockholm. When he died a year later, it turned out that the inventor of dynamite, all the money earned on it, had established awards for achievements in the field of physics, chemistry, medicine, physiology, literature and for peacemaking activities aimed at the benefit of mankind.

1895 - the first clinic appeared in Kharkov: “at the Kharkov Military Hospital at the request of university professors M.M. Lomikovsky and L.V. Orlova is open to incoming sick people. ”

1895 - Alexandre Dumas (son), French playwright, author of The Ladies with Camellias, died.

1939 - British Imperial Chemical Industries, an English company, began industrial production of polyethylene.

1942 - Jimmy Hendrix was born, American rock musician.

1940 - Bruce Lee was born, master of martial arts and a star of the karate action films.

1951 - Catherine Bigelow was born, an American director, whose “The Lord of the Storm” snatched Oscar from “Avatar”. Which, by the way, was taken off by Katherine's ex-husband - James Cameron.

1953 - Eugene O’Neil, American playwright, winner of the 1936 Nobel Award (''Behind the Horizon'', ''Soul of the Poet'', ''Ice Trader is Coming'') died.

1971 - Soviet space station Mars-2 reaches the “red” planet. But, as always, not without troubles: the lander could not make a soft landing and crashed on the surface of the planet.


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