December 13, or Andrew Day and Hanukkah

Zodiac Sign Sagittarius
Acrylic miniature, artist OMallett

Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

November: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
December: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21


SagittariusDecember 13. Those born on this day not only feel a big purpose, but they also don't lose sight of the details. 

Immersed in work, they act slowly, carefully and scrupulously, but at the same time not forgetting about the main result. Thus, they are able to combine expansiveness and a sense of proportion - and this is very beneficial for the final result.

However, there is a danger of getting bogged down in trifles, becoming cowards and insecure people. Thus, expansive ambitions can turn into a heavy burden for them if they even for a minute doubt the possibility of an early achievement of a global goal.

December 13 in history + horoscope for born on this day (man, women).

Sagittarius men born on December 13:   Jamie Foxx, Herman Cain, Steve Buscemi
  • spiritual, 
  • courageous, 
  • philosophical, 
  • honest, 
  • optimistic.
  • Sagittarius men are pressful, and sometimes even aggressive, on the way to their goal nothing can stop them. 
  • The relationship with such a man is bright and emotional, but it is almost impossible to keep him in place or tie him in some kind of obligations. 
  • Therefore, a woman who decides to make up the happiness of Sagittarius will have to apply all her wisdom and ingenuity so as not to bore her lover. 
  • In addition, Sagittarius value freedom very much and do not allow restrictions on their personal space.
December 13 in history + horoscope for born on this day (man, women).

 women born on December 13:  Taylor Swift, Katherine Schwarzenegger, Amy Lee.
  • feminine, 
  • honest, 
  • caring, 
  • respectful of traditions.
  • In relationships with men, Sagittarius women do not tolerate patriarchy. 
  • They are used to being on an equal footing with a partner, are not afraid to take the initiative and take the situation into their own hands. 
  • Only bright and charismatic men who are in no way inferior to their beloved and are able to make her a worthy couple are capable of conquering such a woman.


December 13

Andrew Winter - divination time

Orthodox Christians celebrate the day of St. Andrew the First Called. In the people this holiday was called the day of Andrey Silent Water, or the Soon.

St. Andrew the First Called Day is one of the most mysterious and interesting holidays. Andrei traditionally went to listen to the water under the ice of the rivers and in the wells. If the water is not noisy - for a good winter, when it rages and worries - wait for the frosts and blizzards.

In ancient times, they said: “If it’s cold and clear to Andrew, it’s a good sign, and when it’s warm, it’s bad. There was also a saying: “If it will snow day in Andrew and settle down, then another 110 days will lie”.

The girls were guessing on little pies (balabushki), the cooking water of which was worn from a well in their mouths. Gathering together, the girls laid out their pies in a row. Whose pie dog will eat the first - she marry first, but woe, if the dog just bites and does not eat.

Coming together in the evening, the youth played in "Kalita". For this, the girls baked a large round cake with a hole in the middle and spread it with honey. It was also considered that kalita is a symbol of a happy marriage. Each girl, kneading dough, thought of her beloved boyfriend. Dried berries and honey were added to the kalita, and a hole was made inside so that the cake can be hung on a ribbon. When Kalita was ready, she was tied to a stick with a tape, or to a trunk in the middle of the house, and the guys jumped, trying to bite off a piece of cake.

After the “Kalita” game, cheerful songs and entertainment, the last fortune-telling of this evening took place. They took a small pot, filled it with honey and put a ring on the bottom. The guy had to get a ring with his lips, and so as not to wet his own nose. If he succeeds, the boy will soon marry and be happy in marriage.


On this day, the Jews light the lamps of the cheerful 8-day holiday of Hanukkah, which is translated from Hebrew as "consecration."

Hanukkah begins on the 25th of the Jewish month of Kislev and lasts eight days to 2 or 3 Tevet.

The holiday was established in the II century BC in memory of the cleansing of the Temple, the consecration of the altar, and the resumption of the temple service by the Maccabees, following the defeat and expulsion from the Temple Mount of the Greek-Syrian forces and their Jewish allies in 165 BC.

Also on December 13...

1577 - An English squadron led by the famous pirate Francis Drake sailed from Plymouth. The initial purpose of the voyage was a raid on the Pacific coast of Spanish America. But the trip was somewhat unexpectedly completed with a round-the-world transition, when in September 1580 his ship “Golden Doe” returned to Plymouth. Drake’s voyage was the second world tour, and he put it in particular merit that he was the first commander to begin and successfully complete the round-the-world tour.

1642 - Dutch navigator Abel Tasman saw a previously unknown land - this was how New Zealand was discovered. A few days later he became acquainted with the customs of the Maori people who inhabited the land. The natives killed three landed Dutch sailors, according to Tasman, for no reason. He named this harbor "Killers Bay". Today it is called Golden Bay.

1720 - Carlo Gozzi, Italian playwright (“The King-deer”, “Turandot”) was born.

1797 - Heinrich Heine was born, German poet.

1873 - Valery Bryusov, Russian poet, prose writer, playwright, translator, literary critic, literary critic, one of the founders of Russian symbolism, was born.

1903 - conical molds for ice cream patented by Italo Marzion in New York.

1941 - severe flooding in Huaraz (Peru), caused by a breakaway piece of glacier that fell in Lake Palkakocha. Died from 6 to 7 thousand people.

1957 - Steve Buscemi was born, American actor, who plays Mr. Pink in the movie “Mad Dogs."

1967 - Jamie Fox, American actor (“Ray”, “Law-abiding citizen”, “Associate”) was born.

1983 - The most productive match in the history of the NBA was held - Detroit won against Denver with a score of 186 : 184.

1994 - The first organizational meeting of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), organized as an international association for the development and distribution of unified data transfer protocols on the Internet, took place at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA). The pioneer of the Internet Englishman Tim Berners-Lee was elected the first director of the consortium.


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