December 21, or Karachun and Anfisa Day

Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

November: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
December: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21


SagittariusDecember 21. Those born on this day are strong personalities, who know the secret of using silence for their own purposes.

Whether they say something or not, their main weapon is body and soul language, with the help of which they manage to state their demands in such a way that they cannot be denied.

It is almost impossible to argue with these people, they are so adamant in achieving their own ideals.

Born 21 December have a wonderful ability to direct all their energy to the last in order to clear the way for themselves to the once set goal and start one-way traffic along it in the direction they need.

And if they have managed to get others to do something the way they need to, they can completely control the result of this activity.


December 21 in history + horoscope

Sagittarius men born on December 21:   Samuel L. Jackson, Frank Zappa, Matthieu Chedid.
  • philosophical, 
  • advanced, 
  • honest, 
  • adaptable, 
  • spiritual.
  • Sagittarius men are pressful, and sometimes even aggressive, on the way to their goal nothing can stop them. 
  • The relationship with such a man is bright and emotional, but it is almost impossible to keep him in place or tie him in some kind of obligations. 
  • Therefore, a woman who decides to make up the happiness of Sagittarius will have to apply all her wisdom and ingenuity so as not to bore her lover. 
  • In addition, Sagittarius value freedom very much and do not allow restrictions on their personal space.

December 21 in history + horoscope

Sagittarius women born on December 21:  Jane Fonda, Tamannaah, Kaitlyn Dever.
  • honest, 
  • caring, 
  • natural, 
  • courageous.
  • In relationships with men, Sagittarius women do not tolerate patriarchy. 
  • They are used to being on an equal footing with a partner, are not afraid to take the initiative and take the situation into their own hands. 
  • Only bright and charismatic men who are in no way inferior to their beloved and are able to make her a worthy couple are capable of conquering such a woman.


December 21


Our ancestors believed that on this day the terrible Karachun - the death deity, the subterranean god commanding frost, an evil spirit - takes its power.

The winter solstice day is the shortest in the year and one of the coldest - this year falls on December 21st.

Our ancestors believed that on this day the terrible Karachun - the death deity, the subterranean god commanding frost, an evil spirit - takes its power. The ancient Slavs believed that he commands the winter and frost and shortens the daytime.

Among the people, the concept of "Karachun" in the sense of death or trouble, is still used. They say, for example: "Karachun came to him ", "wait for Karachun", "ask for Karachun", "enough Karachun".

On the other hand, the word "punish" can have the following meanings - backing, back, crawling, "squinting" - twisted, cramped. Perhaps Karachun was so called precisely because he, as it were, forced the daytime to go in the opposite direction, backing away, crawling, yielding nights.

Gradually, in the national consciousness, Karachun became close to Frost, who forges the earth at its mercy, as if plunging it into mortal sleep. This is a more innocuous image than the harsh Karachun. Frost - just the master of the winter cold.

Day of Anfisa the Needlewoman

According to the Slavic calendar, December 21 is the day of Anfisa the Needlewoman.

On Anfisa, all girls in were supposed to do handicrafts: spinning, weaving, sewing, embroidering. It was desirable to do it alone, and if it did not work out or did not want to retire - to conduct special rites from damage.

“A girl sews on Anfisa, but an extra eye for sewing is on the evil eye,” said our ancestors and advised young needlewomen to twist a silk thread around her wrist so as not to prick her fingers with a needle and so that yawning and hiccups do not stick.

Yawning, hiccups attacked the girls because in Russia any handicrafts were considered protective, and the devilry tried to prevent it.

In order for embroidery to possess magical power, it was often encoded with various kinds of symbols. So, diamonds on towels denoted fertility; round sockets and cruciform shapes on clothes protected her owner from misfortunes. In traditional embroidery patterns, there are also images of the sun, trees, birds, personifying the vitality of nature. Our ancestors believed in their power, believing that they would bring prosperity and well-being into the house.

Also on December 21...

1773 - Robert Brown was born, a Scottish botanist who discovered a phenomenon called the Brownian motion. With reference to human society, the Brownian movement can easily be called a model of people's behavior in a fun, festive atmosphere.

1891 - The first ever basketball game in history was held in the hall of the Christian Youth Association Training Center in Springfield (Massachusetts, USA).

1898 - Pierre and Marie Curie discovered radium.

1913 - in the Sunday supplement to the newspaper "New York World" published the first crossword puzzle. It was composed by the journalist Arthur Wynn who immigrated to the USA from England. In the first crossword, the idea of ​​which was suggested to the author by the ancient Roman game of “magic squares”, there were 32 words, it had the shape of a rhombus and did not contain black cells inside. Wynn called his puzzle “word cross” “word cross”, and subsequently this word was transformed first into “cross-word” and then simply into “crossword puzzle”.

1937 - Jane Fonda was born; American film actress, founder of aerobics, winner of two Oscars.

1937 - Walt Disney’s first full-length animated film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, premiered in Hollywood.

1940 - Frank Zappa was born (full name Francis Vincent Zappa Jr.), American rock singer and composer.

1948 - Samuel L. Jackson, American actor ("Pulp Fiction", "Die Hard 3", "Star Wars", "Red Violin") was born.

1975 - American Werner Erhard set a world record by sending 62,824 Christmas greeting cards.

1984 - Jackson Rathbone, American actor and member of the 100 Monkeys music group was born. Better known as the performer of the role of Jasper Hale in the film versions of the novels of Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight".

1988 - The prototype of the largest operating aircraft in the world, the An-225 Mriya, made its first flight.

1991 - the Alma-Ata Declaration on the establishment of the CIS was signed (by the heads of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine).

2007 - 9 countries of the EU - Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and Malta entered the Schengen Agreement.


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