December 17, or Red Umbrella March

Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

November: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
December: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21


SagittariusDecember 17. Those born on this day show an increased interest in the earthly order.

Pragmatic individuals, they take a sober view of the world. They are primarily interested in what is material and solid; accordingly, all air categories - dreams, fantasies, dreams - are completely alien to them.

Born 17 December live in the present moment and want to know how the phenomena and objects around them work.

By analogy with this, they also evaluate people - according to their actions and the results of labor.


December 17 in history + horoscope for born on this day ( man, woman).

Sagittarius men born on December 17:   Pope Francis, Eugene Levy, Simo Häyhä.
  • knowledgeable, 
  • honest, 
  • funny, 
  • straightforward, 
  • open-minded.
  • Sagittarius men are pressful, and sometimes even aggressive, on the way to their goal nothing can stop them. 
  • The relationship with such a man is bright and emotional, but it is almost impossible to keep him in place or tie him in some kind of obligations. 
  • Therefore, a woman who decides to make up the happiness of Sagittarius will have to apply all her wisdom and ingenuity so as not to bore her lover. 
  • In addition, Sagittarius value freedom very much and do not allow restrictions on their personal space.

December 17 in history + horoscope for born on this day ( man, woman).

Sagittarius women born on December 17:  Sarah Paulson, Milla Jovovich, Laurie Holden.
  • optimistic, 
  • natural, 
  • sensitive, 
  • respecting traditions.
  • In relationships with men, Sagittarius women do not tolerate patriarchy. 
  • They are used to being on an equal footing with a partner, are not afraid to take the initiative and take the situation into their own hands. 
  • Only bright and charismatic men who are in no way inferior to their beloved and are able to make her a worthy couple are capable of conquering such a woman.


December 17

Red Umbrella March

For the first time, a red umbrella as a symbol of resistance appeared at the First World Congress of Sex Workers
For the first time, a red umbrella as a symbol of resistance appeared in 2001 at the First World Congress of Sex Workers in Venice.

December 17 marks International Day for the Protection of Sex Workers from Violence and Cruelty.

The day appeared in 2003, initially in order to commemorate the victims of the serial killer from America, who tracked and killed sex workers and teenage girls who had run away from home.

Subsequently, this day became an event of international significance, to which more and more activists and organizations join each year, as sex workers around the world face similar forms of institutionalized violence and discrimination.

The International Day for the Protection of the Rights of Sex Workers from Violence and Cruelty has already formed its own tradition, called the March of Red Umbrellas. For the first time, a red umbrella as a symbol of resistance appeared in 2001 at the First World Congress of Sex Workers in Venice. In 2005, the International Committee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe recognized the red umbrella as a symbol of the struggle to protect the rights of sex workers.

On this day, all those who are not indifferent to the problem of discrimination of sex workers take to the streets with red umbrellas.

Day of the State Executive Service Employee 

December 17

This holiday was established in 2009 as a sign of a significant contribution of the state executive service in ensuring the enforcement of court decisions, arbitrators and other bodies, as well as officials.

Also on December 17...

1493 - Paracelsus was born, the famous doctor, scientist, oculist, naturalist.

1770 - Ludwig van Beethoven, composer. The exact date of birth is not established, only the date of baptism is known - December 17th.

1790 - The famous "Stone of the Sun" was discovered in Mexico - with the Aztec calendar. So the Europeans first learned about the system of calculating the Indians.

1892 - the premiere of the opera ''The Nutcracker'' by P. Tchaikovsky was held in the Russian Imperial Ballet, St. Petersburg.

1895 - A twine machine is patented in the USA.

1903 - “Fathers of Aviation” brothers Wilber and Orville Wright tested the aircraft heavier than air.

1953 - Bill Pullman, American actor (“Independence Day”, “Sleepless in Seattle”) was born.

1965 - the most voluminous number of the New York Times (946 pages).

1975 - Milla Jovovich was born, a model and Hollywood actress born in Kiev (“The Fifth Element”, “Resident Evil”, “Musketeers”).

1977 - Oksana Fedorova was born, winner of the ''Miss Universe 2002'' contest.

1982 - ''The Tootsie'' (Cutie) film was screened in the USA, starring Jessica Lang and Dustin Hoffman.

1989 - The first episode of the cult American animated television series ''The Simpsons'' was released on Fox TV.

1991 - The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine registered the International Renaissance Foundation, the Ukrainian part of the Soros Foundations Network.

1992 - The deputies of the Federal Assembly of Czechoslovakia passed a resolution on the termination of the existence of the Czech-Slovak Federal Republic and the formation of the heir states - the Czech Republic and Slovakia - from January 1, 1993.

2003 - The movie “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King” was released worldwide, the last of the trilogy, soon generously marked with the Oscars.


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