November 30, or World Pet Day

Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

November: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
December: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Talisman of the day - agate

SagittariusNovember 30. Those born on this day instinctively feel when and how best to attack what prevents them from achieving their goal.

They do not tolerate rush, so their approach is usually thoughtful, calculated and effective.

Those born on this day have excellent intuition and know how to take by surprise those who interfere with or oppose their endeavors.

Opponents and rivals of these people, on reflection, can understand that the reason for their defeat is the careful and painstaking preparatory work done by those born on November 30. You can learn a lot about those born on this day just by watching them work.

By identifying the client, developing the concept, and getting someone else's favor, they mentally replay different scenarios over and over again in order to be prepared for any unexpected event.

After initial preparation, they determine the time and place of the meeting, choosing them with great care, usually with the full consent of the victim. And now, finally, they are ready to throw.

Their dress, speech, length of the meeting - everything is thought out with the greatest skill. As a consequence, it is usually very difficult to refuse them. However, they should learn to admit, experience and accept their own failures, because no matter how convincing they are, not everyone succumbs to their spell.


November 30 in history + horoscope for born on this day ( man, woman).

Sagittarius men born on November 30:  Winston Chirchill, Mark Twain, Ben Stiller.
  • honest, 
  • athletic, 
  • advanced, 
  • optimistic, 
  • sane.
  • Sagittarius men are sociable, open and spontaneous.
  • They love new emotions and impressions, do not tolerate boredom and banality.
  • Men born under this sign tend to be great speakers, they love to tell stories and be in the spotlight.
  • Sagittarius are darlings of fate, any undertaking is given to them easily and effortlessly.
  • They often take risks, but, as a rule, this risk is justified and brings good dividends.

November 30 in history + horoscope for born on this day ( man, woman).

Sagittarius women born on November 30:    Marina Abramovich, Kaley Cuoco, Chrissy Teigen. 
  • honest, 
  • cheerful, 
  • optimistic, 
  • respectful of traditions.
  • The Sagittarius woman is an independent, strong and domineering person.
  • She does not follow the lead of others, lives by her own rules and does not depend on the opinions of others.
  • She is creative and versatile, easily captivates others with her ideas and inspires them to achieve.
  • Such women are accustomed to being leaders in both profession and in relationships. They do not tolerate control and strive for freedom.


November 30

World Pet Day

The last day of autumn is dedicated to our smaller brothers.

The last day of autumn is dedicated to our smaller brothers.

Every year on November 30 in many countries, World Pet Day is celebrated.

The idea of ​​establishing this holiday was voiced at the International Congress of supporters of the movement in the protection of nature, held in Florence (Italy) in 1931. Then, various environmental organizations and environmental societies declared their readiness to organize various mass events aimed at educating people in the sense of responsibility for everything living on the planet, including pets.

Since then, the holiday has been held annually and is dedicated to all domesticated animals, to remind all of humanity once again about the responsibility for "our younger brothers". It is not surprising that the words of the Little Prince from the book of Antoine de Saint-Exupery were the motto of this Day: “You are responsible for those whom you tamed”.

International Information Protection Day

In 1988, the American Computer Hardware Association announced November 30 as the International Information Protection Day.

This day is an excellent reason for changing old passwords, checking the system for viruses, archiving data, deleting unnecessary information. 1988 did not accidentally become the ancestor of the holiday: it was then that the first mass epidemic of the worm, named after its creator, Morris, was recorded. And experts thought about the need for an integrated approach to information security.

By proclaiming the Day, the Association intended to remind everyone of the need to protect computer information, and also to draw the attention of manufacturers and users of hardware and software to security problems.

In this context, the protection of information includes:
  • installation of antivirus programs, 
  • installation of firewalls, 
  • the use of hard to detect passwords, 
  • social engineering, 
  • physical protection of information resources and assets 
  • and other measures.

Also on November 30...

1609 - Galileo Galilei compiled the first map of the Moon surface.

1667 - Jonathan Swift, English writer, Gulliver's “dad” was born.

1810 - Oliver Fisher Winchester, American inventor and manufacturer of small arms was born.

1835 - Mark Twain was NOT born. Mark Twain was born much later. And on November 30, Semuel Clemens, the son of a provincial judge, was born. 

He earned money for a life from 12 years. First, as a student in a printing house, after - as a typesetter, a pilot on a steamer, a journalist, and even (this has touched many American writers) a gold miner. 

And now - about how Mark Twain was born. Everything is very simple. In the marine business there is such a term - “mark twain”. This pilot concept is used when measuring the depth of a reservoir. Since the creator of ''The Prince and the Poor'', the author of ''The adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn'', took the mentioned pseudonym, the term “mark twain” can be used as a measurement of the depth of writing.

1853 - Sinop sea battle during the Crimean War, in which the Russian squadron under the command of Vice Admiral P. S. Nakhimov defeated the numerically superior Turkish squadron and ensured the rule of the Russian fleet on the Black Sea.

1872 - The first official international football match took place in Glasgow. (Scotland - England 0: 0)

1874 - Winston Churchill was born, English statesman, orator and writer, British Prime Minister in 1940-1945 and 1951-1955.

1900 - Oscar Wilde, Irish writer, died ("Portrait of Dorian Gray").

1937 - Ridley Scott was born, American director (“Alien”, “Gladiator”).

1939 - the Soviet-Finnish war began (“winter war”).

1954 - The Silakauga meteorite fell in the town of Silacauga in the US state of Alabama. One of its fragments, whose weight reached 4 kilograms, and a diameter of 15 centimeters, injured the woman, which was the first documented case of a celestial body entering a person.

1965 - Ben Stiller was born, an American comedian (“Model Male”, “Meet the Fockers”, “Night at the Museum”).

1973 - XXVIII session of the UN General Assembly adopted an international convention on the suppression and punishment of the crimes of apartheid.

1978 - Gael García Bernal, Mexican actor (“Bitch Love”, “Che Guevara: The Motorcyclist Diaries”, “Bad Education”) was born.

1979 - ''The Wall'', the last album of the British band Pink Floyd in the classic line-up, was released.

2001 - Robert Tuls became the first person with a completely artificial heart.

2006 is the official release of the new Windows Vista operating system and the Microsoft Office 2007 software package.


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