January 13, or Frisbee Production Started

Zodiac Sign Capricorn

December22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
January: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


CapricornJanuary 13. Those born on this day are seriously absorbed in forward movement to the heights, increasing their life status. Of course, some of them are simply fortunate, but most usually pave the way for success through struggle. Once they are one step higher, they will never agree to move to the lower category. Indeed, those who have escaped poverty often demonstrate a clear disregard for their ancestry.

As a rule, they feel most comfortable in the middle and, of course, the upper class of society. Material well-being, moral satisfaction, comfort and security are what these determined individuals strive for. 
The theme of progress to the top can be considered dominant in the life of those who were born on this day. Born 13 January committed to the idea of ​​self-improvement in its deepest sense.

Without being locked into themselves, they also use every opportunity to improve their family and those closest to them. A brilliant memory helps them a lot in this, as well as overflowing optimism.


A trooper helicopter crew found an SOS signal stamped in the snow
January 13.2020. A trooper helicopter crew found an SOS signal stamped in the snow at 30-year-old Tyson Steele remote homestead 20 miles outside Skwentna, Alaska. He survived in a makeshift shelter after his remote cabin burned last month. 

Capricorn men born on January 13: Patrick Dempsey, Orlando Bloom, Liam Hemsworth.
  • possess the following qualities:
  • ambitious,
  • stable,
  • ambitious,
  • wise.
  • The concept of this person on promotion to the top is a priority in his life.
  • He is devoted to his work, especially if he sees in him a guarantee of his material well-being.
  • The life aspirations of Capricorns, as a rule, are practical in nature, and therefore understandable to everyone.
  • Material well-being, comfort and safety, as well as the moral satisfaction from the possession of all this - this is what the Capricorn man goes to all his life.

Capricorn women born on January 13Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Jill Wagner, Janet Hubert.
  • stand out for their special features:
  • stabilizing,
  • loyal,
  • reasonable.
  • As for the Capricorn woman, born under this sign of the zodiac, they preach the idea of ​​spiritual self-improvement to a greater extent.
  • In this idea of ​​theirs, they do not at all lock on to themselves, on the contrary, they are open to communication, they simply transfer their aspirations to self-improvement to their family and their immediate environment.
  • Women born on January 13 under the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn are quite painfully experiencing their own failures, it is not easy for them to accept the fact that something went wrong according to their beautiful plan, and even against their wishes.
  • Deep down, this person will regret that at some point he did not show flexibility, but stubbornly stood his ground, and prepared this failure with his own hands.
  • But this is the paradox and the main mistake of Capricorn - once again in such a situation, she will again make exactly the same mistake, again she will go to the end, and then - come what may.

Main event

The Company Wham-O started Frisbee production

January 13, 1957

January 13, 1957  61 years ago

In the late 40-ies of XX century in American society was a popular topic - unidentified flying objects. This was used by Walter Friedrich Morrison. He came up with a "flying saucer" in 1948, which looked like a UFO (financed by the Warren Franckioni).

However, this first disk was unsuccessful. After a number of improvements and experiments, the plastic plate made by Morrison in 1955 began to fly well above the ground and became a running product, and on January 13 1957, with his consent, the flying saucers began to be manufactured under the Wham-O trademark "Pluto Platter" in San - Gabriele.

At the same time, students of the Yale University in their free time from studying dropped into each other tin pods ''Frisbie Pie Company''. The name Frisbee was so popular among students that Wham-O representatives renamed their flying saucers into Frisbee. One letter was intentionally changed so that ''Frisbie Pie Company'' could not claim a title.

Also on January 13...

1822 - the activities of secret societies and Masonic lodges are prohibited in Russia.

1883 - a circus in Berdichof (Poland) burned down, killing about 430 people (the clown tried to warn the public about the beginning of the fire, but everyone decided that it was a joke).

1898 - E. Zola's letter to the French President was published with a protest against the inspired Dreyfus case. An officer of the French General Staff,  the Jew A. Dreyfus was accused of spying for Germany. Despite the lack of evidence, the court sentenced Dreyfus to life penal servitude. The fight around Dreyfus affairs led to a political crisis. Under pressure from the country's democratic forces, Dreyfus was pardoned in 1899 and rehabilitated in 1906.

1917 - in Paris, counterintelligence arrested a Dutch dancer, spy Mata Hari.

1920 - strikes were banned in Germany.

1991 - in South Africa in the city of Orkney, during a football match, a fight among fans caused a crush and panic, resulting in the death of 50 people.

2000 - Palestinian terrorist Nimer Halima, who was among the most influential members of the underground group of the "international terrorist number one" Abu Nidal, was arrested in Vienna.

The reason for the intervention of the police and the subsequent arrest was the attempt of Nimer Halima to withdraw money from one of the accounts in one of the Vienna branches of Bank Austria. This account, which held more than 100 million shillings (about 8 million dollars), has existed since the 80s, and in the early 90s, was arrested in connection with the events in the Persian Gulf, as it was assumed that the money had a direct attitude towards iraq.

Militants from the underground Fatah-Revsovet group, established by Abu Nidal in 1974, account for more than a dozen terrorist attacks, which have killed more than a thousand people in 20 countries around the world.


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