December 27, or IMF Birthday


Zodiac Sign Capricorn

December22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
January: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


CapricornDecember 27. Those born on the day tend to be service oriented in the highest sense of the word. They are genuinely concerned about the problems and needs of family, friends, and society as a whole.

They often have strong technical skills and yet know how to apply them to the benefit of everyone. And despite the fact that they often have a somewhat idealistic mindset, they are nevertheless capable of making (and making!) Quite a practical contribution to the life around them.

Those born on December 27 appreciate witty jokes and are generally good-natured. However, they also have a dark side that no one knows about except those closest to them. Their emotionality makes them deeply and sincerely experience all the blows of fate, but, by virtue of their character, they are not inclined to show their feelings to others and are therefore able to suffer in silence for many years before throwing out their suppressed resentments outward, perhaps in the form of aggression.

To avoid this, those born on this day should strive to express themselves more fully, not to restrain their emotions and, if the situation requires it, to act more impulsively.


December 27 in history + horoscope for born on this day (man, women).

Capricorn men born on December 27:   Gérard Depardieu, Louis Pasteur, Salman Khan.
  • are distinguished by the following features: 
  • productive, 
  • mature, 
  • economical, 
  • law-abiding,
  • diplomat,
  • gentleman, 
  • pleasant to talk to, 
  • mastering the art of etiquette, 
  • but at the same time confident and laconic.
  • He does not speak loudly and beautifully, does not shower with compliments, he looks closely at the woman he likes for a long time, notes the traits close to him - often representatives of this sign pay attention not only not to the appearance, but also to the woman's ability to behave.

December 27 in history + horoscope for born on this day (man, women).

Capricorn women born on December 27:  Savannah Guthrie, Marlene Dietrich, Hayley Williams.
  • have the following qualities:
  • reasonable, 
  • serious, 
  • sincere.
  • Capricorn women are somewhat more erotic and amorous than the stronger sex of this sign.
  • The Capricorn woman, like no one else, knows how to behave like a real lady - she is strict in observing external decency and at first glance seems cold and unapproachable, strict and mysterious, but at the same time, such a volcano of passions is rarely hidden in any woman.
  • Her charm is mysterious and ambiguous, and first of all, it is aimed at ensuring that a man conquers and achieves her, makes efforts.


December 27

IMF Birthday

The idea of ​​creating the IMF was born at the UN conference in Bretton Woods

On this day in 1945, the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development were created.

The idea of ​​creating the IMF was born at the UN conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, USA, in July 1944, when the 44 countries represented at this conference set a goal to form the basis for economic cooperation in order to avoid repetition of devaluation in order to gain competitive advantages. which became one of the main causes of the Great Depression of the 1930s, and also contributed to the restoration of the international financial system after World War II.

The IMF was officially established in 1945 by 29 founding countries, and became, along with the World Bank, one of the two international financial organizations established following the Bretton Woods conference. Currently, the IMF and the World Bank are collaborating in a variety of areas, and also hold regular joint meetings.

For 60 years, the IMF has continued to change and restructure. Since its inception, it has been shaped by history, and economic and political ideas of the time have had an effect on it.

Although the IMF is a specialized agency of the United Nations and participates in the work of the United Nations Economic and Social Council, it acts independently and has its own charter, management structure and finances.

Based on the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944. The International Monetary Fund:
- promotes international monetary cooperation;
- contributes to the stability of exchange rates and regulates the rules and regulations in the monetary sphere;
- promotes the creation of a multilateral settlement system and the elimination of currency restrictions;
- helps its members eliminate the imbalances in the balance of payments due to the temporary provision of funds.

The IMF has the authority to create and provide its members with international financial reserves in the form of “Special Drawing Rights (SDR)”. The financial resources of the Fund are formed mainly due to the subscription (“quotas”) of its member states. Quotas are determined by the formula, based on the relative size of the economies of the Member States.

The main financial role of the IMF is to provide short-term loans to members experiencing difficulties with the balance of payments. Members borrowing funds from the Fund, in turn, agree to implement political reforms to eliminate the causes of such difficulties. The size of borrowing from the IMF is limited in proportion to quotas. The fund also provides concessional assistance to low-income member countries.

The governing body - the Board of Governors, in which all member countries are represented - meets annually. The daily work is led by a 24-member Executive Board. The International Monetary and Financial Committee, whose 24 members are members of the Board of Governors, advises the Council on matters within its competence.

Also on December 27...

537 - in the capital of the Byzantine Empire, Constantinople, the Temple of Saint Sophia was consecrated, which was the main church of the Orthodox world for a millennium.

1512 - The Spanish government made major changes to slaveholding legislation: it prohibited the use of American Indians as slaves, giving the go-ahead for the delivery of slaves from Africa to the New World.

1571 - Johann Kepler, a German mathematician, astronomer, optician and astrologer, was born.

1595 - Bogdan Khmelnitsky was born, hetman of the Zaporizhia Army.

1822 - Louis Pasteur, French microbiologist and chemist, founder of modern microbiology and immunology, was born.

1831 - Charles Darwin, who had just graduated from Cambridge University, boarded the Beagle. What is remarkable about this event? And the fact that it was on the ship of the royal fleet of England "Beagle" Charles Darwin made the world tour during which he formulated the famous "theory of evolution."

1832 - Pavel Tretyakov, Russian entrepreneur, philanthropist, founder of the Tretyakov Gallery, was born.

1845 - The American doctor Crawford Lang for the first time in the world applied anesthesia while taking birth (his wife was pregnant).

1871 - in the Crystal Palace in London, the hosts first presented their pets at the World Cat and Cat Show. How nice it was to learn from fans, that cats, it turns out, are also ... not stuntmen, but these, like them? .. extremals! Extreme cat is not the beast that, for the sake of Kiticat, will jump out of the sixteenth floor without a parachute, but the one with an absolutely concave nose, well, exactly like a French bulldog. And the semi-extrem is ... well, specialists will explain to you talentedly.

1892 - The Cathedral of St. John, covering an area of ​​11240 square meters, was laid in New York. m (the largest cathedral in the world).

1901 - Marlene Dietrich was born, a German and American film actress (“Blue Angel”), recognized as one of the sex symbols of the twentieth century. At the peak of Dietrich’s fame, thousands of women removed their molars to get the same sunken cheeks and pointy cheekbones. The most controversial legends about Marlene herself: she was called both a model of elegance, and a vulgar special, the greatest actress and complete lack of talent. Director Joseph von Sternberg, who invited her to Hollywood, stated: “It’s better to lock yourself up in a phone booth with a frightened cobra than to work with Dietrich ...”

1904 - The New Abbey Theater opened in Dublin. He became the first in the world contained in state subsidies.

1932 - the passport system was introduced in the USSR (the passport was not given to the peasants, making them serfs again - "attached" to the place of residence, because without a passport it was impossible to go or get a job in the city; once issued a temporary certificate from the village council).

1932 - The world's largest cinema "Radio City Music Hall" (with 5945 seats) is opened in New York.

1934 - Larisa Latynina, the famous Soviet gymnast, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1956), Honored Coach of the USSR (1972) was born. It has the largest collection of Olympic medals in the history of sports - 9 gold, 5 silver and 4 bronze medals. She is also known for winning all gold medals at the 1957 European Championship.

1948 - Gerard Depardieu was born; French-Russian film actor (“Bad luck”, “Between the angel and the demon”, “Papas”, “Asterix and Obelix against Caesar”, “Danton”, “Cyrano de Bergerac”) and winemaker

1953 - in the Polish weekly ycie Literackie (Literary Life), the first story of the classic of world fiction by Stanislav Lem from the Star Diaries of Iyon Tikhiy cycle was published.

2004 - a supernova explosion was recorded at a distance of about 50,000 light years. That is, it exploded, it is by earthly standards, 500 centuries ago, and we learned about it some ten years ago.


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