January 5, or Theodool's Day


Zodiac Sign Capricorn

December22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
January: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


CapricornJanuary 5. Those born on this day have a problem - tendency to complacency, which usually manifests itself after they have gone through a period of uncertainty and some stability has been established in their life. Of course, relaxation in such a situation is quite natural and even necessary, but nevertheless, they should never forget about such qualities as spontaneity, creativity and striving for spiritual development.

It often happens that with age, those born on January 5 begin to pay less and less attention to their personal life and more and more identify themselves with their work.

However, they just need to find the courage in themselves and sometimes follow the impulses of their hearts, even if this may mean a change in their usual image or the loss of a convenient place in a social niche.


January 5 in history + horoscope for born on this day (man, woman).

Capricorn men born on January 5:   Bradley Cooper, Marilyn Manson, Hayao Miyazaki.
  • differ in the following characteristics:
  • restrained,
  • law abiding,
  • hardworking,
  • with a sense of humor.
  • These people are deeply emotional and sensitive, and they experience their emotional upheavals just like all other troubles in their lives, in other words, they rise from their knees after failure and live peacefully on.
  • Self-confidence these people do not hold, they do not live in the past, brushing aside everything that has already passed and is not useful. The past is over, they consider and we must look ahead, which they are doing. A good symbol for these people would be the Phoenix bird, which was burned in fire, but then resurrected from the ashes.

January 5 in history + horoscope for born on this day (man, woman).

Capricorn women born on January 5:  Suki Waterhouse, Diane Keaton, January Jones.
  • characterized by the following properties:
  • stabilizing,
  • loyal,
  • careful.
  • The zodiac signs of the earth are known for their immense inner strength, natural energy and great inner reserve.
  • Born on the fifth day of January, they are used to saving their energy and living according to their own individual schedule.
  • You should know that women, born on January 5, under the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn, differ from the standard representatives of this sign in that they know how to lose, treating their defeat philosophically. They will not worry about this, but simply, after a while, they will make a new attempt.


January 5

Theodool's day

On this day, the Slavs paid much attention to domestic animals - cattle and poultry

On this day, baked cookies in the shape of sheep, cows and birds.

On this day, the Slavs paid much attention to domestic animals - cattle and poultry. The kind owner showed special concern towards them - he gave a lot of food, brought order to the barn and house.

Usually, on this day, baked cookies in the shape of sheep, cows and birds. This was done to attract good spirits and expel evil. Also that evil forces did not leave a trace on baking, they immediately wrapped it in a towel. 

Lean tortillas, were also cooked on Theodool's day, but they did not served, as a cookies, to the table - they were carried to the shed, where they were fed to animals in parts. Poultry as a treat got the selected grain.


Start of the "Shuttles" creation

January 5, 1972

history interesting facts

The creation of "Shuttles'' started on January 5, 1972, when US President Richard Nixon approved this program of  NASA. According to economists, the cost of putting one ton of cargo into space when using shuttles has to be low, due to repeated use of expensive equipment, with the help of shuttles it is possible to return satellites from orbit, to repair satellites in space.

To date, only two states have or had experience in the creation and operation of this type of spacecraft: the United States and the USSR.

Also on January 5 ...

1769 - James Watt received a patent for his steam engine.

1855 - King Gillette, safety razor manufacturer was born.

1875 - The building of the National Opera Theater Grand Opera opened in Paris.

1892 - the first successful image of the Northern Lights was received.

1896 - an article was published in the Austrian newspaper about the discovered by the German scientist Wilhelm Roentgen, X-rays.

1927 - The world's first underwater color photographs are published.

1932 - Umberto Eco, Italian writer, philosopher, medieval historian (“The Name of the Rose”) was born.

1933 - Construction of one of the world's most famous bridges over the Golden Gate began in San Francisco. Construction was completed in 1937. The bridge is 1280 meters long with six rows of traffic and two footpaths, suspended on two main ropes 93 cm thick fixed on steel supports with a height of 227 meters.

1941 - Hayao Miyazaki, one of the most significant anime directors (Spirited Away, The Moving Castle, My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke, Laputa Sky Castle)

1946 - Diane Keaton, American actress, producer and director, winner of the Academy Award (Annie Hall, Club of Abandoned Wives, Father of the Bride, Godfather).

1948 - The first color documentary is shown.

1957 - in the first issue of the magazine "Technology - Youth" for 1957, the publication of the novel of Ivan Efremov "Andromeda Nebula", a milestone in the development of Soviet fiction, began.

1969 - Marilyn Manson was born (his real name is Brian Hugh Warner), an American rock musician, known for his eccentric behavior.

1975 - Bradley Cooper, American actor, four-time Oscar nominee for roles in the films “My Boyfriend is Psycho” (2012), “American Scam” (2013), “Sniper” (2014) and as one of the producers the last in the category "Best Film".

2006 - Intel introduced the first Core processor.

2011 - the number of Internet users in the world has reached 2 billion.


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