January 18, or Warning about cigarettes and Nothing is Dreamed up Day
Zodiac Sign Capricorn
Capricorn, January 18. Those born on this day never leave their childhood.
They can be accused of naivety, but it is difficult to accuse them of prudence, stinginess or greed.
Those born on this day seem to be tuned in to a wave of naturalness. They love to have fun and have little respect for serious problems. However, many of them seriously suffer from the adult demands that the world imposes on them.
Accordingly, the main task of these people can be called the pursuit of maturity while maintaining childish vitality and naturalness.
Without being locked into themselves, they also use every opportunity to improve their family and those closest to them. A brilliant memory helps them a lot in this, as well as overflowing optimism.
Capricorn men born on January 18: Pep Guardiola, Dave Bautista, Kevin Costner.
- possess the following distinctive features:
- reliable,
- productive,
- smart,
- ambitious.
- They are full of determination and ambition in life, and are usually persistent and adamant in achieving their personal goals.
- Such men know well what they want to get out of their life, and the difficulties do not frighten them at all, because they are not one of those people who give in to difficulties, or retreat when they face a problem without getting what they want.
- These are business and responsible people who have an innate talent and ability not only to earn sufficient funds for a quality life, but can also effectively manage the money earned.
Capricorn women born on January 18: Angelique Kerber, Kang Ji-young, Kelly Rohrbach.
- are not like others with such qualities:
- solid,
- careful,
- faithful.
- Representatives of men and women of Capricorn, who appeared in this world on January 18, people with overestimated ambitions in life, they are serious about life and creating a family.
- These individuals like light adventures in life, they are adventure seekers, ready to take risks, but in ordinary life these desires and inclinations of theirs cannot always be satisfied, which is why they turn to the world of their dreams and fantasies, where all this can be translated into virtual reality ...
Main event

On January 18, 1964, American doctors urged Congress to oblige cigarette companies to write on packs a warning about the dangers of smoking for health.
Since then it has been about half a century, but the inscription about the dangers of smoking does not really stop smokers.
However, many countries carry out various anti-tobacco campaigns, trying to limit smoking by legislative and educational measures. Currently, cigarette packs from many countries contain not only inscriptions, but also frightening pictures showing harmful effects on human health, as well as containing an appeal to quit smoking.
Folk Calendar
So that nothing is dreamed up. The main day of Christmas divination.
According to the folk calendar, today can be called differently: Epiphany Eve, Hungry Kutya
On this day, they fasted and ate sochivo (lean porridge), vegetable pancakes, honey pancakes, baked with berries. Kutya was made from rice, honey and raisins.
Epiphany Christmas Eve - the main day of Christmas divination. The girls with the question: "Who will come to comb me?", Put a comb with a ribbon under the pillow. Betrothed was to appear in a dream.
And it was common belief that on Epiphany night, before morning, the sky opens. What open sky you pray for, it will come true.
Also on January 18...
1505 - Frances von Taxis, chief postmaster of the King of Castile, made the world's first attempt to organize regular international mail.
1778 - Captain Cook discovered the Sandwich Islands, now known as the Hawaiian.
1882 - Alan Alexander Milne was born, English writer, author of the stories about a bear with sawdust in his head - ''Winnie the Pooh''.
1936 - Rudyard Kipling, English writer, poet and storyteller, Nobel Prize winner, died.
1947 - Takeshi Kitano, Japanese actor, director, writer and screenwriter, was born.
1955 - Kevin Costner, American film actor, was born.
2008 - Robert Fisher, the 11th world chess champion, died.
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