December 28, or Cinema Day


Zodiac Sign Capricorn

December22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
January: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


CapricornDecember 28. Those born on ths day are distinguished by the ability to put a powerful charge of energy into their efforts and do it beautifully, even elegantly.

They pretend that they can do everything because of their wisdom by experience, and such an imitation is completely based on absolute self-confidence. In many cases, they are able, taking their childhood experience as a basis (even if there is nothing special in it, it can give them stability, from which they will later build on), build on it a career, and sometimes family life.

People born on this day are really rarely able to forget their roots or try to hide them.

Their preoccupation with earthly interests, on the one hand, gives them a reason to doubt their own strengths, and on the other hand, gives them strength.


December 28 in history + horoscope for born on this day (man, women).

Capricorn men born on December 28:   Joe Manganiello, Stan Lee, Denzel Washington.
  • are distinguished by the following features: 
  • discreet, 
  • reliable, 
  • disciplined, 
  • economical,
  • diplomat,
  • gentleman, 
  • pleasant to talk to, 
  • mastering the art of etiquette, 
  • but at the same time confident and laconic.
  • He does not speak loudly and beautifully, does not shower with compliments, he looks closely at the woman he likes for a long time, notes the traits close to him - often representatives of this sign pay attention not only not to the appearance, but also to the woman's ability to behave.

December 28 in history + horoscope for born on this day (man, women).

Capricorn women born on December 28:  Larissa Manoela, Paris Berelc, Maggie Smith.
  • have the following qualities:
  • sincere, 
  • economical, 
  • responsible.
  • Capricorn women are somewhat more erotic and amorous than the stronger sex of this sign.
  • The Capricorn woman, like no one else, knows how to behave like a real lady - she is strict in observing external decency and at first glance seems cold and unapproachable, strict and mysterious, but at the same time, such a volcano of passions is rarely hidden in any woman.
  • Her charm is mysterious and ambiguous, and first of all, it is aimed at ensuring that a man conquers and achieves her, makes efforts.


December 28

Cinema Day

Today is the International Day of Cinema

Today is the International Day of Cinema: December 28, 1895 in Paris, in the Grand Cafe on Boulevard de Capuchin, the first cinema session of the Lumiere brothers was held.

Lumière presented to the public the world's first short film "The arrival of the train at La Ciotat station". It was the first film in the history of cinema, which was shown to the public for money.

The “Arrival of a Train” demonstration caused a real panic among the spectators: they jumped up from their seats and ran away from the hall, fearing that the locomotive approaching on the screen would crush them ...

Since then, cinema has gone a long way in development and has undergone large-scale changes: from silent movies to sound, from black and white to color, from film to digital.

And there are many different film festivals around the world today: the Golden Palm in Cannes, the Venice International Film Festival, the Berlinale, the Lumiere Brothers Festival, the Oscar, the MIFF and others.

International Cinema Day is a celebration of film professionals and fans of this type of art.

Also on December 28...

1708 - the first civil calendar is released. It reported "about eclipses of the sun and moon, about the seasons, about war and worldly affairs, about health and disease, about bloodletting" And another thing: private individuals were forbidden to print calendars, much less bring them from abroad.

1856 - Thomas Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the USA, was born.

1869 - in Ohio (USA) William Semplom patented the first chewing gum.

1925 - In the morning, they found Sergei Yesenin hanging in a room at the Angleter Hotel. Historians and literary scholars, to this day, go through the many causes of the poet's death.

1954 - Denzel Washington was born, American film actor (“Training Day”, “Anger”, “The Book of Eli”).

1969 - Linus Torvalds was born, Finnish programmer, creator of the Linux operating system.

1973 - Solzhenitsyn's novel "The Gulag Archipelago" was published in Paris (YMCA-press)

2007 - Nepal is proclaimed a Federal Democratic Republic.


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