January 16, or "Beatles", Ice-Makers and Magnetic Pole Day

Zodiac Sign Capricorn

December22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
January: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


CapricornJanuary 16. Fulfillment of obligations is the main goal in the life of those born on this day, and we are talking about all spheres of life.

Ultimately, they seek satisfaction from a sense of accomplishment.

But that's not all. Execution means for them not only the end result, it includes the amount of effort spent on the implementation of a project.

In a sense, this means that for those born on January 16, first of all, a subjective assessment of the work done is important, namely that the task was completed properly.


Capricorn men born on January 16: Roy Jones Jr., Lin-Manuel Miranda, Joe Flacco.
  • possess the following features:
  • productive,
  • with a sense of humor,
  • law abiding,
  • ambitious.
  • These are extremely decent people, they are punctual and scrupulous in all matters, in relation to their obligations and previously achieved, in all areas of their life or professional activity.
  • According to these people, the fulfillment of obligations and agreements is the main factor driving all world progress.
  • People born on a winter day, January 16, do not give themselves indulgences in this regard, and expect the same approach from others.

Capricorn women born on January 16Aaliyah, Kate Moss, Laura Schlessinger.
  • characterized by the following features:
  • careful,
  • loyal,
  • economical.
  • These people get real pleasure and moral satisfaction from the realization that they have managed to fulfill their duty to society.
  • In their understanding, the fulfillment of duty is not just the result of their actions received by them.
  • The most painful thing for women born on January 16 under the Capricorn zodiac sign is the question of possible life and professional failures.
  • Even though they understand that in the implementation of any project, there is always the risk of failure. This seems normal for any other sign, but not for the representatives of Capricorns, since they are not entirely, not adapted to endure and accept defeat.

Main event

Ernest Shackleton's expedition discovered the southern magnetic pole of the Earth

January 16, 1909

January 16, 1909  109 years ago

The South Magnetic Pole is a conventional point on the earth's surface in which the Earth's magnetic field is directed strictly vertically upwards (at an angle of 90 ° to the surface).

It should be noted that from the physical point of view this pole is "northern", since it attracts the south pole of the compass needle.

The location of the south magnetic pole does not coincide with the geographical south pole. The magnetic pole currently located on the edge of Antarctica.

The opposite of the south magnetic pole is the north magnetic pole, which is located north of Canada. In connection with the asymmetry of the Earth's magnetic field, the magnetic poles are not antipodal points.

The magnetic pole in the Southern Hemisphere was first reached on January 16, 1909 by David, Mawson and McKay from the expedition of E. G. Shackleton: at the point with coordinates 72 ° 25'00 "S. w. 155 ° 16'00 "in. the magnetic declination differed from 90 ° by less than 15 '.


The Beatles World Day 

The holiday in a honor of the Liverpool Four is celebrated since 2001 by the decision of UNESCO.

The date was not chosen randomly. On January 16, 1957, the club “Cavern” opened in Liverpool, where the young musicians John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison began their journey to fame. A couple of years later, another future Beatle joined them - Ringo Starr.

Later on January 16, another significant event in the history of “The Beatles” happened: on this day in 1964, magazine "Cashbox" assigned the first place in the American charts to the song “I Want To Hold Your Hand”, because a 1 million copies were sold in 10 days.

In the usual group of "The Beatles" members, they worked for eight years.

During this time, they officially released 13 albums, each song of which became a real hit.

Starting with an imitation of the classics of American rock and roll (a great influence on the four had, for example, the work of Elvis Presley), “The Beatles” came to their own style.

The group received worldwide recognition in 1963 after the release of the single "Please Please Me". From that moment on the planet began the madness, which received the name "Beatlemania".

The group had a great influence on the development of world music. Many famous composers and performers took an example from them. In addition, the Beatles for the first time used some innovative developments in the field of recording and filming video clips.

Currently, The Beatles is ranked first on the list of the greatest performers of all time according to the ''Rolling Stone'' magazine.

Ice-makers Day

On January 16, a professional holiday is celebrated by people of a rare, but very necessary profession - Ice-makers. That is, those who fill the ice rinks.

The date of the holiday was the birthday in 1901 of the American engineer Frank Zamboni, who invented the resource agent - an ice combine to recover ice on the rinks (before the invention was done manually).

In any ice arena, all attention is usually focused on athletes. However, for successful performances it is important not only their skill, but also the conditions for the competition, in particular ice. How successful the performance of figure skaters will turn out, whether it will be possible to make a bright rental without blots - it all depends, among other things, on the quality of the coating, and the icemakers are responsible for it.

However, these people always remain in the shadow of the backstage and the audience's applause is heard only muffled.

The process of "cooking ice" is very laborious, it takes about seven days:

First, the temperature of the concrete slab at the base of the arena decreases from room to zero, gradually turning into minus. All this happens within a few days.

After washing and cleaning the concrete, pouring begins with a hose. When an array with a thickness of 1.5–2 centimeters is collected, ice coloring begins.

For training skaters ice should be grayish. Therefore, first put white paint, then - gray.

After painting, water is poured again, then annealing follows: the temperature of the plate rises, a special combine leaves and, as it were, forces ice to let the air and salt out of the pores, removes slags.

After that the last layer of ice is applied. In general, the technology of ice preparation in the arenas for figure skating and hockey is almost identical. However, ice hockey players should be somewhat tougher, and the thickness - the same.

Also on January 16...

1820 - Russian explorers of the seas Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev discovered the last continent of the planet - Antarctica.

1919 - “Dry Law” was introduced in the USA. 

The Congress adopted a special amendment to the Constitution - the 18th. Alcohol consumption was not officially forbidden, but its production, transportation and sale were outlawed. For many years, criminal groups have profited from the illegal production and import of alcohol. 

Prohibition was abolished on December 5, 1933 by the 21st Amendment to the US Constitution.

1956 - David Copperfield, illusionist was born. The people so sincerely believe in their ability to fly over the earth and steal entire wagons (out of kindness, with return) that they do not want to destroy their own fairy tale. Giving Copperfield a chance to once again earn the coveted millions.

1959 - Helen Falashadei Adu was born, known as the English singer Sade.

1963 - Nikita Khrushchev announced to the world about the creation of a hydrogen bomb in the USSR.

1974 - Kate Moss was born, a British model. In the modeling business with 14 years. One of the most popular models in the advertising business.

1982 - it was officially announced the restoration of diplomatic relations between Great Britain and the Vatican 450 years later (!) After the break of ties as a result of the Reformation, started by Henry VIII.

1984 - Michael Jackson received eight Grammy Awards.

1991 - Operation Storm in the Wilderness began with the combined forces of more than 30 states against Iraq in order to oust its troops from Kuwait.

1997 - Microsoft released Office 97, a comprehensive office program that instantly became a bestseller and won 80% of the market.


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