December 26, or Boxing Day


Zodiac Sign Capricorn

December22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
January: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


CapricornDecember 26. Those born on the day are distinguished by an amazing perseverance in all their affairs. It is simply impossible to force them to deviate from the once chosen path.

Often, especially in their youth, they are adherents of revolutionary ideas. They generally tend to "live on the edge", or in extreme cases they simply do not accept the norms and stereotypes of life in their contemporary society. For this reason, it is generally accepted that they create trouble and attract negative energy.

As a rule, with age, their views become more conservative, restrained and orderly, but if they spend their whole life “on the outskirts of society”, having no opportunity for self-expression and remaining unrecognized, this may not happen.

The most developed of them are able to outlive their passion for politics and power issues over time and become more open and tolerant in relation to the world around them.


December 26 in history + horoscope for born on this day (man, women).

Capricorn men born on December 26:   Kit Harington, Jared Leto,  Mao Tse Tung.
  • are distinguished by the following features: 
  • productive, 
  • wise, 
  • ambitious, 
  • diplomat,
  • gentleman, 
  • pleasant to talk to, 
  • mastering the art of etiquette, 
  • but at the same time confident and laconic.
  • He does not speak loudly and beautifully, does not shower with compliments, he looks closely at the woman he likes for a long time, notes the traits close to him - often representatives of this sign pay attention not only not to the appearance, but also to the woman's ability to behave.

December 26 in history + horoscope for born on this day (man, women).

Capricorn women born on December 26:  Régine Zylberberg, Beth Behrs, Eden Sher.
  • have the following qualities:
  • wise, 
  • serious, 
  • careful.
  • Capricorn women are somewhat more erotic and amorous than the stronger sex of this sign.
  • The Capricorn woman, like no one else, knows how to behave like a real lady - she is strict in observing external decency and at first glance seems cold and unapproachable, strict and mysterious, but at the same time, such a volcano of passions is rarely hidden in any woman.
  • Her charm is mysterious and ambiguous, and first of all, it is aimed at ensuring that a man conquers and achieves her, makes efforts.


December 26

Boxing Day

In a number of countries of the British Commonwealth, Boxing Day is celebrated today (Gifts Day).

In a number of countries of the British Commonwealth, Boxing Day is celebrated today (Gifts Day).

There is no big contradiction here, because it is here that those boxes are meant that traditionally, before giving, these gifts are put.

There are several versions of how the name of the holiday.

The first: in the UK, traditionally, on the second day of Christmas, the family packed remnants of a festive dinner and simple gifts in boxes and carried them as a gift to the sick and the poor. Typically, the packaging of gifts and gifts in boxes was placed on children, who then helped distribute them to the poor.

The second: on Christmas Day, December 25, family members open holiday gifts, and boxes from under them are removed just on December 26th.

There is also a version that the name of the holiday was given by the boxes with which gift recipients rush to the store in order to exchange the gift if it didn’t suit their taste (outlets, as a rule, provide for this possibility).

Evstrat Day

According to the national calendar, today is Evstrat, the day when, according to the observations of our ancestors, the day becomes a little longer.

The people believed that on this day the witches gathered for a sit-round gathering and held advice: how to grab the sun and squeeze it from white light. They said that it was impossible to use bad language on Eustrat, otherwise the witch could fall from the sky directly onto her head. It was also not necessary to leave a broom on the porch - an evil force could drag him away, so that with his help he could raise the snow whirlwinds and sweep the sun.

Also on December 26...

1783 - Louis Sebastian Lenormand demonstrated the first ever parachute jump from a great height. First Lenormand jumped from the roof of a one-story house in Paris. The jump was a success. Encouraged by the success, he again jumped from the spire of the observatory in Molpelieu.

1791 - born Charles Babbage, English mathematician, inventor of the first computer, tachometer, seismograph.

1812 - the soldiers of the defeated Napoleonic army crossed the Neman River, leaving Russia behind.

1825 - on the Senate Square of St. Petersburg there was an uprising of free-thinking officers - the Decembrist uprising. The rebellion was brutally suppressed by the king, the participants in the speech were captured and put on trial. Many were executed, many went into exile in Siberia.

1893 - Mao Zedong was born, a 20th century Chinese statesman and politician, the Great Pilot.

1898 - French chemists Maria and Pierre Curie first received radium.

1928 - swimmer Johnny Weissmuller left the sport and chose a film actor career. For many, he became better known as the performer of the role of Tarzan.

1933 - FM radio patented.

1946 - The Flamingo Hotel, built by the famous gangster Bugsy Siegel, opened in Las Vegas. From that day began the transformation of Las Vegas into the world capital of gambling.

1948 - test pilot captain Oleg Sokolovsky on the experimental jet fighter LA-176 for the first time in the USSR reached the speed of sound. The following year he died during the test.

1963 - Lars Ulrich was born, an American rock musician, one of the founders of the group Metallica.

1971 - Jared Leto was born, American actor (“Requiem for a Dream”, “Mr. Nobody”, “Interrupted Life”, “Gun Baron”), vocalist of the group “30 Seconds to Mars”.

1982 - in the traditional nomination of Time magazine, the man of the year is named ... computer! Thus, it was fixed in public consciousness: the world has entered an era of universal computerization.

1986 - Keith Harington, English actor, was born (John Snow from the series ''Game of Thrones'').


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