December 23, or World Snowboard Day


Zodiac Sign Capricorn

December22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
January: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


CapricornDecember 23 is the birthday of people for whom happiness lies in the development of new lands.

They really enjoy being actively involved in moving forward and bringing bold ideas and projects to life. However, there should not be a false impression that those born on December 23 profess extremely radical or revolutionary views - much more often they, on the contrary, have a cautious and restrained character.

Those born on December 23 are characterized by a respectful attitude towards established values. They tend to think carefully and reconcile their plans before getting down to business, and, no matter what, always remain closely connected with their family or social group to which they belong. By the way, they not only think about the fate of this group, but also make efforts to improve it; with lively intelligence, they instinctively find the best way to do it. In this respect, one might say, they even have some prophetic ability: many of them are able not only to foresee some events, but also know how to prepare for them and meet them fully armed.


December 23 in history + horoscope for born on this day (man, women).

Capricorn men born on December 23:   Eddie Vedder, Corey Haim, George Wassouf.
  • are distinguished by the following features: 
  • responsible, 
  • loyal, 
  • mature, 
  • stubborn,
  • diplomat,
  • gentleman, 
  • pleasant to talk to, 
  • mastering the art of etiquette, 
  • but at the same time confident and laconic.
  • He does not speak loudly and beautifully, does not shower with compliments, he looks closely at the woman he likes for a long time, notes the traits close to him - often representatives of this sign pay attention not only not to the appearance, but also to the woman's ability to behave.

December 23 in history + horoscope for born on this day (man, women).

Capricorn women born on December 23:  Carla Bruni, Madam C. J. Walker, Kana Kurashina.
  • have the following qualities:
  • faithful, 
  • serious, 
  • reasonable.
  • Capricorn women are somewhat more erotic and amorous than the stronger sex of this sign.
  • The Capricorn woman, like no one else, knows how to behave like a real lady - she is strict in observing external decency and at first glance seems cold and unapproachable, strict and mysterious, but at the same time, such a volcano of passions is rarely hidden in any woman.
  • Her charm is mysterious and ambiguous, and first of all, it is aimed at ensuring that a man conquers and achieves her, makes efforts.


December 23

World Snowboard Day

Snowboard day usually becomes the official opening of the winter season.

The holiday is held annually on December 23. This day was first celebrated in Europe in 2006.

World Snowboard Day is celebrated in Europe, the USA and even in China - wherever it snows.

Snowboard day usually becomes the official opening of the winter season. On this day, many different events are planned: snowboard lessons, testing snowboards, competitions, concerts ...

Also on December 23...

1714 - Emperor Peter I signed a decree prohibiting persons in the service to "take promises and contracts" with the prescription to be content with the prescribed salary. Officials, as is well known, to this day ignore such bans.

1790 - Jean-Francois Champollion, French historian, was born. In 1822, Champollion decoded the text of the Rosetta Stone, which marked the beginning of Egyptology as a science.

1799 - Karl Bryullov, a Russian painter, was born (“The Last Day of Pompeii”, “The Horsewoman”).

1888 - on the night of December 23-24, Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh in Arles cuts off his left ear. In October, Paul Gauguin came to him, and they worked together for eight weeks. But between artists began to arise friction, and during one of the quarrels, Van Gogh even threatened Gauguin with a blade, but the friend did not suffer, and the rage of the artist later turned on himself.

1909 - one of the first documented meetings of earthlings with UFOs occurred. In the sky over Boston (USA) a large oval-shaped object was seen with holes resembling portholes, as they wrote then, of a submarine.

1916 - Dino Risi, Italian director (“The Scent of a Woman”) was born.

1947 - American scientists William Shockley, Walter Brattein and John Bardeen from Bell Laboratories created the transistor. The following year they announced their discovery, and in 1956 were awarded the Nobel Prize.

1954 - the first successful kidney transplant in the world. Ronald Herrick donated a kidney to his twin brother Richard. Transplantation took place at Brigham Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. The operation allowed Brother Herrick to live for eight years.

1968 - American astronauts Borman, Lowell and Anders were the first people to fly around the moon.

1968 - Carla Bruni-Sarkozy was born, an Italian-French model, a singer and the current first lady of the French Republic.

1994 - the Decree on the autonomous territorial unit of Gagauzia (Gagauz-Yeri) within the Republic of Moldova was officially issued.

2015 - Russian hackers carried out a cyber attack on the energy companies of Ukraine.


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