January 14, or "Old style" New Year and The Titan Landing

Zodiac Sign Capricorn

December22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
January: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


CapricornJanuary 14. Those born on this day are Persistent individuals see their destiny in the coordination and integration of the most diverse aspects of our life.

Their ability to present a picture of what is happening as a whole, in an organic way, distinguishes them from those who tend to delve into details.

Born 14 January are able to gather together all the threads of life and weave an impressive canvas full of meaning out of them.

They do not doubt that their intentions and actions are the only correct ones, even if they go against the generally accepted norms.


Capricorn men born on January 14: Jason Bateman, Hiroshi Tamaki, Grant Gustin.
  • boast the following features:
  • shy,
  • wise,
  • restrained,
  • ambitious.
  • Risk and danger attracts quiet individuals, one might say beckons.
  • They are ready to take risks to achieve even more, but they are unlikely to be imprudent and take risks when they can lose what they have already earned.
  • These people are extremely self-confident, and therefore they cannot even allow the thought that their intentions, actions or actions are wrong and will lead to failure.
  • They have a large-scale outlook on life, and therefore they can see the whole picture of what is happening in society as a whole, and not distract themselves with individual details.

Capricorn women born on January 14Holland Taylor, Gracia Indri, Chiharu Niiyama.
  • endowed with the following properties:
  • careful,
  • serious,
  • wise.
  • Through their perseverance, they achieve success in life.
  • These women see their mission mainly in collecting all the threads of life, to unite its different aspects into one whole.
  • The women born under the zodiac sign Capricorn who appeared in this world on a winter day on January 14 are people who are collected and persistent in achieving their goal,
  • striving for success, in any way possible.
  • Women of the Capricorn sign - very soberly look at their life and prospects, reasonably and correctly assess themselves and their capabilities.

Main event

The space probe "Huygens" landed on the Titan

January 14, 2005

January 14, 2005  13 years ago

The Huygens probe was created by the European Space Agency and named in honor of the Dutch 17th century astronomer Christian Huygens.

The probe was launched on October 15, 1997 in conjunction with the ''Cassini '' spacecraft.

On December 25, 2004 the probe separated from its carrier and began an independent movement to the Titan.

On January 14, 2005, the Huygens probe successfully entered the atmosphere of Titan and landed on its surface in an area called Xanadu.

This was the first (and for 2018 the only one) in history soft landing, accomplished in the Outer Solar System.

The probe sat on a solid surface, although landing in the ocean was also provided for its design.


"Old" New Year

Today, everyone can afford to once again meet the onset of the New Year, thanks to the divergence of the Julian and Gregorian calendar.

The historical phenomenon “Old New Year” is celebrated in many former Soviet republics: Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Abkhazia, Kazakhstan, as well as in Serbia, Montenegro, Romania and some parts of Switzerland.

Interestingly, the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars increases every century, when the number of hundreds in the year after the birth of Christ is not a multiple of four, by one day. Therefore, from March 1, 2100, this difference will be 14 days. And from 2101, Christmas and Old New Year will be celebrated a day later.

A lot of people believe in omens connected with the Old New Year:
  • If on January 14 the first man enters your house - lucky! Hence, the year for all households will be successful. And if a woman - wait for trouble.
  • On the Old New Year coins should not be counted. Foreshadows tears.
  • January 14th is not advised to give money in a loan. Otherwise, they say, you will spend a year in debt.
  • People's omen also says that it is not good to say on the eve of the Old New Year and on its first day the word “thirteen”.
  • And do not take out garbage from the house. With him you can throw away the happiness.
  • Ever since the times of Ancient Rus, a belief has come to us: " How you celebrate the New Year - so, a whole year came the same way".

Also on January 14...

1119 - on the day of Saint Hilary, the Order of the Templars was founded.

The Order was founded by a small group of knights led by Hugh de Payne after the First Crusade to support the new Kingdom of Jerusalem in the hostile environment of its defeated Muslim neighbors, and also to provide protection to the many European pilgrims who went to Jerusalem after its conquest.

One of the most important activities of the Order was work with finances. That the Templars are the inventors of checks.

If the amount of the contribution was exhausted, then it could be increased with subsequent replenishment by relatives. Each check was provided with the depositor’s fingerprint. For operations with checks, the Order took a small fee.

The presence of checks freed people from having to move precious metals (playing the role of money), now you could go on a pilgrimage with a small piece of leather and get a full-fledged coin in any Komturii of the Templars!

1878 - inventor Alexander Bell shows the phone to Queen Victoria of England.

1925 - born Yukio Mishima (real name Hiraoka Kimitake), one of the most talented Japanese writers of the XX century.

1962 - The Druzhba international oil pipeline begins operation.

1989 - Paul McCartney recorded the album “Back in the USSR”, released only in the Soviet Union.

1990 - The Simpson's animated series began in the United States.

2004 - Japan created a device that can simulate dreams for any scenario.


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