October 24, The world's first football club founded


Zodiac Sign Scorpio

October: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
November: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
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ScorpioOctober 24Those born on this day have two main themes in life: dramatic revelations, on the one hand, and painful attention to details, on the other.

Since those born on this day are mostly analytical, they have an itchy need to communicate their discoveries to the rest of the world, surprisingly, often in a thrilling and bombastic manner.

However, they never do exhibitions designed for external shocking, but rather become artists and professionals who take their work seriously, in particular, with regard to the technical execution of projects.

They control their influence on those who listen to them or look at them.

Not the least of the qualities of those born on this day is personal magnetism, which allows them to interest other people in what they are doing.


Scorpio men born on October 24:
  • possess the following properties: 
  • mysterious, 
  • courageous, 
  • charming, 
  • loyal.
  • The Scorpio man is independent, decisive and domineering.
  • He does not take into account other people's opinions and does only what he considers necessary.
  • He is reckless and impetuous, inclined to adventures and risks. Among the typical hobbies of the representatives of this sign are extreme sports.
  • A Scorpio man can be conquered either by a bright and unpredictable personality just like himself, or by an unattainable and mysterious girl who will be outwardly indifferent to his courtship and will make him fight for her favor.

Scorpio women born on October 24:

  • endowed with such differences of nature:
  • sexy, 
  • reasonable, 
  • aggressive, 
  • wise, 
  • intolerant, 
  • sensual.
  • The Scorpio woman is a charming, passionate and attractive nature.
  • She is constantly surrounded by fans who vie for her attention and affection.
  • Women born under this sign are amorous and romantic.
  • They surrender to feelings without looking back, ready for anything for the sake of their beloved.
  • Over time, they become jealous and demanding.
Main event of the day

The team in 1890. Photo from Wikimedia. Author unknown.

October 24

The world's first football club founded

In 1857, two cricket players, the British Nathaniel Creswick and William Prest, founded the first football club, setting a set of rules they called "Sheffield Rules". Until the mid-19th century, there were no established rules in the game, and players could safely push each other onto the field.

Players of the first club "Sheffield" were divided into teams on the basis of age, profession and marital status. So, for example, the “married” team could play against the “idle” team.

"Sheffield's" closest neighbor club, "Hellam", was formed in 1860, and both teams played the first football game in the world on December 26, 1860. The rivalry between these clubs is the oldest in the world and continues to this day.


World Development Information Day is celebrated annually on October 24 to draw the attention of world public opinion to development problems and the need to strengthen international cooperation for their resolution.

This day was established by the UN General Assembly on December 19, 1972. Now this date coincides with another day - the United Nations International Day.

The concept of a development strategy is to mobilize public opinion and promote the dissemination of information to solve development problems.

Education is one of the important factors playing a key role for the public around the world. The media are also a significant lever that shapes public opinion, and with objective and reliable information, you can more effectively find ways to solve global problems.

Also on this day ...

1493 - Paracelsus was born (d. 1541), a Swiss doctor and alchemist.

1745 - the Russian Empress Elizabeth ordered that cats be brought to the royal palaces to catch mice.

1857 - graduates of the University of Cambridge (UK) founded the world's first football team in Sheffield.

1861 - the world's first transcontinental telegram is transmitted by telegraph from Judge Stephen J. Field from California to US President Abraham Lincoln.

1862 - Daniel Swarovski was born (d. 1956), founder of the Austrian crystal empire Swarovski.

1909 - the first demonstration flight in Russia on the plane “Voisin” was made by French mechanic J. Legan, flying about 1.5 km at an altitude of 10 meters on the Gatchina military field.

1911 - an Antarctic expedition of Englishman Robert Falcon Scott, consisting of 12 people, set off from Cape Evans with the aim of reaching the South Pole of the Earth.

1929 - Black Thursday - the beginning of the 1929 market crash.

1936 - Bill Wyman was born, bass player of the English rock band The Rolling Stones.

1960 - an explosion of an experienced intercontinental rocket R-16 at the launch site of the Baikonur. As a result, 74 people were killed, including the chief marshal of artillery Nedelin.

1969 - actor Richard Burton presented actress Elizabeth Taylor with a one-million-dollar diamond ring.

1986 - the world's largest record store in the world is opened in London.

2000 - the only Cleopatra autograph in the Berlin Egyptian Museum was discovered.

2007 - The Chinese AMC Chang'e-1, designed for the study of the Moon, was launched from the Xichang cosmodrome using the Changzheng-3A launch vehicle.


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