November 16, or International Day of Tolerance


Zodiac Sign Scorpio

October: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
November: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

ScorpioNovember 16Born on this day have a pronounced desire for power and know how to dispose of it.

Many of them have a reputation for being good directors and leaders at work or in the family.

They also make excellent consultants and trainers who do well in their social groups and teams.

Their unconditional leadership is rarely questioned, because they have the wisdom to avoid the emergence of hostility and confrontation and to make decisions based on the interests of the entire group as a whole.


Scorpio men born on November 16:
  • have the following traits: 
  • mysterious, 
  • insightful, 
  • thorough, 
  • fascinating.
  • Scorpios love to make grand gestures - they do not skimp on gifts and surprises, relations with them are a real storm of passions and experiences.
  • Scorpio men do not tolerate rejections and do not make compromises, they are maximalists, accustomed to getting what they want at any cost.
  • Sometimes this determination borders on obsession.

Scorpio women born on November 16:

  • endowed with such differences of nature: 
  • wise, 
  • insightful, 
  • difficult, 
  • passionate, 
  • emotional, 
  • aggressive.
  • Scorpio women are bored of being in a stable relationship, they constantly need new emotions and experiences, so if a partner does not give her these emotions, she arranges scenes or is looking for a new object of love.
  • In a relationship, a Scorpio woman is waiting for admiration and unquestioning fulfillment of all her desires.
  • She is used to being the center of attention, she is constantly on the move, easily joins new companies and can support any conversation.

November 16

International Day of Tolerance

Same? Alien? Other...
Same? Alien? Other...

On a global scale, today is a day of restraint and patience around the world, because this is the International Day of Tolerance.

On November 16, 1995, the Member States of UNESCO adopted the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance.

Tolerance in the Declaration means “respect, acceptance and correct understanding of the rich diversity of cultures of our world, our forms of self-expression and ways of manifestation of human individuality”. The declaration proclaims “the recognition that people, by their nature, differ in appearance, position, speech, behavior and values ​​and have the right to live in the world and preserve their individuality”.

The UN launched a campaign “Together for All” aimed at promoting tolerance, respect and a decent life. The campaign includes actions to disseminate information on the contribution of refugees and migrants to the economic, cultural and social life of states. Within its framework, measures are being taken to strengthen the dialogue between refugees, migrants and the population of host countries.

Also on November 16...

1824 - Australian explorer Hamilton Hume discovered the Murray River, Australia's longest river.

1841 - American Napoleon Guerin patented cork rescue belt.

1869 - The Suez Canal was formally opened, which took ten years to build.

1906 - the first movie camera is patented in England.

1918 - Hungary is proclaimed a republic. This put an end to the nearly four-hundredth reign of the Hapsburg dynasty.

1938 - the date of birth of sambo wrestling ("self-defense without weapons") is a type of combat sports, as well as a comprehensive self-defense system developed in the USSR as a result of the synthesis of many national martial arts and, in particular, Georgian wrestling and judo.

1945 - Established by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).

1966 - the most abundant starfall was observed: up to 2300 meteors per minute.

1967 - The I World Congress of Free Ukrainians began in New York (lasted 16-19.11).

1972 - The American company Pepsico announced the sale of pepsi-cola in the USSR the following year. In exchange, the company received exclusive rights to sell Stolichnaya vodka in the United States.

1974 - American physicists Burton Richter and Samuel Zhao Chongqing announced the discovery of a new elementary particle, which they called the J / psi particle.

1974 - using the radio telescope, built in the crater of the Arecibo volcano (Puerto Rico, USA), sent the first message of humanity to the stars on a wave of 21 cm. The message contained basic information about our civilization; it was encrypted in binary code and contained 1,679 characters.

1974 - Alexander Solzhenitsyn held a famous press conference on the future of Russia in Zurich. It was on this day that the writer proposed the “Program of the“ moral revolution, ”set out in the essay manifesto“ To live is not a lie! ”.

1977 - Maggie Gyllenhaal, American actress (“Crazy Heart”, “The Dark Knight”, “Paris, I Love You”, “Donnie Darko”, “Mona Lisa Smile”) was born.

1989 - The Velvet Revolution began in Czechoslovakia.


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