October 30, or Mechanical Engineer Day


Zodiac Sign Scorpio

October: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
November: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
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ScorpioOctober 30If given the opportunity to give birth to October 30, they can become good managers, skillfully directing the activities of others.

In addition to experience, which is invariably replenished throughout their lives, they have a talent for recruiting personnel for the implementation of projects, no matter how complex they may be.

Interestingly enough, many people born on this day travel overseas to do work in their specialty or to start a new life, which gives the name of their day a double meaning.


Scorpio men born on October 30:
  • characterized by the following characteristics: 
  • solid, 
  • sexy, 
  • passionate, 
  • hardy.
  • The Scorpio man is independent, decisive and domineering.
  • He does not take into account other people's opinions and does only what he considers necessary.
  • He is reckless and impetuous, inclined to adventures and risks. Among the typical hobbies of the representatives of this sign are extreme sports.
  • A Scorpio man can be conquered either by a bright and unpredictable personality just like himself, or by an unattainable and mysterious girl who will be outwardly indifferent to his courtship and will make him fight for her favor.

Scorpio women born on October 30:

  • characterized by the following qualities: 
  • strong, 
  • devoted, 
  • manipulator, 
  • reasonable, 
  • intolerant, 
  • emotional.
  • The Scorpio woman is a charming, passionate and attractive nature.
  • She is constantly surrounded by fans who vie for her attention and affection.
  • Women born under this sign are amorous and romantic.
  • They surrender to feelings without looking back, ready for anything for the sake of their beloved.
  • Over time, they become jealous and demanding.

October 30

Mechanical Engineer Day 

Every year on October 30, the professional holiday is celebrated by those who work in the engineering and technical field.
My great-grandfather (left) was a mechanical engineer in the Russian fleet.

Every year on October 30, the professional holiday is celebrated by those who work in the engineering and technical field.

The profession itself appeared in 1854, when a corps of mechanical engineers appeared in the Russian fleet.

Mechanical engineers are specialists who have received higher technical education in the design, manufacture and operation of technical equipment. This is one of the most sought-after professions, which implies the availability of diverse knowledge and skills.

They are committed to providing control over production tasks, organizing jobs and monitoring compliance with safety regulations.

Motorist day

Every year on the last Sunday of October motorists celebrate their professional holiday.

In the modern world it is difficult to do without vehicles, and every year the number of cars increases. The car allows you to travel long distances and visit the farthest places of our planet. Also with the advent of the car began to grow the number of professions related to the maintenance of transport.

Also on October 30...

1270 - the last (eighth) crusade began.

1751 - Richard Sheridan, Irish playwright and politician, was born (“The Rivals”, “A Trip to Scarborough”, “The School of Slander”).

1839 - Alfred Sisley was born, a French artist of English origin.

1871 - Paul Valery, French poet and philosopher (“Young Park”, “Sea Cemetery”, “Notebooks”) was born.

1888 - John Laud (Weymouth, PCs. Mass.) Patented a ballpoint pen.

1937 - Claude Lelush was born, French film director (“Man and Woman”, “Marriage”, “Cat and Mouse”).

1938 - A radio version of the science fiction novel by HG Wells “War of the Worlds” was broadcast on the CBS radio station in the USA. Many Americans believed in the reality of events, which caused an unprecedented panic.

1959 - Japanese corporation Sony launched transistor TVs.

1960 - Diego Maradona, football player, former head coach of the Argentina national team was born.

1967 - for the first time in space, an automatic docking of ships was made, these were spacecraft devices - Cosmos-186 and Cosmos-188, which were prototypes of the Soyuz spacecraft.

1974 - prisoners of the Mordovian camps first marked the day of political prisoners with a hunger strike. Since 1991, it is celebrated as the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repression.

1990 - the docking of the tunnel connecting England and France under the English Channel was completed.


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