November 1, or International Vegan Day


Zodiac Sign Scorpio

October: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
November: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

ScorpioNovember 1Active people born on November 1 generously give their energy to the cause that they have chosen.

The obvious attraction of hazardous activities is associated with this day. People born on November 1 not only deliberately seek to feel this danger, but also may well end up in its networks even unnoticed.

For those born on this day, the very opportunity to feel the excitement tickling their nerves is the most important requirement that they make to their profession. Prolonged engagement in monotonous work can lead them to a state of complete apathy. Their life remains unfulfilled until they find a way to satisfy their thirst for intense experiences. Aggressive tendencies of such a person, as a rule, find a way out easily.

However, the assertiveness of people born on November 1 is never offensive to others, since they are distinguished by their directness and simplicity. Yet many of them are capable of covert actions. Therefore, it is almost never possible to fully recognize their true nature.


Scorpio men born on November 1:
  • can be proud of the following properties: 
  • solid, 
  • insightful, 
  • loyal, 
  • emotional.
  • Scorpio men easily conquer women with their charisma and charm.
  • Scorpios love to make grand gestures - they do not skimp on gifts and surprises, relations with them are a real storm of passions and experiences.
  • Scorpio men do not tolerate rejections and do not make compromises, they are maximalists, accustomed to getting what they want at any cost.
  • Sometimes this determination borders on obsession.

Scorpio women born on November 1:

  • endowed with such traits: 
  • sullen, 
  • vindictive, 
  • generous, 
  • mysterious, 
  • shrewd, 
  • amiable.
  • Scorpio women are bored of being in a stable relationship, they constantly need new emotions and experiences, so if a partner does not give her these emotions, she arranges scenes or is looking for a new object of love.
  • In a relationship, a Scorpio woman is waiting for admiration and unquestioning fulfillment of all her desires.
  • She is used to being the center of attention, she is constantly on the move, easily joins new companies and can support any conversation.

November 1

International Vegan Day

Veganism is a lifestyle characterized, in particular, by vegetarian.

International Vegan Day appeared on November 1, 1994, when Vegan Society celebrated its 50th anniversary.

The word "vegan" was formed by Donald Watson from the first three and last two letters of the English word "vegetarian". This term was used by the Vegan Society, founded by Watson on November 1, 1944 in London.

Veganism is a lifestyle characterized, in particular, by vegetarian. Vegans - adherents of veganism - eat and use only plant products, that is, completely excluding components of animal origin.

Vegans are strict vegetarians who not only exclude meat and fish from their diet, but also exclude any other animal products - eggs, milk, honey, and similar products. Vegans do not wear leather, fur, wool and silk clothing and, moreover, do not use products tested on animals.

The reasons for refusal may be different, but the main thing is the unwillingness to be involved in the killing and cruel treatment of animals.

All Saints Day

The first two November days in the Catholic Church are dedicated to the memory of the departed: November 1, All Saints Day and November 2, All Souls' Day, follow one after the other.

The Christian feast of All Saints Day has deep pagan roots. About two thousand years ago, the Celtic tribes at this time celebrated the New Year, on the eve of which the holiday Samhain was celebrated. This border time (transition to winter) was considered a magical and mystical time - sid (neutral, and often magical creatures hostile to people) come into the human world, and people also have the opportunity to visit the other world.

It was also believed that the souls of the dead on that day return to their homes and require sacrificial food from the living. At about the same time (at the end of October) the ancient Romans celebrated two festivals - Feralia, dedicated to the memory of the dead, and the days of Pomona, the goddess of tree fruits.

Also on November 1...

609 - pagan temple Pantheon, built in Rome by Mark Agrippa, was re-consecrated as the Church of all the Martyrs. Subsequently, this date in Western countries (first established by the Roman Catholic Church, and later adopted by many Protestant denominations) was celebrated as All Saints Day. On this day, the commemoration of the departed is widespread, in France, including in a secular context. In a number of Western European states is a day off. The day after the holiday (November 2) Catholics around the world commemorate the deceased family members and relatives, visit their graves in cemeteries.

1512 - for the first time, the visitors saw the painting of the ''Sistine Chapel'' by Michelangelo.

1604 - The premiere of Shakespeare's ''Othello'' tragedy took place in Whitehall Palace in London.

1834 - the first mention in print of a poker card game, described as a game of Mississippi boatmen.

1892 - Alexander Alekhin was born; Russian chess player, who played for the Russian Empire, Soviet Russia and France, the fourth world chess champion.

1894 - in Paris, French microbiologist Emil Roux

1896 - for the first time a picture showing a bare breast of a woman appears in the magazine National Geographic .

1897 - Students of the University of Turin founded the famous Italian football club ''Juventus''.

1941 - The bridge between the USA and Canada over the Niagara Falls (Rainbow Bridge) is opened.

1952 - The United States explodes the first hydrogen bomb.

1962 - Kharkov became a million-plus city. A boy was born in the Maruschak family. For parents, Andrew and Victoria, he was the firstborn, and for the city - a million inhabitants.

1973 - Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was born, an Indian actress and model. The winner of the contest "Miss World" in 1994.

1993 - The European Economic Community is transformed into the European Union.

1998 - foundation of the European Court of Human Rights.


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