November 5, or World Tsunami Awareness Day


Zodiac Sign Scorpio

October: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
November: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

ScorpioNovember 5Born on this day prefer to do everything as they decide for themselves.

Realism is the most striking feature of those born on November 5th.

They always tell the truth about what they see and try to make their life validate their words.

Thus, if you need to find out about the time in which you live, contact these people.

Those born on this day very accurately reflect belonging to a particular family, professional, social and religious group.


Scorpio men born on November 5:
  • boast the following properties: 
  • insightful, 
  • mysterious, 
  • deep, 
  • charming.
  • Scorpio men easily conquer women with their charisma and charm.
  • Scorpios love to make grand gestures - they do not skimp on gifts and surprises, relations with them are a real storm of passions and experiences.
  • Scorpio men do not tolerate rejections and do not make compromises, they are maximalists, accustomed to getting what they want at any cost.
  • Sometimes this determination borders on obsession.

Scorpio women born on November 5:

  • are not like others in such qualities: 
  • difficult, 
  • mysterious, 
  • decisive, 
  • ruthless, 
  • emotional, 
  • wise.
  • Scorpio women are bored of being in a stable relationship, they constantly need new emotions and experiences, so if a partner does not give her these emotions, she arranges scenes or is looking for a new object of love.
  • In a relationship, a Scorpio woman is waiting for admiration and unquestioning fulfillment of all her desires.
  • She is used to being the center of attention, she is constantly on the move, easily joins new companies and can support any conversation.

November 5

World Tsunami Awareness Day

A tsunami is a series of sea gravitational waves, resulting from a large-scale disturbance in the thickness of sea water.

The day was set by the UN in December 2015 at the initiative of representatives of Japan. This country, located in a seismic region, has accumulated considerable experience in preventing and eliminating the consequences of a tsunami. The goals of this day are to raise awareness of the peculiarities of such a natural disaster as a tsunami, to develop practical steps to prevent the possible destructive and disastrous consequences of this natural disaster. This direction began to develop actively in the UN in 2005 after the terrible 2004 tsunami.

The date of the Day - November 5 - was also chosen on the initiative of the Japanese delegation. This choice is connected with the story of “Inamura-no-hi” about a peasant who donated his property on November 5, 1854 to save the inhabitants of his village. He set fire to his crop, warning the villagers of the danger, thanks to which they were saved. After the tsunami, he took an active part in the restoration of the village.

A tsunami is a series of sea gravitational waves, resulting from a large-scale disturbance in the thickness of sea water. In contrast to storm waves, this wave affects not only the surface layers of water, but also includes the water mass in the ocean. The length of the tsunami is hundreds of kilometers. The speed of this wave in the ocean is more than 700 km / h, exceeding the wind speed.

The main cause of the generating tsunami are underwater earthquakes with a high magnitude (as a rule, it is over 7 points). In addition to earthquakes that cause tsunamis in more than 80% of cases, strong landslides, glaciers, volcanic eruptions, as well as meteorites falling into the ocean can be the cause of the wave.

The nature of the manifestation of a tsunami is suddenness and swiftness, multiplied by the colossal force of the water mass, shaped in the form of a huge wave and falling on the coastal areas of land. No wonder tsunamis are among the most dangerous and deadly natural disasters. This is confirmed by statistical data. The past 20th century was marked by many destructive tsunamis: 1906, 1923, 1938, 1952, 1957, 1960, 1964, 1965, 1971, 1992. In total, over the last century, there were 58 of them.

In the 21st century, the element reminded of itself the most powerful of all known tsunamis in the history of mankind. It occurred in 2004 as a result of a strong underwater earthquake with a magnitude of about 9 points in the Sumatra region in the Indian Ocean. The resulting waves captured not only the Indian, but also the Pacific basin. 14 countries suffered colossal material losses from destruction, and the rest - Indonesia, Thailand, India and Sri Lanka. The number of human victims was about 260 thousand people. Exact numbers have not been named so far due to the fact that many of the dead were carried into the ocean.

Knowing that the main centers of underwater earthquakes causing a tsunami are located in the Pacific and Indian oceans, a warning system was created by interstate efforts. It includes seismographic stations in the creation of a warning system in coastal areas. Its extensive and centralized network should allow time to warn people about the approaching disaster and organize their movement to safe places. And, of course, educating the population of the tsunami-hazardous regions about the signs of an impending natural disaster, actions in a similar situation should also help reduce the number of victims of the elements.

The General Assembly invited all Member States, organizations of the UN system, other international and regional organizations, as well as civil society to properly celebrate this Day in accordance with national priorities in order to raise public awareness of the danger of tsunamis and reduce casualties.

Farewell autumn

November 5

From that day, we were already waiting for winter

As the ancestors noticed, "if a grain (snow pellets, small hail) is sent on Yakov Day, then winter will be on its feet from Matryona Day (November 22)."

There was a ritual to “feed” the earth: they broke the yesterday's cake, left over from the holiday of the Kazan Icon, and scattered pieces in the field, feeding the birds. People believed that birds could soothe the land with their tweets and entreat them to give a good harvest for the next year.

On this day, it was decided to play the so-called bee games - to imitate the buzz of bees and eat honey. It was said that the more honey the host eats and the louder the buzzing, the better the bees will swarm in the spring, and the more honey they will be able to collect next summer.

Also on November 5...

1484 - Pope Innocent VIII publishes the Summis Desiderantis bull, which marked the beginning of the witch hunt ("many people of both sexes ... fell into carnal sin with demons").

1605 - the conspiracy that entered the English history as “powder” failed. In London, a group of Catholics, embittered by the persecution of King James I Stewart (1566–1625), who took the side of the Anglican Church, was going to blow up the House of Lords of the British Parliament during the opening ceremony of the King’s regular parliamentary session. However, the conspiracy failed: in the basement under the meeting room found more than 30 barrels of gunpowder. One of the conspirators by the name of Guy Fox, who extradited the accomplices and plan of the operation under torture, was arrested. Until now, in England, on November 5, Guy Fawkes Day and Bonfire Night are celebrated. It is accepted to invite guests to a festive dinner, where the highlight of the program is the burning of stuffed guy Guy Fawkes. All the guests launch firecrackers, set fire to the effigy, burn a fire and chat nicely with each other.

1878 - Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin was born, an outstanding master of fine art (symbolism and modernity), in addition to his merits in the field of painting the soul-warming of every Slav by the harmoniousness of his last name.

1895 - George Saldon received a patent for a car. In four years, he will sell his rights for $ 200,000.

1913 - Vivien Leigh was born, an English theater and film actress, who became the best Scarlett O’Hara in the history of the film version of The Gone With the Wind novel.

1917 - after a 200-year hiatus, the patriarchate is restored in Russia. Tikhon was elected Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

1927 - the first automatic traffic lights began to function in England.

1935 - Monopoly board game released.

1938 - born Joe Dassin, French singer and musician of American origin.

1943 - Sam Shepard, American actor (“Diary of Memory”, “Black Hawk”) was born.

1953 - Eugene Paton Bridge was officially opened in Kiev - the world's first all-welded structure (made only by welding, without using connecting materials).

1957 - in the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv, a monument to Soviet soldiers-liberators - the famous "Alesha".

1959 - Brian Adams was born, one of the most popular musicians of the end of the last century. He released a whole series of platinum albums and recorded a huge number of hits that fell into countless charts.

1952 - Oleg Blokhin, USSR champion in football, coach of the National team of Ukraine (2003–2007) was born.

1958 - Robert Patrick, American actor (liquid metal T-1000 from Terminator 2: Judgment Day) was born.

1960 - Tilda Swinton, British actress (“The Chronicles of Narnia”, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”, “Constantine: Lord of Darkness”) was born.

1965 - Famke Janssen, Dutch actress (“Faculty”, “X-Men”, “Hostage”) and model was born.

1968 - Sam Rockwell, American actor (Green Mile, Prairie Dogs, Luna 2112) was born.


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