November 21, or Day of Greetings, Television and Michael

Zodiac Sign Scorpio

Zodiac Sign Scorpio

October: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
November: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Talisman of the day - garnet, lapis lazuli

ScorpioNovember 21. Those born on November 21 have a well-developed sense of beauty, which manifests itself in everything: in posture, gestures, manners, graceful and perfected ideas. 

Those born on this day are keenly interested in everything new that arises in society, without spending too much time on old-fashioned trends. At the same time, they are able to instantly appreciate the beauty of forgotten concepts that can be revived and given a modern sound. 

Thus, those born on November 21, with undoubted benefit for society, reconstruct age-old traditions. 

However, they may have serious conflicts with the older generation (most often with their parents), who are not able to understand the essence of what they are doing. 

Born 21 November are often convinced that they must prove to their enemies and to the whole world that their views are right - even if it takes a lifetime to prove it.


November 21 in history + horoscope for born on this day ( man, woman).

Scorpio men born on November 21:  Davido, Rocco Hunt, Danny Kanell.
  • passionate, 
  • sexy, 
  • intuitive, 
  • hardy.
  • easily conquer women with their charisma and charm,
  • they like to make grand gestures, do not skimp on gifts and surprises,
  • relationship with them is a real storm of passions and experiences,
  • do not tolerate rejections and do not compromise,
  • they are maximalists, accustomed to getting what they want at any cost. Sometimes this determination borders on obsession.

November 21 in history + horoscope for born on this day ( man, woman).

Scorpio women born on November 21:  Bjork, Goldie Hawn, Brie Bella.
  • wise, 
  • manipulative, 
  • courageous, 
  • perceptive, 
  • confident, 
  • touchy,
  • she is bored of being in a stable, even relationship, they constantly need new emotions and experiences,
  • in a relationship awaits admiration and unquestioning fulfillment of all her desires
  • used to being in the spotlight
  • she is constantly on the move
  • easily joins new companies and can support any conversation.


November 21

World Greetings Day

It has been celebrated annually since 1973.

Today it is worth even more eagerly to greet everyone around, because on November 21 it is customary to celebrate World Greetings Day.

It has been celebrated annually since 1973.

He was invented by two American brothers (Michael and Brian McComak) at the very height of the Cold War, in protest against increasing international tensions. “We need a simple but effective act,” the brothers decided and sent letters with warm greetings to all parts of the world. They did not impose their own ideas on the struggle for world peace. They only asked the addressee to greet someone else, well, at least ten people ...

This idea was supported by state leaders and ordinary people. Since then, every year on November 21 is World Day of greetings, joyful emotions and good mood.

World Television Day

In March 1998, the UN General Assembly proclaimed 21 November as World Television Day to mark the date of the first World Television Forum in 1996.

States were invited to celebrate this day by sharing television programs on issues such as peace, security, economic and social development, and the expansion of cultural exchanges.

In a Folk Calendar

Michael Day

This day in Russia has long been called Michael Day. This is a fun and well-fed holiday (especially for livestock).

Michael holidays began in the villages, marking the end of all summer and autumn rural works. In addition, by this time the peasants received the proceeds for the goods sold, and the workers were paid their earned money.

The hostesses set the tables, cooked delicious dishes - and festivities began. On this day, it was considered not shameful to make a visits, and to receive the guests themselves.

Usual food on the Michael Day was - homemade beer, fresh flour pies, honey, and roasted meat. Celebrations were often held for a whole week - until the strict Filip post.

On the Michael Day, according to the popular custom, they appeased Yard Spirit. He was considered the younger brother of the House Spirit, and people tried to appease him to live in the courtyard and not send Misfortune Spirit instead of himself. To do this, after uttering a special spell in the courtyard, a strip of tar was made, and people asked the a Yard Spirit do not to go beyond this line.

Also on November 21...

1694 - Voltaire was born (real name is Francois Marie Arouet), French thinker, writer and publicist of the Enlightenment.

1783 - the balloon of the brothers Joseph-Michel and Jacques-Etienne Montgolfier for the first time lifts people into the air.

1846 - Oliver Wendel proposed the term “anesthesia” for the condition that was caused by ether.

1877 - Thomas Edison announced his invention - the phonograph. Three months later he received a patent.

1916 - drowned "Britannica" - the twin of a ship "Titanic", - having flown on a German mine. He went to the bottom in just 50 minutes, nevertheless, only 21 people died, because the ship managed to be stranded.

1944 - Harold Ramis was born, American actor (“Ghostbusters”), screenwriter and director (“Groundhog Day”, the series “The Office”).

1945 - Goldie Hawn, American actress (“Death to her face”, “Private Benjamin”, “Overboard”, “Bird on the wire”) was born.

1963 - Nick Perumov was born, a Russian fantasy writer.

1963 - Nicolette Sheridan, English actress (“Desperate Housewives”) was born.

1965 - Bjork (Bjork Gudmunsdottir), Icelandic singer, actress, musician, composer and songwriter, winner of numerous awards.

1969 - US President Richard Nixon and Japanese Prime Minister Eisaku Sato agreed to transfer Okinawa Island to Japan in 1973 and remove all nuclear weapons from the island.

2004 - The Orange Revolution began in Ukraine.

2013 - Euromaidan started in Ukraine.


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