October 28, or International Day of Animation


Zodiac Sign Scorpio

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ScorpioOctober 28Born on this day strongly believe in the need for preparation.

Before they say anything on a specific topic or devote their time, money or energy to a career or business, they try to understand what difficulties this may involve.

In addition, they continue to persevere in the matter after the start of the case.

Perhaps more than anything in the world, those born on this day do not like confusion because they were unprepared.

Their efforts can go to neurotic extremes when they become afraid of meeting deadlines, arriving on time, maintaining control and order at work.


Scorpio men born on October 28:
  • can be proud of the following traits: 
  • mysterious, 
  • sensitive, 
  • sexy, 
  • solid.
  • The Scorpio man is independent, decisive and domineering.
  • He does not take into account other people's opinions and does only what he considers necessary.
  • He is reckless and impetuous, inclined to adventures and risks. Among the typical hobbies of the representatives of this sign are extreme sports.
  • A Scorpio man can be conquered either by a bright and unpredictable personality just like himself, or by an unattainable and mysterious girl who will be outwardly indifferent to his courtship and will make him fight for her favor.

Scorpio women born on October 28:

  • endowed with such traits: 
  • attractive, 
  • aggressive, 
  • emotional, 
  • gloomy, 
  • mysterious, 
  • wise.
  • The Scorpio woman is a charming, passionate and attractive nature.
  • She is constantly surrounded by fans who vie for her attention and affection.
  • Women born under this sign are amorous and romantic.
  • They surrender to feelings without looking back, ready for anything for the sake of their beloved.
  • Over time, they become jealous and demanding.

October 28

Cinderella and Ariel are two famous Disney princesses beloved with all girls in the World.
Cinderella and Ariel are two famous Disney princesses beloved with all girls in the World.

International Day of Animation

 In 1892, the French artist Emile Renault presented to the public in Paris "glowing pantomimes" - moving images on the screen, which we now call cartoons.

Earlier, in 1877, the Frenchman demonstrated the “praxinoscope” apparatus, which is a box of cookies and a mirror drum, which allowed images to move.

In 1895, the Lumiere brothers patented the “cinema” apparatus, marking the beginning of the cinema era. Thus, the animation ahead of the genre of cinema for 18 years.

In 2002, the International Association of Animated Films (ASIFA) established the festival "International Day of Animation".

International Day of Mother in Law 

Every fourth Sunday of October in the world is celebrated an unusual, but undoubtedly, the favorite holiday of any son-in-law. This holiday has no official status, but is already very popular in many countries. Being born in the 1930s in the USA as a joke (according to one version, as an alternative to Mother's Day), later, every year, it gained more and more fans, including in other countries.

Also on this day...

1469 - Erasmus of Rotterdam, a Dutch European humanist, philosopher and writer, was born (“Praise of Folly”).

1636 - Harvard University, one of the leading US universities, was founded.

1831 - Michael Faraday, who discovered the principle of electromagnetic induction, demonstrated the first dynamo.

1886 - The official opening of the Statue of Liberty took place in New York (the full name is Liberty, illuminating the world). One of the most famous sculptures in the United States and in the world, often referred to as the “symbol of New York and the USA”, “the symbol of freedom and democracy”, “Lady Liberty”.

1893 - the premiere of Peter Tchaikovsky's Sixth (Pathetic) Symphony took place in St. Petersburg.

1908 - the first short film in the history of the Russian Empire, Ponizovaya Volnitsa, appeared on movie screens.

1914 - Kodak announced the launch of color photography.

1919 - The US Congress, despite the presidential veto of Woodrow Wilson, passed a “dry law” prohibiting the production, transportation and sale of alcoholic beverages.

1943 - According to a number of conspiracy the Philadelphia experiment took place.

1955 - Bill Gates, American entrepreneur, head of Microsoft Corporation, was born. For a number of years he was the richest person on the planet according to Forbes magazine.

1963 - Eros Ramazotti was born, Italian singer.

1965 - Pope Paul VI removed from the Jews the collective guilt for crucifying Christ.

1967 - Julia Roberts, Hollywood film actress, winner of the Academy Award, was born.

1974 - Joaquin Phoenix, American actor (“Gladiator”, “Signs”, “8 mm”, “Cross the Line”, “The Feather of the Marquis de Sade”) was born.

1982 - Matt Smith was born, an English actor of theater, film and television, best known for his role as the eleventh Doctor in the TV series Doctor Who.

1989 - The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a law on the state status of the Ukrainian language (the Law “On the Language in the Ukrainian SSR”). Ukrainian language is declared state on the territory of Ukraine.

1993 - Australian Senate recognized the Holodomor in Ukraine as an act of genocide.

2007 - a list of “100 geniuses of modern times living today” of the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph is presented.


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