November 13, or Day of Kindness and Sausages


Zodiac Sign Scorpio

October: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
November: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

ScorpioNovember 13Born on this day usually comment on various events with great understanding and insight.

Whatever social position they may occupy, they often and willingly speak out about what seems worthy of their attention. Such people are interested in everything, but especially in socio-political issues. Whether they get knowledge from newspapers, TV shows, books on history or sociology, they always have a certain opinion about how things should or, conversely, should not happen.

The main problem of those born on November 13 is that they spend too little energy on understanding themselves and developing their own personality. Since their sphere of interest is exclusively in the outside world, they always risk stopping, as it were, halfway to perfection.

To those who know them, they may seem outgoing and cheerful, but not very solid people.

At the same time, more enlightened individuals born on this day try to use their interests for the endless process of self-knowledge and self-improvement, maintaining a close connection between the inner and the outside world. Such people are usually well equipped to realize their full potential.


Scorpio men born on November 13:
  • possess the following traits: 
  • deep, 
  • charming, 
  • sensitive, 
  • attractive.
  • Scorpio men easily conquer women with their charisma and charm.
  • Scorpios love to make grand gestures - they do not skimp on gifts and surprises, relations with them are a real storm of passions and experiences.
  • Scorpio men do not tolerate rejections and do not make compromises, they are maximalists, accustomed to getting what they want at any cost.
  • Sometimes this determination borders on obsession.

Scorpio women born on November 13:

  • characterized by such facets of temperament: 
  • aggressive, 
  • enthusiastic, 
  • sensual, 
  • sexual, 
  • complex, 
  • perceptive.
  • Scorpio women are bored of being in a stable relationship, they constantly need new emotions and experiences, so if a partner does not give her these emotions, she arranges scenes or is looking for a new object of love.
  • In a relationship, a Scorpio woman is waiting for admiration and unquestioning fulfillment of all her desires.
  • She is used to being the center of attention, she is constantly on the move, easily joins new companies and can support any conversation.

November 13

Today, humanity celebrates bright and tasty holidays.

World Day of Goodness

We recognize the fundamental importance of simple human kindness.
We recognize the fundamental importance of simple human kindness.

November 13 is recognized as World Day of Goodness. This holiday is celebrated in Australia, Brazil, Britain, France, India, South Africa, Italy, Canada, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, USA, Thailand, Scotland, Spain, China, Ukraine and other countries.

The official document of the movement is the “declaration of kindness,” which literally reads as follows: “We recognize the fundamental importance of simple human kindness as a basic condition of satisfying and meaningful life, and with this document we proclaim the creation of the World kindness movement. We will strive to unite through organizations in each country and through the creation of a worldwide network, and create a kinder and more sympathetic world.

Participants of the movement are united with each other through the Internet. At numerous sites, ideas of good deeds and methods of their implementation are recorded.

Sausage Birthday

Today the world celebrates the birthday of sausages. On November 13, 1805, a butcher from Vienna, Johann Georg Laner, prepared a sausage that became the prototype of a modern sausage. Since he was studying his craft in Frankfurt, the new product was named “frankfurter”.

Sausages are so fond of the inhabitants of Germany, that in the homeland of Johann Lanera in Bavaria, in the town of Hasseldorf, the local people erected a monument to him at their own expense. On the pedestal is attached a bronze plate with a history of the invention of the sausage.

International Day of the Blind

On November 13, 1745, Valentine Hauy was born in France - a famous teacher who founded several schools and enterprises for the blind in Paris and St. Petersburg. Until the XVIII century, the world did not know the educational institutions for the blind.

Valentin Haüy, for the first time, demonstrated his method of teaching the blind through the type he had invented. In 1784 in Paris, without the support of the government and charitable societies, with his personal funds, in his own house he opened the first school for blind children in the world called the Workshop of the Working Blind. The first student of Valentine Hauy was a boy picked up on the church porch by François de Lesuieres. Then 11 more of his homeless peers entered the school.

According to the decision of the World Health Organization, this date became the basis of the International Day of the Blind. It is designed to attract the attention of people to those who have lost their sight forever and find themselves in a difficult life situation.

Also on November 13...

1850 - Robert Louis Stevenson, writer, was born.

1862 - Lewis Carroll wrote in his diary: "I started writing a fairy tale about Alice, I hope to finish it by Christmas." And indeed, the promise the writer made to Alice Liddell kept.

1895 - The first delivery of canned pineapples from the Hawaiian Islands took place.

1914 - In the United States, Mary Phelps Jacobs patented a women's underwear piece, known as a “backless bra,” a bra.

1946 - on Mount Greylock, Massachusetts, artificial snow was first created from a real cloud.

1950 - The first unofficial bridge world championship was held in Bermuda. Americans became champions.

1952 - First false nails went on sale in America.

1955 - Whoopi Goldberg was born, American film actress ("Ghost", "Partner", "Jack Poprygun").

1968 - The premiere of the cartoon "Yellow Submarine" (Yellow Submarine) in the United States.

1969 - Gerard Butler, Scottish actor (“Law-abiding citizen”, “Phantom of the Opera”, “Gamer”) was born.

1971 - the first interplanetary spacecraft was put into orbit around Mars; The first artificial satellite of Mars (Mariner-9, USA).

1980 - The American Voyager-1 spacecraft transmitted the first photos of Saturn to Earth close up.

1987 - To promote "safer sex" or prevent AIDS, the first condom advertisement (without a brand name) is shown in the UK. The video showed BBC.

1994 - as a result of the referendum, Sweden joined the European Union.

2015 - a series of terrorist attacks occurred on November 13 and 14 in the X and XI districts of Paris and the city of Saint-Denis. Almost simultaneously, several incidents occurred: explosions near the Stade de France stadium, where a friendly match between France and Germany was held, attended by President Francois Hollande, the shooting of restaurant guests, and the hostage incident at the Bataclan Theater. Total killed at least 129 people. According to the testimony of the newspaper “Le Parisien”, in general, at least 6 terrorist attacks took place in different parts of Paris.


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