November 7, or Sobering Center Birthday


Zodiac Sign Scorpio

October: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
November: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

ScorpioNovember 7Born on this day usually strive for new adventures. However, it is not just about pleasure - they are driven by the passion of researchers, pioneers, pioneers. They devote all their energy to this without a trace, whether we are talking about the microcosm or the macrocosm.

Born 7 November are interested in everything that exists around them, especially if their interest is related to the opportunity to learn something new in the professional field.

They love to take things apart, and then reassemble them, see how they work, often without using anyone's advice and instructions. In this regard, they are eternal students, tirelessly working to improve what they do, sometimes bringing their brainchild to perfection.

However, while those born on November 7 tend to experiment with trial and error, their standards can be very high and they are rarely satisfied with what they have achieved unless it is one hundred percent in line with their expectations. For this reason, they make very picky bosses.


Scorpio men born on November 7:
  • have the following distinctive features: 
  • passionate, 
  • loyal, 
  • mysterious, 
  • attractive.
  • Scorpio men easily conquer women with their charisma and charm.
  • Scorpios love to make grand gestures - they do not skimp on gifts and surprises, relations with them are a real storm of passions and experiences.
  • Scorpio men do not tolerate rejections and do not make compromises, they are maximalists, accustomed to getting what they want at any cost.
  • Sometimes this determination borders on obsession.

Scorpio women born on November 7:

  • possess the following qualities: 
  • difficult, 
  • intriguing, 
  • attractive, 
  • courageous, 
  • intense, 
  • emotional.
  • Scorpio women are bored of being in a stable relationship, they constantly need new emotions and experiences, so if a partner does not give her these emotions, she arranges scenes or is looking for a new object of love.
  • In a relationship, a Scorpio woman is waiting for admiration and unquestioning fulfillment of all her desires.
  • She is used to being the center of attention, she is constantly on the move, easily joins new companies and can support any conversation.

November 7

Sobering center birthday

Alcoholism, leading to "degeneration of the population, economic ruin and moral deterioration of the affected population."
Alcoholism, leading to "degeneration of the population, economic ruin and moral deterioration of the affected population."

On the initiative of the doctor Fedor Sergeevich Arkhangelsky (1855–1928), in 1902, the first sobering center in Russia called “shelter for the drunk” opened in Tula, the capital of gunsmiths.

The institution was supposed to “give free accommodation, care and medical assistance to those who will be picked up by police officers or otherwise in the streets of Tula in a heavy and unresponsive drunk and who will need medical assistance”.

At the opening of the shelter, Arkhangelsky, putting forward the task of combating alcoholism, leading to "degeneration of the population, economic ruin and moral deterioration of the affected population."

The shelter consisted of two isolated departments: an ambulatory for alcoholics and a shelter for children of drinking parents. In the state of the shelter were a paramedic and a coachman. The driver traveled around the city and picked up drunk ones.

A few years after the opening of the first shelter for those who had drunk in almost every provincial city, similar institutions opened. In 1913, Arkhangelsky was awarded for his initiative gold and silver medals at the hygienic exhibition in St. Petersburg.

Diwali - festival of lights in india

Holiday symbolizes the victory of light over darkness.

Diwali or Deepavali, which in Sanskrit means "bunch of fire" - a festival of lights, commonly celebrated in India and symbolizing the victory of light over darkness, good over evil.

It falls on the beginning of the month Kartik (October - November) and is celebrated for five days.

There are several legends associated with the holiday. Vishnuits link the beginning of the celebration of Diwali with the coronation of prince Rama, the seventh incarnation of Vishnu. On the night of his happy enthronement, an illumination was arranged throughout the country.

According to another version, the wise reign of Rama marked the deliverance from spiritual darkness. Lighted lights symbolize the return of humanity from darkness to light, thanks to the legendary prince.

On this festival of light, the streets of cities and villages are lit up with thousands of lights and fireworks. The air is shaken by explosions of rockets, firecrackers.

In Folk Calendar

Grandfathers cry

On this day recalled the dead relatives and friends ...

On this November day, all nature is crying - rain or snow. And people began to cry with her - to arrange ritual laments, called grandfathers, to remember the dead relatives and friends.

It was necessary to go to the cemetery, put graves in order, and light a church candle.

In addition, it was supposed on this day to help orphans and the disadvantaged, because their life was usually not sweet.

Special signs for merchants existed on this day - for example, they were forbidden to eat bread. Those who traded in grain should not have moved from place to place on this day - otherwise it would have been possible to scare away luck.

Also on November 7 ...

1552 - Magellan completes with 18 surviving satellites complete the first voyage around the world.

1783 - The last victim of the Spanish Inquisition was publicly burned in Seville, and in England on the same day, a criminal deserving such punishment was hanged in the presence of onlookers.

1867 - Maria Sklodovskaya-Curie, French physicist and chemist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1903) and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1911) was born.

1891 - American Whitcomb Leo Judson patented the first known prototype zipper.

1902 - An institution called “Shelter for those who got drunk” was opened in Tula on the initiative of a local doctor. There were two departments: for alcoholics and for children of drinking parents. The staff was a coachman, who traveled around the city and picked up drunk.

1908 - Rutherford announced that he had split the atom.

1913 - Albert Camus was born, a French writer and philosopher, a representative of existentialism. Laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature 1957.

1917 - the Bolsheviks stormed the Winter Palace in Petrograd and announced the termination of the powers of the Provisional Government. So happened the October Revolution.

1917 - The Ukrainian Central Rada came up with the 3rd Universal, who proclaimed the formation of the Ukrainian People’s Republic (UNR).

1928 - Gosprom, one of the first Ukrainian skyscrapers, was officially opened in Kharkov.

1941 - the famous military parade on Red Square, from which the fighters go to the front to defend Moscow.

1963 - In Hollywood, the premiere of the comedy film "This Insane, Insane, Insane, Insane World."


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