February 25, or First Automatic Revolver and Fish Day


Zodiac Sign Pisces

February19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
March: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PiscesFebruary 25. Born on this day are often come across as unapproachable personalities. Their potential is undeniably revealed only when they fully devote themselves to more important matters than their own person.

Those born on this day are very self-confident people with a great sense of their own dignity, but it is unlikely that anyone would think of accusing them of selfishness.

Those born on February 25 devote most of their time to serving society, and yet their aspirations are not always selfless.

They believe that by "plunging headlong into business" will only increase their influence over others.



Pisces men born on February 25: George Harrison, Sean Astin, Shahid Kapoor.
  • differ in the following properties: 
  • charismatic, 
  • artistic, 
  • compassionate, 
  • musical.
  • Pisces men are idealists and dreamers, they are light and comfortable people in communication.
  • Politeness and tact do not allow men of this sign to show open aggression, which is often their problem.
  • Pisces men fall in love easily and find it difficult to build strong harmonious relationships.
  • The main problems in love are associated with striving for an unattainable ideal and building relationships with those who have a much brighter temperament.

Pisces women born on February 25Téa Leoni, Rashida Jones, Chelsea Handler.
  • have the following features:
  • gentle, 
  • hypersensitive, 
  • impressionable.
  • Pisces women are charming, delicate and mysterious young ladies who attract men with their vulnerability and defenselessness.
  • Their femininity and weakness are their main trump cards, creating an atmosphere of mystery around them.
  • Her location is not easy to achieve, and it is her reason that sometimes makes her not go on about emotions.
  • The strongest traits of Pisces women are femininity and the ability to properly manage their trademark features - fragility and softness.

Main event

Samuel Colt received the first patent for an automatic revolver in the United States

February 25, 1836

birthday, date, history, holidays,

Different versions are still circulating about who actually developed the Colt revolver.

According to one of them, Samuel Colt himself, being a cabin boy in his youth, saw in the work of the mechanism for choosing the anchor rope of the cable the principle of the future legend of the Wild West.

On the other, he trivialized the works of his accomplice, John Pearson.

And, finally, there is information that the scheme of the revolver was proposed in the 1830s by the Englishman Charles Shirk, taking as a basis the drum collar of the Koller and the ideas of the Frenchman Mariett.

However, all three versions converge in one: Colt was not a talented designer, he was more likely a successful and calculating businessman.

On February 25, 1836, he received the first patent in the United States for a 6-gun 45-caliber revolver. In 10 days the Colt opens its own production.

The model first called "Paterson" by the name of the city where the Colt manufacture was deployed, but soon it was called "Texas" for its popularity among the inhabitants of this state.

In 1842 Colt's company went bankrupt, and he started developing submarine mines, which he even received from Congress 20,000 dollars.

In early 1847, Colt received a large order from the captain of the rangers Samuel Walker, who highly appreciated the quality of his revolver, and resumed production at the Eli Whitney factory in Whitney-Wheel, Connecticut.

The war between Texas and Mexico in 1845-1846 provided a steady sale of quick-fire revolvers among rangers. The new model was called the "Army Model of 1847" or "Walker Pistol."


Fish day

According to the folk calendar today, Alexia Rybny.

On this day, Orthodox remember Metropolitan Alexy, a statesman and diplomat of the 14th century.

It was said in Russia that the snow begins to melt on Alexia (Alexy), so the fish are well caught.

On this day, cooked fish dishes. The main of them were pies, fed to fish broth, which could also be poured into a hole made from above before baking them, and which had to be stretched.

Also on February 25...

1573 - pioneer Ivan Fedorov founded a printing house in Lviv. She acted from 1573 to 1575. The first book published in the Ukrainian lands was the Apostle in the Fedorov-Fedorovich printing house (in 1574), which initiated the development of book printing in Ukraine.

1707 - Carlo Goldoni was born, Italian playwright.

1721 - Peter I established the Synod - the supreme governing body of the Church.

1751 - Edward Willet of New York gives the first performance with a trained monkey in the USA. For one shilling, the audience sees the monkey walking on a tightrope, dancing and practicing with a weapon.

1837 - Thomas Davenport received a patent for "Improvement in motor technology using magnetism and electromagnetism."

1841 - Auguste Renoir, French painter, graphic artist and sculptor, representative of impressionism was born.

1873 - Enrico Caruso, world famous tenor opera was born.

1917 - born Anthony Bargess (John Anthony Bargess Wilson), English novelist, critic and composer.

1928 - Charles Jenkins laboratory in Washington receives the first television license. The first commercial broadcast license will be issued in 1941.

1937 - Barbara Johnson was born, the owner of the world company Johnson & Johnson.

1943 - George Harrison was born, musician of the Beatles.

1945 - It is believed that the term "iron curtain" appeared after the Second World War and was coined by Winston Churchill in 1946. But it is not. In the weekly journal “Das Reich” of February 25, 1945, German Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels predicted that if Germany surrendered, the Soviet Union would occupy most of Eastern Europe, where the Iron Curtain would fall. Churchill, no doubt, read this article and used the term he liked.

1956 - at a closed meeting of the XX Congress of the Communist Party N.S. Khrushchev made accusations against Stalin. He offered to the participants his sensational report “On the cult of personality and its consequences.” In a report, Khrushchev expounded facts exposing Stalin. The report was secret. But already in early March, a brochure under the heading “not for print” was distributed to all party organizations. Thus, the “closeness” of the report was conditional (officially it was published only in 1989).

1964 - In Leningrad, USSR, cardiac surgeon Vasily Kolesov conducted the first successful coronary bypass surgery on a man working heart.

1966 - Thea Leoni was born, an American actress (“The Family Man”, “The Bad Guys”, “Secrets of the Past”, “The Hollywood Finale”, “The Clash with the Abyss”).

1971 - born Sean Austin, an American actor who played the role of Sam in the movie trilogy "The Lord of the Rings."

1981 - the toughest game in the history of the NHL between the Boston ''Bruins'' and Minnesota ''North Stars'' - 392 minutes of penalty time (84 penalties).

1999 - in Argentina, Virginia Rivero gave birth to a girl at the time of the accident. Her daughter became the youngest of the people who had an accident.

2009 - the crash of the Boeing 737 in Amsterdam.

2010 - the 500 000's article appeared in Russian Wikipedia.

2014 - Paco de Lucia (born 1947), Spanish guitar virtuoso, died.


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