March 10, or Banned Slavery and ATS Birthday

Zodiac Sign Pisces

February19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
March: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PiscesMarch 10. Born on this day - deeply emotional natures.

Their path to success is often quite easy, but some of them are capable of neglecting careers in the interests of their personal lives.

This does not mean at all that those born on the Day of the Explorers of Human Souls are quite indulgent towards themselves. On the contrary, they like to have a good time, especially in a warm environment, with close friends, they are happy when they occupy the center of the family.

But these people can pay just as much attention to their work.



Pisces men born on March 10Jon Hamm, Chuck Norris, Robin Thicke.

  • possess the following features:
  • spiritual, 
  • sensual, 
  • creative, 
  • musical.
  • Pisces men are idealists and dreamers, they are light and comfortable people in communication.
  • Politeness and tact do not allow men of this sign to show open aggression, which is often their problem.
  • Pisces men fall in love easily and find it difficult to build strong harmonious relationships.
  • The main problems in love are associated with striving for an unattainable ideal and building relationships with those who have a much brighter temperament.
Pisces women born on March 10: Sharon Stone, Carrie Underwood, Haifa Wehbe.

  • are not like others in such features:
  • sympathetic, 
  • artistic, 
  • intellectual.
  • Pisces women are charming, delicate and mysterious young ladies who attract men with their vulnerability and defenselessness.
  • Their femininity and weakness are their main trump cards, creating an atmosphere of mystery around them.
  • Her location is not easy to achieve, and it is her reason that sometimes makes her not go on about emotions.
  • The strongest traits of Pisces women are femininity and the ability to properly manage their trademark features - fragility and softness.

Main event

In China, slavery was banned

March 10, 1910

March 10 in history ( 15 events): or Banned Slavery and ATS Birthday
Slaves almost did not differ from younger wives, which were also purchased ...

Already, at least, for twelve centuries BC in China there were slaves.

Branded, with shaven heads, encased in iron collars, they were dressed in red rags - a symbol of shameful punishment. Therefore, sometimes the sources call them "dressed in red." In general, there were many terms used to refer to slaves: well, bei, tun, shi, fu, jie, poo ... The term "well" meant a male slave, "bay" was a slave, "well," slaves in general.

Prisoners or convicted for various crimes became a slaves. Depending on the seriousness of the offense, the enslavement of prisoners could be temporary, lifelong and hereditary.

It used to be that whole regions were subjected to such punishment. To neighboring tribes, the ancient Chinese kingdoms were looked upon as potential slaves.

Somewhat later, it acquired a wide scope and debt slavery.

The act of selling free into slavery, like the act of buying a slave in general, was formalized by drawing up a purchase contract, the so-called "danshu", which was kept by the slave owner. The liberation of a slave could only be accomplished by annihilating the ''danshu''.

The code of practical morality, which plays a very important role in China, speaks of the need for a slave to have his own family. Slaves almost did not differ from younger wives, who were also purchased and were subordinated to their eldest wife. And male slaves often enjoyed the trust of the master. The same code forced the gentlemen to treat slaves affectionately, to look after them when they are sick ...

With the development of statehood, laws more and more clearly regulated the treatment of them, mitigating the cruelty of former morals. Significant legal norms were adopted before the onset of a new era and at the dawn of her coming.

So, in the I century BC. the practice of unpunished murder of a slave from private owners was officially banned.

The law on the death penalty of a slave who wounded a free citizen was abolished.

A number of important decisions were made during the century.

For example, the Emperor Wu Dee issued a re script that abolished the long-standing custom of sending into slaves children who were pledged for debts and were not redeemed for three years.

By the same order, all those who were turned into state slaves were released, "if the previous laws did not provide for the punishment for committing crimes."

In a number of regions, those who fell into slavery violently or sold themselves because of hunger, as well as women given to concubines, were free.

It was forbidden to brand the slaves, and to persons "who had put obstacles in their way" to their release, they were ordered to apply punishment "in accordance with the law on the forced sale of people into slavery".

The existence of a mass of free farmers and artisans led to the fact that in China slavery was relatively poorly developed (twenty slaves were a sign of great luxury), and in the early 20th century it was even less common.

On the March 10, 1910 slavery in China was banned.

Also on March 10...

1812 - The first two chapters of George Byron's poem Childe Harold's Pilgrimage were published. “I woke up one morning and found myself famous,” he wrote later.

1862 - the first paper money in the United States appeared.

1876 ​​- three days after receiving a patent for a telephone invented by him, Alexander Bell was the first to call his assistant Thomas Watson, who was in the next room, to tell him: “Mr. Watson, come to me. I need you, ”and he heard what the chief said. True, the experiments took place for a year, and perhaps Watson, who knew perfectly well what the inventor was trying to do, simply decided to make him enjoyable, since a lot of time had passed before the device was created that allowed him to understand human speech well. Be that as it may, this day is considered the first when a person picked up the telephone and heard the words addressed to him.

1880 - Russian physicist A. G. Stoletov discovered a photo effect.

1889 - An American businessman from the Kansas City (Missouri) Almon Strowger patented an automatic telephone station, which earned him the title of “father of all ATS”.

1910 - David Wark Griffith’s “In Old California” was released. By itself, it is not remarkable compared with other works of the master, but laid the foundation for the development of the center of the US film industry. The director shot the love story of a Spanish girl and the future governor of California near Los Angeles. Hollywood town with a diverse landscape has become a favorite place for filmmakers, all movie studios began to move here.

1967 - twins are born in Mexico City - eight people. This is the first such case reported.

1940 - Chuck Norris was born, a Hollywood star, a master of martial arts, known as a red-bearded Texas Ranger.

1955 - Juliusz Makhulsky, Polish film director, screenwriter, producer, author of the film “All-in”, “Sex-mission”, “All-in-2, or Retaliation”, “Kingsize” was born

1958 - Sharon Stone was born, a Hollywood star, a woman who awakens all conditional and unconditional instincts.

1973 - Eva Herzigova, Czech supermodel was born.

1984 - Olivia Wilde, American film actress, was born.

1995 - highest snowman in the world - 29.43 meters high was made in Japan.

2018 - died Hubert de Givenchy (born 1927), French fashion designer, founder of the ''Givenchy'' fashion house.


  1. I am sorry, I am Chinese deep into history, I do not understand what you are saying, all those words you said are the names of slave, I cannot figure out any of them. And this dressed in red is a bit out of common sense, do you know how expensive it is to get the color red?? How can we dressed the slaves in "red" when it is a color highly priced??

    1. When writing this article we used material from the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron (1890-1907).


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