February 26, or "Microbe" and Not Hurry Day


Zodiac Sign Pisces

February19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
March: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PiscesFebruary 26. Born on this day have the ability to evoke positive emotions in others.

They are very sensitive to the experiences of loved ones and therefore are always ready to help them.

Perfectly perceiving satire and irony, those born on this day are able to criticize the mistakes of both the mighty of this world and the social order as a whole.

The most enlightened of them are capable of even selfless deeds, if such, in their opinion, can bring concrete benefits to society.

These people encourage others to achieve success, both materially and spiritually.



Pisces men born on February 26: Johnny Cash, Victor Hugo, Buffalo Bill.
  • possess the following distinctive features:
  • sacrificial, 
  • musical, 
  • sensitive, 
  • creative.
  • Pisces men are idealists and dreamers, they are light and comfortable people in communication.
  • Politeness and tact do not allow men of this sign to show open aggression, which is often their problem.
  • Pisces men fall in love easily and find it difficult to build strong harmonious relationships.
  • The main problems in love are associated with striving for an unattainable ideal and building relationships with those who have a much brighter temperament.

Pisces women born on February 26Beren Saat, Teresa Palmer, Lee Chae-rin.
  • they are not like others with such facets of temperament:
  • supersensitive, 
  • adaptable, 
  • artistic.
  • Pisces women are charming, delicate and mysterious young ladies who attract men with their vulnerability and defenselessness.
  • Their femininity and weakness are their main trump cards, creating an atmosphere of mystery around them.
  • Her location is not easy to achieve, and it is her reason that sometimes makes her not go on about emotions.
  • The strongest traits of Pisces women are femininity and the ability to properly manage their trademark features - fragility and softness.

Main event

With the light hand of the French philologist Littre put into circulation the term "microbe"

February 26, 1878

birthday, date, history, holidays,

Microbes or microorganisms are microscopic organisms that are too small to be seen.

The science that deals with the study of microorganisms is called microbiology.

For the first time, microorganisms were discovered more than 250 years ago, in the 17th century, when it became possible to observe them with optical instruments, giving an increase of 160-200 times.

The discoverer of the microworld is the Netherlands naturalist Anton van Leeuwenhoek, who in 1675, with the help of his microscope, first saw microscopic creatures.

Microorganisms include prokaryotes (bacteria, archaea), various forms of eukaryotes (fungi, algae, protozoa) and others.

The word "microbe" was invented by philologist and philosopher Emile Littre, the author of the fundamental "Dictionary of the French language". French scientist Charles Sedio asked Emile Littre to find a suitable name for microorganisms. Littre found the excellent word "microbe". This fact is recorded in a letter sent by a philologist on February 26, 1878.


Not Hurry Day

February 26 have a very original holiday - Day of Not Hurry (or Day of Slowness), which has now acquired the "status" of the international day.

The idea of establishing such a holiday belongs to the Italians. It were they - a very active and emotional people - for the first time celebrated the Day of Not Hurry in 2007, with the aim of slowly enjoying life in its inimitable moment.

Also on February 26...

1564 - Christopher Marlo was born, an English playwright, who is considered the true author of the works of Shakespeare (''Tamerlan the Great'', ''Maltese Jew'').

1616 - the Inquisition freed Galileo Galilei, who had renounced his views, after which he proudly said (albeit in a whisper): "And yet, it spinning!"

1712 - Tula Arms Plant was founded.

1719 - In accordance with the decree of Peter I on the collection of rarities and ancient objects, the Kunstkamera, the first museum in Russia, was founded in St. Petersburg. Visitors at the entrance brought a glass of vodka with a snack: the king knew how to join the people to the art!

1802 - born Victor Hugo, a French writer who invented the beloved monsters of Kvozimodo (“Notre Dame de Paris”) and Guimplain (“The Man Who Laughs”).

1829 - Levi Strauss, inventor of jeans, American businessman of Bavarian origin was born.

1886 - the first mercury in the Russian Empire is produced in Gorlovka.

1895 - in Ohio (USA) patented glassblowing machine.

1917 - The first jazz record on vinyl disk was recorded at the ''Victor'' studio in New York.

1935 - inventor Robert Watson-Watt conducted the first tests of the device "radar" (RAdio Detection And Ranging). It is a system for detecting air, sea, land objects, for determining their range and geometrical parameters. When developing, he used the law formulated by Austrian physicist Christian Doppler: “The frequency of the signal reflected from a moving object differs from the frequency of the emitted signal itself by an amount directly proportional to the speed of movement of the object.”

1939 - Kenzo Takada was born, fashion designer.

1954 - A photo-typographic printing machine was used for the first time in the USA.

1964 - Mark Dacascos was born, American actor (“Only the Strongest,” “The Brotherhood of the Wolf,” “Drive,” “The Weeping Killer”).

1955 - North American Test Pilot George Smith made the first successful supersonic catapult in aviation history.

1970 - The second generation of the Pontiac Firebird is launched.

1995 - One of the oldest British banks, ''Baring's'' (founded in 1762 by Francis Baring) suffered a financial collapse. The clients of the bank were members of the royal family and Queen Elizabeth II herself.

2005 - Jeff Raskin (born 1943), creator of the Macintosh computer, died.


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