March 6, or Aspirin and Dentist Day


Zodiac Sign Pisces

February19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
March: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PiscesMarch 6. The main role in the life of those born on this day  is played by an irresistible attraction to beauty.

Many of them are subtly attractive.

These people are used to surrounding themselves with exquisite objects that give them real pleasure.

Without noticing it, they radiate extremely positive energy that makes other people reach out to them, but, unfortunately, many of them cannot use it to the fullest.

Easy-going people born on this day must learn to understand and develop their abilities and perseverance if they want to become more successful in their careers and move forward in their own development.



Pisces men born on March 6: Tyler, The Creator, Gabriel García Márquez, Shaquille O'Neal.
  • can be proud of the following traits:
  • intuitive, 
  • generous, 
  • compassionate, 
  • impressionable.
  • Pisces men are idealists and dreamers, they are light and comfortable people in communication.
  • Politeness and tact do not allow men of this sign to show open aggression, which is often their problem.
  • Pisces men fall in love easily and find it difficult to build strong harmonious relationships.
  • The main problems in love are associated with striving for an unattainable ideal and building relationships with those who have a much brighter temperament.

Pisces women born on March 6Agnieszka Radwańska, Connie Britton, Valentina Tereshkova.
  • characterized by the following properties:
  • artistic, 
  • sympathetic, 
  • gentle.
  • Pisces women are charming, delicate and mysterious young ladies who attract men with their vulnerability and defenselessness.
  • Their femininity and weakness are their main trump cards, creating an atmosphere of mystery around them.
  • Her location is not easy to achieve, and it is her reason that sometimes makes her not go on about emotions.
  • The strongest traits of Pisces women are femininity and the ability to properly manage their trademark features - fragility and softness.


Aspirin's birthday: German chemist Felix Hoffman received a patent for aspirin

March 6, 1899

German chemist Felix Hoffman received a patent for aspirin

Today, universal medicinal qualities and wide distribution in medicine give grounds to call aspirin one of the main medicines of the 20th century.

But what was before the time when they thought up aspirin? Traditionally, our ancestors reduced fever and relieved pain with water tincture of willow bark or willow. The willow bark was known in ancient times, with the help of her treated various infectious diseases and gout, it was used to relieve pain and reduce temperature.

In 1763, the priest Edward Stone made a report at the Royal Society of London on the cure of a fever chill with tincture of willow bark.

And in 1838 it was shown that the active component of the bark of the willow is salicylic acid.

Somewhat later, the Italian chemist Rafael Piria isolated salicylic acid from the willow bark, determined the chemical composition of this substance and successfully synthesized it. It was called salicylic ("spiral") acid. But the practical medicinal use of salicylic acid was not received. Only after 15 years began to use sodium salt of salicylic acid.

To obtain other types of salicylic acid, the medicinal properties of which could be even more effective, the employee of the company "Bayer" Felix Hoffman developed the technology for the production of acetylsalicylic acid.

The patent was issued on March 6, 1899. The product was given the commercial name "aspirin". This name is made up of two parts: "a" from acetyl and "spir" from Spiraea, the Latin name of the Tavolga is a plant from which salicylic acid was first chemically isolated.

Related article: Aspirin against itching

Dentist Day

The Day of Doctors was first celebrated in the USA, but a good tradition was quickly adopted in other countries.

The selection of the date of the holiday - March 6 - was one of the outstanding inventions in the dental business. In 1790, John Greenwood, a dentist from Washington and the personal dentist of George Washington, invented a dental drill.

The first dental instrument was a weighty drill with a foot drive made from a spinning wheel. However, this did not prevent Greenwood from making four dentures for Washington. And only a century later, in 1907, an electric drill appeared.

The International Day of the Dentist, traditionally coincides with the day of memory of Saint Apollonia. There is a legend, that if only say the name of Apollonia or pray to her - and the toothache will subside.

Also on March 6...

1475 - Michelangelo Buonarroti, the great Italian sculptor, painter, architect, "creator of the Vatican" was born.

1619 - Cyrano de Bergerac, French prose writer and playwright, free-thinker was born.

1665 - the first magazine in the world was published in London. He was called the Philosophical Works of the Royal Society.

1853 - The premiere of Giuseppe Verdi's La Traviata was held in Venice.

1909 - Stanistave Jerzy Lec was born, a famous Polish satirist, who became famous for his aphorisms.

1913 - The word “jazz” was mentioned for the first time in the San Francisco newspaper. Later, in 1917, the American magazine ''Literary Digest'' authoritatively explained that "jazz is music that makes people shake, jump and writhe."

1913 - during the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Romanovs house in Petersburg, hundreds of people perish in a crush, after which Nicholas II will receive the nickname "Bloody".

1924 - The first radio was installed in the Vatican.

1926 - born Andrzej Wajda, Polish film director and screenwriter.

1930 - The first frozen food went on sale in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA. Later the Simpsons "settle down" in this town.

1937 - Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, was born.

1946 - David Gilmore, British guitarist, vocalist, member of the rock band Pink Floyd, was born.

1964 - World boxing champion Cassius Clay took the name Muhammad Ali.

1965 - Janet Jackson was born, singer from the star clan Jackson.

1972 - Shaquille O'Neill was born, American basketball player, actor, producer and rap singer.

1997 - Queen of Great Britain, Elizabeth II  proved to everyone that even the monarchs keep up with the times, opening the first official royal website.

2010 - The 2008 Financial Crisis in Iceland: Parliament called for a national referendum to pass a bill on compensation to depositors. 90% of Icelanders voted against compensation.


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