June 16, or First Woman in Space, Family Remittance and African Children Day

Gemini, June 16

Zodiac Sign Gemini

May: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
June: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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GeminiJune 16Born on this day know a lot about investing.

Both of these concepts - both "investment" and "capital" - imply the presence of money, but they can also serve as a metaphor in relation to other spheres of human life (say, career, family), and it is in these spheres that those born on June 16 actively invest their energy.

Even from failures and crises, those born on June 16 manage to extract a positive seed for their undertakings and projects, skillfully turning disadvantages into advantages. In this sense, they are real capitalists.


Gemini men born on June 16

Gemini men born on June 16:
  • boast the following properties: 
  • lively, 
  • curious, 
  • generous, 
  • sensuality.
  • To conquer such a man, you need to give up hackneyed phrases, show your intelligence and out-of-the-box thinking.
  • Gemini men value in women, first of all, brains and a sense of humor.
Gemini women born on June 16:
  • characterized by the following qualities: 
  • flirtatious, 
  • sociable, 
  • young.
  • Games are Gemini's favorite pastime.
  • They adore experimentation and risk falling madly in love with someone who can seriously surprise and conquer - not by impudence and primitive courtship, but by graceful and non-standard moves.

Main event

Space flight of the first woman-cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova

June 16, 1963

Space flight of the first woman-cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova
Valentina Tereshkova - the world's first woman astronaut.

June 16, 1963 Valentina Tereshkova on the spacecraft Vostok-6 made a flight into space. She became the sixth Soviet cosmonaut.

At the same time in orbit was the Vostok-5 spacecraft, piloted by cosmonaut Valery Bykovsky.

On the day of the first space flight, she told her family that she was going to parachute competitions. They learned about the flight from the news on the radio.

Colonel Nikolai Petrovich Kamanin, who was engaged in the selection and training of cosmonauts, recalled: "Everyone who saw Tereshkov during the preparation for launching and putting the ship into orbit, who listened to her reports on the radio, unanimously declared that she had started better than Popovich and Nikolayev. Yes, I am very glad that I was not mistaken in choosing the first woman-cosmonaut. "

Tereshkova quite seriously suffered a flight. However, despite the nausea and physical discomfort, she sustained 48 turns around the Earth and spent almost three days in space, where she kept a logbook and took photographs of the horizon, which later were used to detect aerosol layers in the atmosphere.

After Tereshkova, the second woman flew into space only after 19 years. She became Svetlana Savitskaya.


International Family Remittance Day (Holiday of those who work abroad)

The day was established at the initiative of the United Nations and aims to recognize the significant financial contribution that migrant workers make not only to the well-being of their remaining families, but also to the sustainable development of their countries of origin.

For the first time, the International Family Remittance Day was celebrated on June 16, 2015 at the opening of the Fifth Global Forum on Remittances and Development in Milan with the participation of more than 400 government officials, representatives of the private sector and leaders of civil society.

In 2016, more than eighty remittance operators supported the holding of the International Family Remittance Day and pledged to do their utmost to earn hard-earned money, be it dollars, euros, pounds, rubles, yen, dinars or nairas sent home, to have the maximum return.

In 2017, the Day was supported by 22 UN organizations within the Global Migration Group.

International Day of the African Child

Every year on June 16, at the initiative of the Organization of African Unity, International Day of the African Child is celebrated.

For the first time, the holiday was celebrated in 1991, and since then the main theme of the Day has been to draw the attention of the world community, children's and medical organizations, as well as politicians around the world to the problems of African children and to the conditions of their daily lives.

The date of the International Day of the African Child was chosen in connection with the tragic events that occurred on June 16, 1976 in South Africa. On that day, thousands of black schoolchildren took to the streets of a settlement on the southwestern outskirts of Johannesburg - Soweto - with demands to improve the quality of school education and defend the right to study in their native language.

Hundreds of young Africans were shot by government security forces. Over the next two weeks, more than a hundred people were killed and more than a thousand injured. Official data reported that from June 16, 1976 to February 28, 1977, during the uprising, as a result of police shootings, 575 people died and about 6 thousand people were arrested.

In 2011, during the Day’s events, it was decided to pay special attention to the plight of street children, whose number on the continent, according to some estimates, is 30 million.

As known, homeless children are the most vulnerable children in the world, they are repeatedly subjected to violence, exploitation, physical and moral humiliation. Tuition fees are another big problem for many African children. Despite the efforts and assistance of charitable organizations, even today there is an insurmountable barrier between law and reality. That is why international organizations, starting with the African Union and UNICEF, annually initiate, organize discussions with the aim of bringing the lives of millions of African children to human.

Also on June 16...

1784 - orange clothes are banned in Holland. The reason for the ban is quite glamorous - the royal monopoly was set to orange, it was declared royal. Now the orange is the national color of Holland.

1816 - after an evening with ghost stories held on the shores of Lake Geneva in the company of Gordon Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley, 19-year-old Mary Shelley, had a nightmare that formed the basis of her novel ''Frankenstein, or Modern Prometheus''.

1862 - In the theater on Broadway during the presentation of the play "Mazepa" (Byron) actress Ada Menken appears half naked, which will lead to an unheard scandal and almost to the closure of the theater.

1903 - Pepsi-Cola trademark is registered in the USA.

1928 - Robert Sheckley was born, American science fiction writer.

1940 - Joseph Meister (b. 1876), the first man in the world who was cured of rabies, died.

1950 - Mithun Chakraborty, Indian actor, was born (Disco Dancer - and that says it all).

1967 - The famous pop festival was held in Monterey (California) in the presence of 50 thousand people. Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Otis Redding, ''The Who'', ''The Mamas and The Papas'', ''Buffalo Springfield'', ''The Grateful Dead'', ''The Byrds'' and ''Jefferson Airplane'' became the stars of the festival All actors performed for free. The culmination of the festival was the performance of Jimi Hendrix, who burnt his guitar in the final.

1971 - born Tupac Shakur (d. 1996), American musician.

1977 - Werner von Braun (b. 1912), German designer of rocket and space technology, creator of the first ballistic missiles, died.

1998 - for the first time, birth giving shown alive on the Internet. A 40-year-old American woman from Florida, who agreed to this experiment, gave birth to a boy named Sean.

2012 - first Chinese female taikonaut Liu Yang was sent as a part of the crew of the "Shenzhou-9'' spacecraft launched for the first national manned docking with the ''Tiangong-1'' orbital laboratory.


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