June 3, or Parachute Birthday and Bike Day


Zodiac Sign Gemini

May: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
June: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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GeminiJune 3For born on this day feel the need to convey their thoughts and ideas to others, and usually do this through speech.

Their language - whether spoken or written - is highly individual, sometimes so ironic or veiled that it is difficult for others to grasp the meaning of what was said.

On the other hand, when those born on June 3 are overly emotional, those around them are completely lost in the face of the onslaught of their directness and harshness.

Those born on this day should show more cunning and diplomacy in their approach to life.

Born 3 June are not only eloquent, but also chatty. Sometimes, over the stream of words, they lose sight of the fact that the audience is already fed up with them. But, observing the enormous interest of the audience, those born on June 3 argue with particular inspiration and hold the public's attention for a long time.


Gemini men born on June 3:
  • have the following traits:
  • funny, 
  • courteous, 
  • calm.
  • To conquer such a man, you need to give up hackneyed phrases, show your intelligence and out-of-the-box thinking.
  • Gemini men value in women, first of all, brains and a sense of humor.
Gemini women born on June 3:
  • characterized by such qualities: 
  • sincere, 
  • sociable, 
  • transforming.
  • Games are Gemini's favorite pastime.
  • They adore experimentation and risk falling madly in love with someone who can seriously surprise and conquer - not by impudence and primitive courtship, but by graceful and non-standard moves.


Parachute birthday - Francois Blanchard demonstrated the parachute designed by him

June 3, 1785

Parachute birthday - Francois Blanchard demonstrated the parachute designed by him

The first sketch of a parachute was painted by Leonardo da Vinci in 1483. "If a man has a tent of starched linen 12 cubits wide and 12 high," the brilliant scientist wrote, "he will be able to rush from any height, without danger to himself." The Leonardo parachute looked like a modern parachute, but the lack of practical necessity in its application served as an obstacle for the manufacture of such shells.

Only the development of aeronautics after 200 years and frequent catastrophes prompted the inventors to take up the creation of an apparatus for the safe descent of a man from a great height.

For the first time, the French physicist Lenorman built and tested such a device, which gave him the name "parachute" (from the Greek "pair" - against and the French "shute" - falling). It had a conical shape, was sewn from the fabric and to reduce the air permeability is pasted from inside with paper. A few dozen thin slings converged to a seat woven from willow twigs.

However, none of the balloonists did not use the invention, although successful experiments with animals, which the inventor dumped on his parachute from the balcony of the Montpellier Observatory from a height of 26 meters, proved its reliability.

June 3, 1785, the French balloonist Francois Blanchard (1753-1809) demonstrated in London his parachute designed for jumping from a balloon. Blanchard himself tried to try his invention and from a height of 300 m he threw a dog on a parachute. The animal landed safely.

A year later in Hamburg, Blanchard conducted the following experiment. This time a sheep came down from the sky.

The first daredevil who jumped from a balloon with a parachute was the French aeronaut Andre-Jacques Garnerin. It happened on October 22, 1797. His jump from a height of 400 meters over the Parisian park of Monzo was the first in Europe.

And all professionals and amateurs of aviation know the name of Gleb Kotelnikov, the inventor of an airborne parachute. Designed by him in 1911, the world's first parachute for saving pilots fully met the requirements for aviation rescue equipment of that time.

Today, the field of application of parachute systems is very wide: personal, parachutes are used for airborne assault, rescue of people and as sports equipment in parachuting. Parachutes cargo, braking, stabilizing, parachutes of space vehicles and other varieties are also used.

Bike Day

June 3, 2018 is the first World Bicycle Day.

Easy to operate, affordable, reliable, environmentally friendly. It helps strengthen physical and mental health. UN resolution describes the bicycle as a means of transportation, which humanity has been using for 200 years.

This holiday, in the opinion of the UN that established it, calls on member states to pay special attention to cycling, to improve road safety, to promote and shape the culture of cycling in society.

Also on June 3...

1761 - born Henry Shrapnel, an English officer who invented a bursting artillery shell with cartographic bullets. For his invention, Henry Shrapnel was rewarded: on November 1, 1803, he was promoted to major, then on July 20, 1804, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel; he was promoted to general.

1784 - Annapolis (Maryland) ceased to be the capital of the United States.

1837 - the world's first racetrack for obstacle races was opened near London.

1896 - a secret treaty was signed, under which China allowed Russia to build the Chinese-Eastern Railway.

1910 - English military dirigible made its first flight. "Beta 1" - the first soft dirigible, moored to the mast and the first British dirigible with a wireless telegraph on board.

1911 - Professor of Petersburg University Rozin, using a cathode-ray tube, received an image of a luminous dot - the world's first telecast.

1946 - In Hungary, under hyperinflation, banknotes worth aegimillion (billion of billions) of Hungarian pengues were issued. Penge will not last long - the forint will replace it already on August 1 of the same year, and a denomination will be held. One forint in August 1946 cost 400 octillion peng, that is, 400 thousand billion of billions (or 400 multiplied by 10 in the 28th degree of penge).

1950 - Suzy Cuatro was born, rock singer.

1954 - the tomb of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Sanheta (approximately 2570 BC) was discovered in the Sahara.

1964 - ''Rolling Stones'' debut on American television on the Dean Martin Show.

1970 - the first artificial gene is synthesized.

1980 - due to an American computer error, reporting a Soviet nuclear attack, a nuclear alarm was declared in the United States. The failure was caused by one of the computers of the NORAD system (North American Aerospace Defense Command). For ten minutes the world was on the verge of nuclear war. As it turned out, the reason for the failure was a defective chip worth 46 cents - the price of war.

2001 - Anthony Quinn (b. 1915), American actor, winner of two Oscars, died.

2004 - The world's deepest swimming pool, named after the famous Jules Vernovsky character, “Nemo 33” opened in the Brussels suburb of Ukkel.

2006 - Montenegrin parliament proclaimed independence of the country.

2010 - the third stage of the Mars-500 project started.

2016 - Mohammed Ali (b. 1942), American professional boxer, died.


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