June 11, or Venus and FM's Birthday


Zodiac Sign Gemini

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June: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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GeminiJune 11Those born on this day are usually have enough courage to overcome any obstacles erected by both society and circumstances.

These people are distinguished by a strong will that helps them move forward, regardless of any restrictions. This is why those born on June 11 often come across as expansive and aggressive.

However, it is worth taking a closer look at these people.

The most successful of them are eternal workers, seekers of truth, well versed in the subject to which they have devoted their entire lives. They do their best to achieve excellence in their craft.

Instead of being afraid of danger, those born on June 11 perceive it as an incentive to action.

Having reached the milestone, which others no longer dare to cross, those born on June 11 boldly take a step forward. Such determination can manifest itself in any area: be it business, sports, cooking, drugs, or raising a family.


Gemini men born on June 11:
  • can be proud of the following qualities: 
  • easy-going, 
  • curious, 
  • young.
  • To conquer such a man, you need to give up hackneyed phrases, show your intelligence and out-of-the-box thinking.
  • Gemini men value in women, first of all, brains and a sense of humor.
Gemini women born on June 11:
  • characterized by such differences of nature: 
  • lively, 
  • sociable, 
  • popular.
  • Games are Gemini's favorite pastime.
  • They adore experimentation and risk falling madly in love with someone who can seriously surprise and conquer - not by impudence and primitive courtship, but by graceful and non-standard moves.

Main event

The automatic interplanetary station Vega-1 reached the vicinity of Venus

June 11, 1985

The automatic interplanetary station Vega-1 reached the vicinity of Venus
Planet Venus

June 4, 1960 issued a decree of the Government of the USSR "On the plans for the development of outer space," which ordered the creation of a launch vehicle for the flight to Mars and Venus.

From February 1961 to June 1985 in the USSR, launches of 16 spacecraft "Venus" were carried out.

In December 1984, Soviet space vehicles Vega-1 and Vega-2 were launched, designed to study Venus and Halley's comet.

On 11 and 15 June 1985, these AMC reached Venus and dropped landing modules into its atmosphere.

As a result of the complex of scientific research and experiments carried out by the apparatuses, the atmosphere of the planet, which is the densest among the planets of the terrestrial group, is studied in detail, since it contains up to 96 percent of carbon dioxide, up to 4 percent of nitrogen and a little water vapor. A thin layer of dust was found on the surface of Venus. Most of it is occupied by hilly plains, the highest mountains rise 11 kilometers above the average surface level. Numerous ridges, stretching for hundreds and thousands of kilometers, resemble mid-ocean ridges. Scientists suggest that in the recent past the surface of Venus has undergone significant changes, and its age is estimated at several hundred million years.

Also on June 11...

1580 - Buenos Aires was founded by the Spanish conquistadors.

1632 - according to the novel, Robinson Crusoe returned to England, after 35 years, of which more than 28 years he was on an uninhabited island. (Daniel Defoe, "Life and the amazing adventures of Robinson Crusoe, a sailor from York who lived twenty-eight years in complete solitude on an uninhabited island off the coast of America near the mouths of the Orinoco River, where he was thrown out after a shipwreck, during which the entire crew of the ship, except him , died, with a statement of his unexpected release by pirates, written by him ").

1889 - Americans John Purdy and James Sadgwar from Washington invented a folding chair.

1895 - the world's first auto racing took place in France.

1910 - Jacques-Yves Cousteau, the most famous scuba diver and submariner, was born. Who invented scuba, underwater houses and the device "diving saucer"? Who shot the exciting documentary series "Underwater World"? Who discovered a bunch of new species of inhabitants of the deep sea and solved a lot of mysteries? Who-who? Cousteau!

1935 - American radio engineer and inventor Edwin Armstrong for the first time publicly conducted a broadcast in the FM band. Today is FM's birthday.

1937 - Reginald Mitchell (b. 1895), an English aircraft designer, creator of the Spitfire fighter, died.

1950 - Bjarne Straustrup was born, Danish scientist and programmer, creator of the C ++ programming language.

1959 - in the family of a housewife and a doctor (hmm, and who else?), The most famous serial doctor, harmful to genius Dr. House, was born in the world British actor Hugh Laurie.

1969 - Peter Dinklage, American theater and film actor (Tyrion Lannister "Game of Thrones") was born.

1972 - The premiere of the scandalous film “Deep Throat” with Linda Lovelace takes place in New York. Despite the name, this masterpiece has a very indirect relation to the use of alcohol.

1979 - John Wayne died (real name Marion Michael Morrison) (b. 1907), an American actor who was called the king of westerns. Shooting annually in about five films, he was perhaps the most sought-after Hollywood actor in the era of sound film.

1982 - movie "Extra-Terrestrial" premiere (Steven Spielberg’s) in the US. Revenues from rental and sale of videotapes will exceed 700 million dollars, crazy for those times cash. The main master of science fiction was marked on July 11 by another blockbuster - in 1993 Spielberg's ''Jurassic Park'' came out, which also broke a decent bank.

1986 - Shia LaBuff, American actor (“Transformers”, “Indiana Johns and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”, “Wall Street. Money Never Sleeps”) was born.

1991 - Microsoft released the MS DOS 5.0 operating system.

2001 - executed Timothy McVey (b. 1968), American criminal, organizer of the terrorist attack in Oklahoma City.

2010 - World Football Cup began in South Africa. The winner of the tournament for the first time in its history was the Spanish national team, and the arsenal of fans was replenished with a deadly loud weapon - a vuvuzella.


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