June 15, or Transfusion and Wind


Zodiac Sign Gemini

May: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
June: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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GeminiJune 15Born on this day rely on their charm, which, as they believe, will help them to carry out their plans and achieve what they want. Thus, their main talents manifest themselves openly and necessarily with the attention of other people.

Indeed, the charm of those born on June 15 can be envied. They manage to persuade others to their point of view and benefit from it. All that most of them need is to feel the recognition of society, but there are also those who use their natural gift of a seducer with insidious calculation or malice.

For such people, the material issue is especially important.

For those born on this day, attractiveness in the broadest sense of the word is very important. If nature has not awarded them with good external data, they successfully use their intellectual abilities to seduce. If this does not work, cunning, eloquence, or a subtle understanding of human psychology are used.


Gemini men born on June 15:
  • characterized by the following properties: 
  • cheerful, 
  • curious, 
  • agile, 
  • firm.
  • To conquer such a man, you need to give up hackneyed phrases, show your intelligence and out-of-the-box thinking.
  • Gemini men value in women, first of all, brains and a sense of humor.
Gemini women born on June 15:
  • have the following traits: 
  • sincere, 
  • full of youth, 
  • versatile.
  • Games are Gemini's favorite pastime.
  • They adore experimentation and risk falling madly in love with someone who can seriously surprise and conquer - not by impudence and primitive courtship, but by graceful and non-standard moves.

Main event

The first successful blood transfusion in human history was performed

The first successful blood transfusion in human history was performed

The system of blood circulation in the human body was described in the published "Anatomical study on the movement of the heart and blood in animals" in 1628 by the English scientist William Harvey, who discovered the law of blood circulation and deduced the basic principles of the movement of blood in the body. His scientific conclusions after a while allowed to start developing a technique for blood transfusion.

June 15, 1667 professor of mathematics, philosophy and medicine in Sorbonne, Jean-Baptiste Denis poured to a 16-year-old boy suffered a fever, 9 ounces (about 250 cubic centimeters) of lamb blood, after which the patient quickly recovered.

This fact is considered to be unique, because only about 250 years later the known groups of human blood were recognized.

Subsequent attempts to repeat Denis's success often led to tragic consequences, and blood transfusion was banned in France.

A real breakthrough in the practice of blood transfusions were the experiments of British obstetrician James Blundell, who in 1818 saved the life of one of his patients by spilling her husband's blood.

During the 19th century, his experience was used by other doctors, however, despite the obvious progress, the percentage of unsuccessful transfusions remained very high, and this procedure was considered an extremely risky method.

In 1900, the Austrian doctor Karl Landsteiner discovered the first three blood groups - A, B and C. Soon the list was added and the fourth - AB. These discoveries gave a powerful impetus to research in the field of cross-compatibility of blood.

In 1907, the first blood transfusion was performed in New York from a healthy person, with a preliminary check of their blood for compatibility. The doctor Ruben Ottenberg, who produced the transfusion, eventually noticed the universal suitability of the I blood group.


Wind day

Today, our planet celebrates World Wind Day.

The holiday was initiated by the European Wind Energy Association and World Wind Energy Council. The purpose is to attract the attention of the public (first of all, representatives of the energy complexes of different countries) to the huge potential of wind power.

“Wind power plants - our future”, experts says. Many countries understand this now. Despite the doubts of skeptics who consider “taming the wind” as a waisting time, wind turbines (WET) today operate successfully in almost 80 countries around the world, and thousands of people are involved in the production of wind energy.

For the first time, Wind Day was celebrated in Europe in 2007. Already in 2009, it acquired world status, over 30 countries joined the celebration. Every year their number is growing rapidly.

World Day Against Elderly Abuse

UN General Assembly declared June 15 as World Day for the Spread of Information about Elderly Abuse.

Elder abuse is a global social problem that affects the health and human rights of millions of older people around the world. According to the UN, approximately 4–6% of older people experience some form of mistreatment at home.

On this day, the whole world expresses its disagreement with some elders abuses and their suffering.

Also on June 15...

1215 - English King John the Landless signed the “Magna Carta of Liberty”.

1502 - Christopher Columbus discovered the island of Martinique.

1752 - Benjamin Franklin, during an experiment with a kite, proved the electrical nature of lightning. Paper was replaced by silk. On the nose of the structure there was a piece of wire that pulled the lightning, the discharge from which passed through the wet string and reached the metal key fixed on the lower end of the rope.

1763 - queen Catherine II issued a manifest, prohibiting the casting of rash speeches that are dangerous to public peace.

1843 - Edward Grieg, the future great composer and musical reformer, was born in Bergen, Norway. At the age of 15, on the advice of a prominent violinist of the time, his parents sent Edward to study at the Leipzig Conservatory. After that, Grieg went to Rome, where he met Franz Liszt. This meeting also gave a lot to the future author of the drama ''Peer Gynt''.

1844 - Charles Goodyear patented a method of vulcanizing rubber. Others in the auto industry took advantage of his invention, and the inventor himself died in poverty.

1869 - American John Hyatt patented celluloid.

1878 - the first attempt to produce a film similarity was made in the USA (12 cameras simultaneously recorded one frame in order to determine whether all four hooves would lift off the ground at horse gallop).

1904 - ''Bayer'' (Leverkusen) football club is founded.

1946 - Demis Roussos was born (d. 2015), Greek singer, who started with Vangelis in the group “Aphrodites Child” and continued his solo musical career.

1954 - in Basel (Switzerland) founded UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) - an organization that controls football in Europe. UEFA is one of the six continental confederations that make up FIFA, of which UEFA is the most influential and wealthy.

1954 - James Belushi was born, an American actor of Albanian origin (“K-9”, “Red Heat”, “Curly Sue”).

1956 - John Lennon and Paul McCartney first met.

1966 - legendary group ''Cream'' is founded.

1986 - ''Pravda'' newspaper announced that leaders of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant fired because of their negligence.

1999 - Coca-Cola  sellinh was banned in Belgium due to the increased level of chemicals in it.

2004 - the first network virus for mobile phones was detected - ''Cabir''.

2014 - for the first time in the history of the World Cup, the Goal Control (automatic goal definition) system was introduced. During the match France - Honduras system proved to be effective.


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