June 7, or Piracy Era Decline


Zodiac Sign Gemini

May: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
June: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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GeminiJune 7Born on this day not only keep their finger on the pulse of public life, but often dictate fashion and style of behavior both in a certain social group and in the family.

These colorful personalities are sometimes incorrigible dreamers, but they, like no one else, know how to meet the expectations and desires of others.

However, in some cases, their overconfidence and charisma can lead to disappointment, since the June 7 born leaders elected to the role do not quite match her.

Yet with a certain degree of risk and courage, they manage to attract the sympathy of society.


Gemini men born on June 7:
  • can boast the following distinctive features: 
  • eloquent, 
  • curious, 
  • talented.
  • To conquer such a man, you need to give up hackneyed phrases, show your intelligence and out-of-the-box thinking.
  • Gemini men value in women, first of all, brains and a sense of humor.
Gemini women born on June 7:
  • are not like others with such differences of nature: 
  • inventive, 
  • educated, 
  • erudite.
  • Games are Gemini's favorite pastime.
  • They adore experimentation and risk falling madly in love with someone who can seriously surprise and conquer - not by impudence and primitive courtship, but by graceful and non-standard moves.

Main event

The earthquake in Jamaica triggered a tsunami that destroyed the city of Port Royal, the main pirate base in the Caribbean. The decline of the piracy era in the West Indies began.

June 7, 1692

The earthquake in Jamaica destroyed the city of Port Royal, the main pirate base in the Caribbean

The city (fort) of Caguay, the future Port Royal, was founded by the Spaniards in 1518. The city was based on a distance of about 30 km from the former Spanish capital of the island - the city of Santiago de la Vega (English Town Town). Port Royal was the center of maritime trade in the Caribbean until the second half of the 17th century. After the capture by the British of the Spaniards of Jamaica in 1655, during the era of the protectorate of Cromwell, Port Royal was chosen as the capital. Port Royal was a safe haven for both honest traders and pirates controlling the sea routes between Spain and Panama.

Port Royal was attractive to pirates for several reasons. Its proximity to trade routes gave the pirates easy access to mining, but the most important advantage was proximity to the few safe sea routes going to Spain from the Atlantic Ocean. The harbor was large enough not only to accommodate vessels, but also, if necessary, for care and repair. The island was also ideal for raids on Spanish settlements. From Port Royal, Henry Morgan attacked Panama, Portobelo and Maracaibo. Such famous personalities as Roche Brazilian, John Davis (pirate), and Edward Mansfield (Mansveldt) also chose Port Royal as their base.

Happened on the afternoon of June 7, 1692 at 11:43, according to the stopped hours found on the bottom of the bay, the strongest earthquake completely flooded 2/3 of the city's area known as the "treasury of the West Indies" and "one of the most immoral places on Earth ": 13 acres of urban land along with the houses was just washed away in the sea, another 13 were flooded with a tsunami. Victims of the earthquake were 2/3 of the city's residents (about 5000 people). About 50 ships and ships sank in the harbor of Port Royal, and 1,800 city buildings were destroyed.

Even before the raging element calmed down, some of the survivors began to maraud, breaking into houses and warehouse buildings. The dead were also robbed, undressed, and in some cases even cut off their fingers in order to remove the rings from them.

In those days, the natural disaster was regarded as a heavenly punishment for the sins of the inhabitants of Port Royal. The members of the Council of Jamaica declared: "We are become by this instance of God Almighty's severe judgment." This view was extended not only to Jamaica, in Boston Cotton Mather wrote in a letter to his uncle: "Behold, an accident speaking to all our English America".

As a result of the earthquake, Port Royal was almost completely destroyed, and the British colonial administration was forced to transfer the capital of the island of Jamaica to a small village of Kingston on the opposite (northern) shore of the Port Royal Bay.

Despite the destruction, Port Royal was still rebuilt. In 1703, only eleven years after the earthquake in 1692, a violent fire broke out in the city, which again destroyed the city. Several strong hurricanes that followed, and another three-day fire in 1728 destroyed the city completely, so that all of its remaining population was forced to move from Port Royal.

Currently, a significant part of the city is flooded as a result of landslide processes caused by the earthquake that occurred on June 7, 1692. The average depth of the residues of houses and other buildings is 15 meters.

During the detailed studies of Port Royal, two buildings with surviving walls and door openings (later destroyed due to erosion of bottom sediments), 4 hundreds of smoking pipes, many bottles and fragments of ceramics, as well as the keel of the famous frigate HMS Swan, sunk together with the city on that ill-fated day. There are plans to organize tourist trips to the site of an old catastrophe on specialized boats with a glass bottom.

Also on June 7...

1099 - First Crusade: the beginning of the siege of Jerusalem.

1498 - Christopher Columbus set off on his third journey.

1775 - United Colonies change their name to the United States (United States).

1848 - Paul Gauguin (d. 1903), French painter, graphic artist, sculptor and ceramist, post-impressionist was born.

1868 - born Charles Rennie Mackintosh (d. 1928), English architect, designer and illustrator, founder of the Art Nouveau style in Scotland ..

1903 - In Berlin, the French scientist Pierre Curie announced the discovery of a new chemical element - polonium.

1909 - Virginia Apgar (d. 1974), an American anesthesiologist in obstetrics, author of the famous Apgar scale, was born.

1919 - written tests for obtaining a driver's license were held first time in New York.

1924 - William James Pirry (b. 1847), an Irish shipbuilder and creator of the ''Titanic'', died.

1929 - Vatican State was formed in accordance with the Lateran Agreements.

1938 - play "Susanna and God", with the original Broadway cast, first time shown on TV.

1938 - The Nazi government of Austria announced that everyone who wants to get married is obliged to prove their Aryan origin.

1952 - Liam Neeson was born, an English actor ("Schindler's List", "Rob Roy", etc.).

1958 - born Prince (full name Prince Rogers Nelson; d. 2016), American singer, musician, composer, songwriter.

1960 - Women are allowed to get an education in Saudi Arabia.

1963 - The Rolling Stones group debut took place in the program “Thank Your Lucky Stars”. The record label Decca released the first single "Come On".

1965 - Sony introduced the first home video recorder priced at $ 995 - the CV-2000.

1970 - Cafu was born , Brazilian footballer, two-time world champion (1994, 2002).

1989 - ''DC-8'' crash under Paramaribo. 176 people died - the largest plane crash in the history of Suriname.

2013 - Richard Ramirez died (b. 1960), American maniac, serial killer.

2015 - Christopher Lee died (b. 1922), English actor, singer. (Dracula in the ''Hammer Film Productions'' film series. Saruman in the ''Lord of the Rings'' trilogy, Count Dooku ''Star Wars''. Thanks to knowledge of several languages, he participated in the soundtrack of films and video games in different languages.


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