June 9, or Friends, Archives, Accreditation Day and Knitting in Public Day


Zodiac Sign Gemini

May: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
June: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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GeminiJune 9Born on this day can be both persistent in achieving goals and surprisingly passive at the same time.

As a rule, such a duality of nature is manifested in the fact that in certain situations those born on June 9 demonstrate tremendous willpower and determination, and in some cases they do not want to act at all.

So, say, they can be stubborn at work, but timid in relationships with others (especially when it comes to initiating these relationships).

Or, on the contrary, at work they can be sluggish and lack of initiative, and at home they can show themselves as leaders.


Gemini men born on June 9:
  • can be proud of the following characteristics: 
  • eloquent, 
  • inquisitive, 
  • talented.
  • To conquer such a man, you need to give up hackneyed phrases, show your intelligence and out-of-the-box thinking.
  • Gemini men value in women, first of all, brains and a sense of humor.
Gemini women born on June 9:
  • not like others in such qualities: 
  • lively, 
  • sociable, 
  • intelligent.
  • Games are Gemini's favorite pastime.
  • They adore experimentation and risk falling madly in love with someone who can seriously surprise and conquer - not by impudence and primitive courtship, but by graceful and non-standard moves.


International Friends Day

International Friends Day
A friend is one soul living in two bodies. Aristotle

All peoples at all times revered friendship as the greatest social and moral value. Not surprisingly, in different countries there are holidays dedicated to friends. One of them, International Friends Day, is celebrated in several countries every year on 9 June.

Naturally, the folk art of our distant ancestors left a lot of proverbs, sayings and aphorisms about friends.
Remember? - An old friend is better than two new ones.
Three friends: father, mother, and a faithful wife.
Friends and in one grave are not crowded.
Do not keep a hundred of money, but keep a hundred friends.
As Arthur Schopenhauer remarked: "True friendship is one of those things about which, like giant sea snakes, it is not known whether they are fictitious or where they exist".

But we hope that in your life there is at least one person whom you want to whole-heartedly congratulate on this holiday. After all, the International Day of Friends is founded precisely to ensure that, regardless of life circumstances and various vicissitudes, we reminded our friends about how important they are for us to make them happy.

Although history is silent by whom and when this unofficial holiday was established, but this does not deprive him of popularity. Perhaps, this holiday for someone will be an excellent occasion to again, after some time, to call or write to old-good friends, and then get together a noisy friendly company and share good news and pleasant memories.

International Accreditation Day

Beginning in 2008, 9 International Accreditation Day is celebrated annually.

Accreditation means to confirm authority and vouch that the actions of the ombudsman will not leave the designated circle.

In other words, this is a process, as a result, it is confirmed that the actions of a person or organization should be trusted, and the services provided by them meet a certain standard.

International Day of Archives

The International Day of Archives, celebrated annually on June 9, was established by the International Council of Archives (ACI) in November 2007 at the General Assembly in Quebec (Canada).

This date was chosen because, on June 9 in 1948 by the decision of UNESCO and under its auspices the International Council of Archives was founded. It is a professional organization of the world archival community, contributing to the preservation, development and use of world archival heritage. It is a neutral non-governmental organization, funded by its members from many archives around the world.

Today, this organization has about 1,5 thousand members from more than 190 countries. Activities are aimed at resolving issues of effective archival management and the preservation, processing and use of archival heritage in the world through setting international standards and advanced training for archivists, as well as providing access to archives through dialogue between archivists, politicians, entrepreneurs and ordinary archives users.

Day of Knitting in Public

Since 2005, one of the Saturdays of June is Day of Knitting in Public.

Anyone who likes to knit or crochet, gather in some public place of the city - in a park, in a public garden, in a cafe - and indulge in their favorite pastime.

For the first time, World Knitting Day in Public was held in Paris. Invented this fun, which has become a tradition, a lover of knitting, Daniel Lendés. Over time, not only French women, but also residents of other countries (the holiday is held, for example, in the USA, England, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Estonia). Also an action has its own emblem, which depicts two knitting needles on the background with a map of Europe.

By the way, in many places the action has acquired a charitable character. Usually, needlewomen pass all things made on this day to the funds for low-income citizens or put them up at fairs, and all the funds raised, send to help those in need. Especially active knitters are trying to "tie up" the whole world: they send knitted items to distant countries and even to other continents.

In addition, as part of the World Day of Knitting in Public, exhibitions of knitted products, fashion shows, master classes for those who wish to learn this uneasy but fascinating activity are organized.

Today, according to various sources, World Knitting Day is held in more than 350 cities of the planet.

Also on June 9...

1781 - George Stephenson was born, in the English manner - Stevenson, English inventor, creator of one of the first steam locomotives and builder of the first public railway Darlingon-Stockton.

1822 - Charles Graham receives the first patent for the false jaw.

1904 - the first concert was given by the London Symphony Orchestra, later recognized as one of the best in the world.

1908 - for the first time, in the air, rescued a man who did not open the parachute. Women become heroes: Dolly Shepard saves the life of Lola Mae, managing to land with her on one parachute. On the issue of female friendship ...

1934 - for the first time the famous duckling Donald Duck appeared on the screen in the animated film “The Wise Little Hen”. It originated from the voice of an actor who imitated birds so ridiculously that Walt Disney paid attention to him. The first time Donald spoke nameless, in an amateur charity concert, which led the Mickey Mouse. The duckling went on stage with artistic reading, but he was booed. He became enraged, and from here his evil, quick-tempered, irritable character began to develop. The popularity of Donald will be promoted by the fact that viewers will find in it a resemblance to the US Secretary of the Interior Harold Ikes, nicknamed Old Snapper. Many will even argue over who imitates who - Minister to Duck or vice versa.

1961 - Michael J. Fox was born, an American actor, famous for the ''Back to the Future'' trilogy.

1963 - born Johnny Depp, a Hollywood actor, who is also ''Captain Jack Sparrow'', ''Crybaby'' and ''Sweeney Todd''.

1981 - Natalie Portman was born, an Israeli-American actress who, from 13 years of age, “tore up the hall” as the girlfriend of the stern Leon-killer, and by the age of 30 she grabbed Oscar for the role of schizophrenic prima ballerina from ''Black Swan''.

2015 - James Last died (b. 1929), German composer, arranger, conductor. One of the most famous compositions "Der einsame Hirte". A new wave of popularity tunes gave the film "Kill Bill".

2015 - Fred Anton Mayer (b. 1938), Norwegian speed skater, Olympic champion (1968) died.


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